
How much is the price of tea seed oil per jin? How much oil can be squeezed from a jin of tea seeds?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In the season of picking tea seeds, everyone picks and dried the tea seeds and sells them for 100 yuan a jin. Those who buy tea oil may think the price is high. In fact, the nutritional value of tea seed oil is high, and the market demand is also large. So, how much is the price of tea seed oil per jin? One jin of tea seeds

In the season of picking tea seeds, everyone picks and dried the tea seeds and sells them for 100 yuan a jin. Those who buy tea oil may think the price is high. In fact, the nutritional value of tea seed oil is high, and the market demand is also large. So, how much is the price of tea seed oil per jin? How much oil can be squeezed from a jin of tea seeds?

How much is the price of tea seed oil per jin?

According to Alibaba, Jiangxi wild camellia 122, cold pressed camellia oil 47, Fulun wild camellia oil 1.5L × 2 bottle gift box 299yuan. Jiangxi specialty Fulun crushed the first-grade edible camellia oil 500ml × 2 bottle at low temperature.

According to the correlation of Huinong net, the price of tea seed oil in Xinfeng County, Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province is 70.00 yuan / jin. The price of tea seed oil in Shicheng County, Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province is 80.00 yuan / jin. The price of tea seed oil in Guangze County, Nanping, Fujian Province is 100.00 yuan / jin, starting from 1 jin.

According to Baidu purchasing network, the pure natural cold-pressed tea seed oil in Xianning City, Hubei Province is 428 yuan, the edible oil of camellia oil in Liuzhou City, Guangxi is 20l 1452 yuan, the wild freshly squeezed tea seed oil in Hubei Province is 60 yuan, the pure wild camellia seed oil 1L118 yuan in Huaihua City, Hunan Province, and the old camellia seed oil in wild camellia seed oil is 220 yuan.

Second, how much oil can be extracted from a jin of tea seeds?

The season for picking tea seeds is around late September (the Autumn Equinox) to early November (the Beginning of Winter). Tea seeds must be picked before Frosts Descent, or the harvest will not be very good. National Day is the best time to pick tea seeds. One hundred jin of tea balls can get about 30 jin of tea seeds, while 100 jin of good tea seeds can extract about 20 jin of oil.

According to the normal pressing process, the cost of the first oil produced (calculated according to the price of tea seeds this year) is about 8 yuan per jin of tea seeds, about two or two oils per catty, and the cost of one catty of oil is about 40 yuan, excluding the manual management fee. The price in the packaging market is about 70 yuan.