
Both internal and external studies make rural tourism more interesting.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A relevant official of the National Tourism Administration recently said at the 30-year Forum of China Modern Rural Tourism that China makes 3.6 billion domestic tourists every year, of which 1.8 billion are in rural areas, and farmers receive at least 600 million people directly. It is expected that in the next 5 to 10 years, rural brigades

A relevant official of the National Tourism Administration recently said at the "China Modern Rural Tourism 30 years Forum" that China makes 3.6 billion domestic tourists every year, of which 1.8 billion are in rural areas, and farmers receive at least 600 million people directly. It is estimated that in the next 5 to 10 years, rural tourism will receive 2 billion people and farmers will receive 1 billion people directly. It can be said that rural tourism is still in the ascendant and has great potential for market development.

In recent years, rural tourism has developed vigorously, forming a new form of tourism consumption. Rural tourism integrates agricultural production process with tourism, catering and service, which can transform rural ecological environment, folk culture and other potential resources into products and increase farmers' income. Tourism is a highly related industry, which involves many factors, such as food, housing, transportation, tourism, shopping, entertainment and so on. The development of rural tourism can promote the rapid development of catering, accommodation, transportation, commerce, entertainment and other industries. And tourism is a labor-intensive industry, many working farmers can be competent only after short-term training, which provides employment opportunities for farmers with relatively low educational level. The development of rural tourism can promote the local employment of rural surplus labor force. Therefore, the development of rural tourism can lead to the increase of farmers' income after the development of rural industry and the widening of farmers' employment channels. with the improvement of economic conditions, farmers' living and cultural consumption levels will also be continuously improved. drive farmers' material life will be more and more well-off.

However, in the process of the development of rural tourism, there are also problems such as backward infrastructure and insufficient cultural connotation, which requires different regions to continue to strengthen in terms of hardware according to their own characteristics. it is also necessary to constantly highlight the soft power advantages of their own culture and folk customs, achieve both internal and external repair, expand the content of rural tourism, so that tourists can come, have to see, and stay.

In terms of the enhancement of hardware facilities. Rural tourism can take advantage of the opportunity of building a new countryside to strengthen the construction of hardware facilities. The national new rural construction is in the demonstration and exploration stage, from the central to local finance will give a lot of financial support from the road construction, environmental improvement, agricultural comprehensive development, industrial development and other aspects. For rural tourism which is lack of funds, we should make full use of the opportunities of policy and funds to develop. The planning of new rural construction should focus on promoting the construction of "tourism and cultural villages, ecological and cultural villages, and living in adequate food and clothing villages". For conditional demonstration villages and advanced villages, we can unify the planning and layout of new rural construction and rural tourism, combined with special funds for new rural construction, make overall arrangements for infrastructure construction, environmental improvement and the use of funds, and focus on creating a number of rural tourist villages with characteristics, foundation and demonstration role. This can get twice the result with half the effort in the development of rural tourism and the construction of a new countryside. In the process of specific implementation, on the one hand, the urban public infrastructure can be extended to the countryside, supporting the infrastructure needed by rural tourism services. On the other hand, we should co-ordinate the tourism resources such as "urban areas, scenic spots, parks and suburbs" and make unified planning to form urban tourism, scenic spot tourism and industrial tourism from the city to the city, and tourism routes such as "farm music" and "ecological tourism" from the countryside to the countryside. strengthen the construction of rural tourism hardware facilities with the help of the integrated development of urban and rural areas.

In terms of soft power such as strengthening the characteristics of cultural and folk customs. Tourism, as an economic activity that connects consumers' needs, identity, emotion and culture, is the external presentation of consumers' life style and consumption culture. In the "urban cage" constructed by steel and concrete, people often maintain their yearning for "pastoral pastoral songs", eager to return to nature and return to the state of "slow life". Modern tourism is no longer simple to eat, drink and play. Tourists begin to pay more and more attention to the pursuit and exploration of culture from the initial search for new, special, strange, strange and other stimuli. Local traditional folk customs, folk customs and historical customs are the roots of rural tourism culture and the basis for the formation of scenic spot characteristics. In order to attract tourists and form charm, it is necessary to be good at exploring tourism culture and integrating cultural connotation into the construction of scenic spots. Therefore, in order to enhance the attractiveness and competitiveness of rural tourism, on the one hand, it is necessary to retain the original natural scenery, and at the same time, on this basis, combined with its own characteristics, carry out appropriate development to a certain extent, and endow it with certain folk cultural connotations. highlight the status of culture, folklore and other soft content in rural tourism. Let tourists fully experience the unique rural scenery and strong nostalgia in rural tourism, so that tourists can travel more quality and better meet the needs of the spiritual level.

The pressure of transformation and the challenge of innovation test every rural tourism practitioner. Only by solving the problems of primary products, single mode, market saturation and vicious competition, and only by allowing tourists to experience natural scenery and feel humanistic feelings at the same time, rural tourism will make tourists "remember to live in homesickness". Only by vigorously expanding the content of rural tourism can rural tourism go further.