
What month is the flowering period of jujube? What are the key points of management technology?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The management of flower bud stage of jujube is an important link in production, which is related to the growth of branches and leaves of jujube, the maintenance of tree shape and tree potential, the rational distribution of reserve nutrients, and the robust formation and development of flower buds, which is the guarantee for the realization of high yield, high quality and high efficiency. Only various items

The bud stage management of jujube tree is an important link in production, which is related to the growth strength of branches and leaves, the maintenance of tree shape and tree vigor, the reasonable distribution of reserved nutrients, the healthy formation and development of buds, and the guarantee of high yield, high quality and high efficiency. Only when all measures are put into place can the yield of jujube trees be stabilized and the quality improved. What month is that jujube blossom? What are the key management techniques?

What month is the date tree flowering?

Jujube blossoms in May to June, cymes axillary, flowers small, yellow-green, flowering about a month. According to legend, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Yellow Emperor led ministers, guards to the wild hunting. When he reached a valley, he was thirsty, hungry and tired. Suddenly, I saw several trees on the mountain, and the trees bore attractive fruits. Everyone rushed over and picked it first. It tasted sour and sweet, quenching their thirst, and fatigue was forgotten. Everyone repeatedly said good, but do not know its name, please give the name of the Yellow Emperor. The Yellow Emperor said: "This fruit has solved our hunger and fatigue. It is not easy to find it all the way. Let it find it!" Later, Cangjie created the word, according to the characteristics of the tree has thorns, with the thorn side stacked up, created the word "jujube."

2. What are the key points of jujube flowering management technology?

1, flowering topdressing

Generally carried out in late May, topdressing with quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer and appropriate amount of phosphorus fertilizer, generally each fruit tree into the urea 0.5 kg, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate 0.5 kg. After fertilization, timely irrigation of flower water, loosening soil and preserving soil moisture.

2. Open A

Generally, it is carried out at the full flowering stage (in the middle of June), that is, when the flowering amount accounts for 30%~50% of the total number of flower buds, and it is recommended that young and strong trees open their nails. The first time the tree opened the nail was carried out on the trunk 20~30 cm from the ground. After that, the opening position moved up 5~10 cm every year. When the first main branch was reached, the above operation was repeated. The width of the nail mouth was generally 0.3~0.6 cm. The width of opening nail should be wide for strong trees and narrow for weak trees. When it rains at flowering stage, it can be widened by 0.1~0.2 cm, but the maximum width should not exceed 1 cm. After opening the nail, attention should be paid to the protection of the nail mouth. Every 1 week or so, the nail mouth should be coated with 100~200 times the liquid of Lesben and other insecticides. Smooth the nail mouth with mud for slow healing process, which is both insect proof and moisturizing, which is conducive to nail mouth healing. Kaijia can also be used with new technology to promote flower king 2, the use period is about 20% when the jujube flower is used for the first time, wait for 30~35 days after the second time.

3. Pinning of new shoots

From the middle of May to the last ten days of June, the first branch and the second branch of the new jujube head which are not made into backbone branches are timely picked, the growth of the development branches is controlled, the nutrient consumption is reduced, and the fruit setting rate is improved. Generally, when the new jujube head grows to 2~6 secondary branches, the top core is picked, and the secondary branches grow with the top core. When the 3~4 secondary branches at the base of the jujube head grow to 5~7 nodes, the top 1~4 secondary branches grow to 3~5 nodes. The degree of picking depends on the growth of jujube head and the size of the space in which it is located. Generally, weak branches are heavy and strong branches are light; when the space is large, it is light, and when the space is small, it is heavy. In addition to picking the core at this stage, the jujube head that has just sprouted and has no use value should be removed from the base as soon as possible, and the perennial branches that are too dense in the bore should be removed to save nutrients and facilitate ventilation and light transmission.

4. Three sprays at flowering stage

Spraying fertilizer. Fertilizer spraying is carried out in full bloom of jujube, and a mixed aqueous solution of 0.3% urea, 0.1%~0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.2%~0.3% borax is continuously sprayed on leaves for 2~3 times every half month. Choose sunny morning or evening spray, especially in the evening spray is appropriate, spray fertilizer amount to foliar moisture for degrees, if the rain after spraying should be timely spray.

Spray water. Choose 60% flowers in full bloom when the best time to evening, spray water evenly on jujube flowers with a sprayer, to water wet leaves for degrees. The frequency of spraying depends on the degree of drought. Generally, it is sprayed once every 3~5 days, continuously sprayed 2~3 times, and sprayed 3~5 times in severe drought years.

Plant growth regulator spray. Spraying GA3 solution (15~20 mg/l) or NAA (15 ~ 20 mg/l) or Na (5~10 mg/l) 2,4-D 1~2 times in the morning or evening of sunny day, spraying NAA (30~60 mg/l) or 2,4-D (30 mg/l) 2 times in the young fruit stage (interval 20 days) can effectively prevent flower and fruit dropping of jujube trees.