
What is Sargassum fusiforme? How much half a kilo?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As the saying goes, there is a lot of local food on the table in rural areas, but because China is vast and rich in ingredients, some food is very common in the region, but the locals don't eat it. Today

As the saying goes, "rely on the mountain to feed the mountain, rely on the water to draw water". Generally speaking, the most common food on the table in rural areas is a lot of local food, but because China is vast and rich in ingredients, some food is very common in the region. Local people don't eat it. The Sargassum fusiforme we are going to talk about today is feed in the eyes of local farmers, but it is a rare delicacy in some countries. So what is Sargassum fusiforme? How much is Sargassum fusiforme per jin? The following editor will answer them one by one.

What is Sargassum fusiforme

1. Sargassum fusiforme is a kind of algae, which is widely distributed along the coast of China and can be seen in many places. Sargassum fusiforme is usually yellowish brown, it will appear on the rocks in the tidal area of the sea, and in some places you can pick up a plastic bag. Because there are so many, the local people think that it is an invasive plant, almost no one eats it, and you can buy it for a few yuan.

2. People don't like ducks, but they like ducks very much. when some farmers found this, they asked local fishermen to buy some Sargassum fusiforme to feed the ducks. Because Sargassum fusiforme is indeed of good nutritional value, it is appropriate to use it as feed, and the duck that eats it grows well.

3. In the eyes of local farmers, Sargassum fusiforme is the feed for ducks, but the treatment of this dish is completely different. The Japanese like this kind of algae very much and call it a "longevity dish."

4. Because Japan's production is limited, Sargassum fusiforme is more expensive than beef on their side, and it needs to be imported from China. If the Japanese knew that the dishes they thought were delicious were fed to ducks by Chinese farmers, they did not know how they would feel.

How much is Sargassum fusiforme per jin

1. Picked up from the sea and dried without any processing. The price of 1 jin is within 10 yuan according to the degree of cleaning, old and tender, etc. But Sargassum fusiforme is not popular because it is too troublesome to deal with. One has to wash away, and the second has to cook for more than 2 hours. if it is not rotten, there will be no difference between what you pull out and what you eat, hehe! Which means the body can't absorb it at all.

2. High-tech processed Sargassum fusiforme is the export goods processed according to the requirements of Japanese merchants. The price of 1 jin is about 50 yuan (according to the current Taobao price). Mainly bubble hair ready-to-eat is very convenient. And the sprouts and stalks have been separated, so there is no need to worry about sundries and sand. But soaking for too long will rot, but the human body is easy to absorb.

3. The common ready-to-eat bagged Sargassum fusiforme in China is less than 20 yuan per jin. After cleaning, cooking, seasoning, packaging and other steps. Because to add seasoning and so on, there are some problems in food safety. Personally, in terms of performance-to-price ratio, it is not as good as processed practical information (only 7 yuan per jin after soaking)

All right, the above is how much per jin of Sargassum fusiforme brought by the editor of For those who like it, welcome to follow I'll see you next time.