
How much is ginseng for a kilo of "precious traditional Chinese medicine"? How can you tell the true from the false?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to ginseng, many people should be familiar with it. It is a relatively valuable traditional Chinese medicine. It is very popular with many people because of its high edible value and medicinal value, as well as its effects of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the spleen and lung. But there are always some people in the market in order to make a profit.

When it comes to ginseng, many people should be no stranger to it. It is a relatively valuable traditional Chinese medicine. It is deeply welcomed by many people because of its high edible value and medicinal value, as well as its effects of solidifying the original body fluid and tonifying the spleen and lung. But there are always some people in the market who sell fake ginseng to deceive consumers in order to make a profit, so we need to identify it. So how much is ginseng per jin? How can you tell the true from the false?

How much is the price of ginseng per jin?

The price of ginseng varies greatly because of its different quality, specification and origin, but in general, the price of ginseng is about 20-4000 yuan per jin, that is, about 500g, among which the main factor affecting the price of ginseng is quality. in general, the price of ginseng is about 0.5 yuan per gram, that is, about 250 yuan per jin, while the price of ginseng of general quality is about 2 yuan per gram. That is, about 1000 yuan per jin, if the price of ginseng with better quality is more than 8 yuan per gram, that is, more than 4000 yuan per jin, in addition, the market resources of top ginseng are very scarce, basically there is no price in the market, and the price is possible in tens of millions of yuan, and the price varies with different varieties, among which the price of mountain ginseng is generally between hundreds and thousands, while garden ginseng has the lowest price and efficacy. The general price is 200-300 yuan per jin, so the above price is only for reference, the specific price should be based on the actual price.

Second, how can ginseng tell the true from the false?

Method 1: look at the beard

Generally speaking, ginseng needs to be longer or older, in addition, it is more resilient and looser, and there are some millet-sized bumps on it. Generally speaking, such ginseng is true. on the contrary, if the ginseng looks white and tender and very crisp, you should be more careful, it may not be real ginseng, even if it is true, it may also be a relatively low-value garden ginseng.

Method 2: look at the gourd

Generally speaking, the Reed of ginseng is in the place of a section on the thick end of the ginseng, and the Reed is generally divided into two-section, three-section, line and wild goose neck, so when distinguishing between true and false, we can use this to see whether it is real ginseng. If it is not four sections, then the authenticity of this ginseng needs to be verified. In addition, in general, the real ginseng Reed head is a little longer and the nodal part is obvious.

Method 3: look at the skin

The skin of real ginseng will look older, and the color shown is yellow or brown and tight and shiny. On the contrary, if the skin of ginseng is white and tender, then this may either not be real ginseng or garden ginseng. This identification method is relatively simple and effective, and you can tell it by looking at more pictures or objects of real ginseng.

Method 4: look at the pattern

If you look at the lines, you can look at the thin end of the ginseng to see if there are dense and deep screw lines, if so, it means that the ginseng is real, but if the ginseng lines look shallow and incoherent, then most of them are not very good ginseng. This can only be identified through careful observation.

Conclusion: the above is about the price of ginseng and how to distinguish between true and false. When you buy, you can refer to the above prices and methods to distinguish between true and false. I hope it will be helpful to friends in need!