
High-yield Creation, Grasping Individual Grain Growers into a Fist

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, On the afternoon of September 22, Wang Guisan, the leader of the tile ridge group, and farmers who irrigate the rice are checking the water saturation situation in Chunhua Mountain Village, Chunhua Town, Changsha County, Hunan Province. The seedlings were knee-high, and it was time for grain filling. Wang Guisan was especially high.

On the afternoon of September 22, Wang Guisan, leader of the Wawulong team, and farmers in charge of irrigation were checking the rice saturation in the Chunhua Mountain Village, Chunhua Town, Changsha County, Hunan Province. The seedlings were knee-high and it was time for filling, and Wang Guisan paid special attention.

"it's no problem for this rice to hit 1300 jin per mu this year." Wang Guisan wore a straw hat and took a puff of cigarette. He told reporters that he had planted more than 11 mu of land and was a retail grain grower. Due to the guidance of all aspects of the agricultural sector, it has become much more convenient to grow crops in recent years, so I have not transferred the land. All I have planted this year are double-cropping rice.

"We are here to build a high yield, and we can also grow a good yield by ourselves." Wang Guisan said, "when there was no high-yield creation before, there was a big difference." In the past, there were only eight or nine hundred jin of late rice, but now it is more than 1000. "

Why did this change happen? Wang Guisan told reporters that first, the varieties of seeds are much better than before. "with good varieties, the county will give us half of the subsidy. You see, the variety planted in this field is C Liangyou 396, which is a super rice variety. Our group has planted this variety of late rice this year. Seeds of more than 40 yuan per mu can make up about 20 yuan. "

"We are throwing seedlings manually. In terms of management, how to control insects and how to administer medicine, the agricultural technical stations all have information on diseases and insect pests sent to us. Wang Guisan, who has been growing rice for decades, told reporters that worms reproduce so fast that they will eat up the seedlings in a day or two, and all the rice will be injected with medicine within four or five days, otherwise it will become a disaster. Wang Guisan said: at present, many farmers are still working in the town, so it is impossible to come to the fields to see them every day, but the agricultural technicians from the agricultural technical stations in the town often come to the fields to observe whether there are insects and diseases, all of which can be mastered at any time. This gives rice farmers good guidance.

"come here every three or five days, every day at a critical time. This is a more critical time, we say, 'people eat moon cakes, insects eat crops', to the Mid-Autumn Festival, is also the most critical time to prevent insects. " Wang Guisan said, "the people at the agricultural technical station sent us the information two or three days in advance. When and what drugs were administered, the information was sent to every household, and sexual attractants were provided free of charge." Wang Guisan said: therefore, everyone's enthusiasm for growing grain is very high.

In addition to Wang Guisan's more than 10 mu of land, more than 1200 mu of land in Chunhuashan Village has been included in the scope of high-yield creation, unified application of improved varieties, unified high-yield techniques, unified soil testing and fertilization, unified green prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, unified scientific and technological training, unified machine harvesting, and clenched grain growing by retail investors into fists and even into pieces, providing a strong support for these retail investors to grow high-yield fields.

In recent years, Hunan Province has popularized a number of key technologies of stability, quality improvement, and efficiency, focusing on the establishment of high yield, centralized seedling raising, and mechanized production, and the coverage rate has been continuously improved, which has effectively promoted the transformation of grain production to science and technology and mechanization. This year, the field area of concentrated seedling raising of early rice in the province has reached 11 million mu, an increase of 1 million mu over last year. We have actively carried out the establishment of high yield of grain, oil and cotton, and implemented 641 demonstration films per 10,000 mu of grain, oil and cotton crops such as early rice, medium rice and late rice of the Ministry of Agriculture. Radiation has led to the creation of more than 15 million mu of grain, cotton and oil in the province. Since the beginning of this year, with the exception of droughts and floods in some areas, major grain crops have achieved a steady increase in yield, and it is expected that the total grain output for the whole year will show a stable pattern of increase.