
Collection version of the most common diseases and control methods of hot pepper!

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Pepper is one of the most widely planted vegetables, whether in the cold big screen individual areas, or hot southern areas, can be planted, in the process of planting pepper, there will be some diseases, how to prevent diseases? Tidy up the chili peppers for you today

Pepper is one of the most widely planted vegetables, whether in cold large screen individual areas, or hot southern areas, can be planted, in the process of planting pepper, will produce some diseases, encounter diseases how to prevent and control it? Today, we collate the most common diseases and control methods of pepper!

I. How to prevent and control the most common disease of pepper?

1. Symptoms of pepper blight: oval dark brown spots are produced at the base of the stem of the diseased seedlings when the disease occurs, and the early diseased seedlings wither during the day and recover at night until they die.

2. Chili blight causes: too dense sowing, resulting in poor ventilation.

3. Control method of pepper blight

(1) Strengthen seedbed management, apply decomposed organic fertilizer, humidify phosphorus and potassium fertilizer;

(2) Prevention and control of soil dryness and wetness, reducing root damage;

(3) Pay attention to reasonable ventilation to prevent diseases in seedbeds under high temperature and high humidity conditions.

2. How to prevent and control white spot disease, the most common disease of pepper?

1. Symptoms of pepper white spot disease: pepper disease is mainly manifested in the leaves, the first time is brown, the rear edge is brown, the center is gray, it is easy to occur on the young leaves, the disease spots will slowly expand, if not treated, it will lead to yellowing or shedding of pathogenic leaves.

2. Pepper white spot disease causes: pepper planting long-term warm and humid, insufficient soil fertility, rainy days and dew duration is an important cause of disease, plant growth weakness will also lead to disease.

3. Control method of pepper white spot disease

(1) selection of disease-resistant varieties;

(2) strengthen field management and apply more organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer;

(3) After harvest, the diseased bodies should be removed in time and burned in a concentrated manner;

(4) Spraying 7500 times solution of plant treasure element or 4000 times solution of multi-effect good to enhance host disease resistance.

3. How to control the most common disease of pepper Verticillium wilt?

1. Symptoms of pepper verticillium wilt: pepper verticillium wilt generally occurs in the flowering and fruiting period of adult plants. In the early stage, it curls slightly upward from the leaf tip or leaf edge, and the leaves droop or fall off. In severe cases, the leaves fall into bare culms.

2. Pathogenesis of pepper verticillium wilt: most of the reports reported hyphae or conidia inside and outside the seeds.

3. Control method of pepper verticillium wilt

(1) breeding disease-resistant varieties, especially paying attention to finding disease-resistant varieties or disease-resistant single plants in some varieties with strong resistance and seriously ill fields;

(2) Crop rotation, preferably with rice.

IV. How to prevent and control anthracnose, the most common disease of pepper?

1. Symptoms of pepper anthracnose: mainly harm mature fruits, infected fruits. Fruit first appeared wet, brown oval or irregular spots, slightly sunken, spots appeared obvious ring-like orange-red small dots, then changed to black dots,

2. Chili anthrax causes: in the high temperature season, the fruit will be burned, prone to anthrax.

3. Control method of pepper anthracnose

(1) reserving seeds from disease-free fruits to reduce the initial infection source;

(2) removing the diseased plants, turning over the soil after harvest and before sowing;

(3) planting disease-resistant varieties;

(4) After the fruit is harvested, clean the garden and remove the diseased fruits and sick bodies left in the field.

V. How to prevent and control the most common disease of pepper early blight?

1. Chili early blight symptoms: leaf spots were round, dark brown, wet when there is a black mold layer. The stem is damaged and has black mold on the surface. Eventually it causes leaf tips and terminal buds to rot.

2. The cause of pepper early blight: the disease develops rapidly under warm and humid conditions, and repeated infection is carried out by airflow and rain.

3. Control method of pepper early blight

(1) selecting disease-resistant varieties and implementing rotation for more than 2 years;

(2) Keep seeds on disease-free or disease-free plants to prevent seeds from carrying bacteria.

(3) Nurturing seedlings in non-diseased areas, or using soilless seedling techniques to prevent seedlings from getting sick.

VI. How to control bacterial wilt, the most common disease of pepper?

1. Symptoms of pepper bacterial wilt: the fine roots of the plant browned first, and soon began to rot and disappear.

2. Cause of pepper bacterial wilt: It occurs mostly in continuous cropping fields and alluvial soil fields with high groundwater level and high humidity. Bed soil should be disinfected and replaced in time, and rotation should be carried out.

3. Control method of pepper bacterial wilt

(1) rotation of cultivated land;

(2) improve the cultivated soil and optimize the cultivation methods;

(3) Cultivate strong seedlings and spray micro-fertilizer.

The above are the six most common disease control methods for pepper sorted out for everyone, hoping to help farmers in need. This article is integrated into the Internet.