
High-yield green onion planting time and cultivation management techniques detailed explanation!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Scallion plays a very important role in vegetable production in China, with a wide planting area and high yield. Here is a detailed explanation of the planting time and cultivation management techniques of high-yield green onion. Interested friends may wish to look down. 1. Basic medium of onion

Green onion occupies a very important position in vegetable production in China, with a wide planting area and high yield. The following is to explain in detail the planting time and cultivation and management techniques of high-yielding green onions. Interested friends might as well move on.

First, the basic introduction of green onions

1. The origin of green onions

Scallions are biennial herbs, also known as onions, green onions, spring onions, vegetables, etc., which are planted in the north and south of China, mainly distributed in the northwest, northeast and North China.

two。 The value of green onions

Green onions contain proteins, sugars, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients that are often eaten to strengthen yang and tonify yin, detoxify seasoning, perspiration and bacteriostasis, prevent cancer, increase appetite, lower cholesterol and dilate blood vessels, and green onions have warm and pungent tastes. it has the functions of dispelling cold and invigorating stomach, expectorant, sterilization, promoting lung and relieving yang, perspiration and relieving surface, milk and hemostasis, pain and healing. It can be used for dysentery, abdominal pain, arthritis, constipation and so on.

3. Yield and varieties of green onions per mu

Generally speaking, it is relatively easy for green onions to produce 6000 jin to 8000 jin per mu, but if they want to break through tens of thousands of jin, it is closely related to scientific management. In addition, the yield of different varieties is also different. at present, the main varieties of green onions are scallions, scallions, scallions (also known as yellow onions), scallions, improved scallions, gutter onions, green onions, old onions and curly onions, and so on. We should choose the most suitable planting varieties according to the different local planting environment.

2. Planting time and cultivation management techniques of high-yield green onions

Generally speaking, the yield of green onion is relatively high, but if we want to get higher yield and better quality, we must master the cultivation management technology and time.

1. Planting time of scallions

In general, green onions can be planted all the year round, and the planting time is also different in different areas, so we should choose according to the actual situation when planting.

(1) Spring planting and autumn harvest of green onions: raising seedlings from March to April, planting from May to June, and harvesting from October to December.

(2) Spring planting and winter harvest of green onions: raising seedlings from March to May, planting from June to July, and harvesting from December to January of the following year.

(3) Spring harvest of spring onion in summer and autumn: raising seedlings from May to September, planting from September to November, and harvest from May to July of the following year.

(4) Welsh onion is planted in winter and harvested in spring and summer: generally, seedlings are raised from September to October, planted from November to December, and harvested from May to July of the following year.

two。 Cultivation and management techniques of green onion

The main results are as follows: (1) before sowing, the land should be ploughed, fertilized, and ditched. After sowing, it is covered with about 2 cm of soil, and then covered with straw or film.

(2) Welsh onions like wet but are also afraid of waterlogging, so we should pay attention to drainage while keeping the soil moist; fertilizers are mainly nitrogen, potash and phosphate, with emphasis on nitrogen in the early growth stage and phosphate and potash in the later stage.

(3) during the growth period of green onion, the main diseases and insect pests include leaf miner, spring onion thrips, beet armyworm, purple spot, downy mildew, virus disease and so on. The majority of growers should take precautions in advance and apply different amounts of pesticides to different degrees of disease.

The above is the planting time and cultivation management methods of high yield of green onions that the editor of wants to introduce to you. Growers should pay attention to the law of fertilization and fertilizer requirements of green onions, so as to achieve scientific and rational planting.