
What is perilla? The three differences between the nine-story tower and the nine-story tower!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Perilla, also known as black perilla and red perilla, is a common annual herb in China, which is widely used in medicine and oil because of its fragrant smell and high application value, such as parsley and celery. What's the area with the nine-story tower?

Perilla, also known as black perilla and red perilla, is a common annual herb in China, which is widely used in medicine and oil because of its fragrant smell and high application value, such as parsley and celery. What's the difference between a nine-story tower and a nine-story tower?

What is perilla?

1. Perilla is an annual herb of the genus Perilla in the labial family. The stem is erect, purple or green-purple four-rowed star, the plant height is about 60~150cm, there is a special fragrance, the long leaf edge is serrated, the back is purple, the surface is green, generally bloom from June to July, bear fruit from July to September, the flower is light red or purple, and the fruit is oval.

2, perilla, also known as Baisu, cassia, set medicinal, edible and ornamental as one, the whole plant can be used, its leaves are also known as perilla leaves, not only when cooking fish as seasoning, but also as leafy vegetables to eat, and often edible can drive out cold, regulate qi, detoxify fish and crabs, and so on.

3. Perilla, also known as Chisu, originated in China, and now it has been planted in India, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Myanmar and other places abroad, and most of them are used for medicinal purposes. It has a good effect on improving spleen and stomach qi stagnation, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting and so on.

4. Perilla is a kind of plant with strong growth, which can be found in barren mountains and wasteland, among which wild perilla is mostly distributed in Taiwan, Fujian, Hebei, Shanxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places. Of course, there are other varieties, such as ear tooth variety perilla, back perilla, small perilla, etc., which are more common on the hillside, but they are mostly used for medicinal purposes and making spices, and small perilla are mostly used for ornamental purposes and are generally planted in local gardens.

Second, what's the difference between perilla and nine-story pagoda?

First, the families and genera are different: perilla is an annual herb of the genus Perilla of the Labiatae family, and the nine-story tower is an annual herb of the basil genus of the family Labiatae.

Second, the use is different: perilla is mostly used for medicine and food, especially when making all kinds of seafood, it is mostly used to get wet and fishy; nine-story towers are mostly used to make various spices for pickling products, and of course tender stems and leaves can also be used to scramble eggs and tomatoes, much more than perilla.

Third, the efficacy is different: perilla has the effect of expelling cold, regulating qi, detoxifying fish and crab poison, and can be used for diseases such as wind, cold, nausea and vomiting; nine-story tower has the effect of detoxification and detumescence, promoting blood circulation, resolving dampness and middle. It can be used to treat cough, fever, headache and other diseases caused by colds, and can also be used for irregular menstruation, injury caused by falling and beating, eczema and other diseases.

Generally speaking, perilla is black perilla, red perilla and white perilla. It is a common annual herb in barren mountains, wasteland, front and back houses. It can be used as medicinal materials and seasonings. At the same time, it is often eaten to dispel cold, regulate qi, relieve fish and crab poison and so on. Although the appearance is similar to that of the nine-story tower, there are some differences in use and efficacy between the two, so we should pay attention to them when choosing and purchasing them.