
What is Maka? There are four ways to easily tell the true from the false!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Maca, also known as Maca, is a kind of medicine with high medicinal value. It is widely used as medicine because of its high nutritional value, replenishing physical strength, improving sleep and enhancing memory. What is Maca? How can you tell the true from the false? What is Maka? 1. Maka is

Maca, also known as maca, is a medicinal material with high medicinal value. It is widely used as medicine because of its high nutritional value. It has the effects of supplementing physical strength, improving sleep and enhancing memory. What is maca? How do you tell if it's real?

1. What is Maca?

1. Maca is an annual herb belonging to the genus Lepidium of Cruciferae. Its rhizome is like a small radish. It has two kinds of purple and yellow leaves. Its long leaves are oval, about 20~23cm long. Its long roots are white and about 15cm long. It is the main edible part. When the plant grows to 12~20cm, the maca root grows and can bear fruit after several months.

2, maca is a plant, rich in protein, amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other elements, regular consumption can enhance memory, promote the increase and vitality of sperm and eggs, but also can supplement physical strength, improve sleep, etc., so the medicinal range is very wide, but due to sexual heat, so eat must be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

3. Maca is the only species with hypertrophic hypocotyl in Lepidium, mainly produced in the Andes Mountains of South America and Lijiang, Yunnan Province of China. The hypocotyl is light yellow, gold, red, blue, purple, green or black, among which light yellow is common in life. Its taste and nutritional value are very high. Of course, black maca is also good. It is recognized as a maca with good effect at present.

2. How does Maca distinguish between true and false?

Due to the harsh environment in which Maca grows, the yield is not a lot. If you want to buy it, you have to go to a regular drugstore to buy it. Of course, there are also sales outside, but most of them are fake. Therefore, you should pay attention when purchasing it. If you don't know it, you can distinguish it according to the following methods:

Method 1, look at the appearance: in the market, most maca is black, and the effect is very good, if the surface has been moldy or foamed when purchased, or it has been blisters, it is not appropriate to buy.

Method 2, taste: authentic black maca, eat a little spicy, if taste no taste, it means fake or inferior, not suitable for purchase.

Method three, look at the price: authentic black maca market price is a little expensive, generally 110 yuan a catty, if lower than this price, it is fake or inferior, not suitable for purchase.

Method 4, look at the origin: authentic black maca is generally produced in Yunnan and Peru, if other regions are not suitable for purchase.

In general, maca is maca, is an annual herb from Yunnan or Peru, tastes a little spicy, at the same time has the effect of enhancing memory, supplementing physical strength, in the market about 110 yuan a catty, but due to the origin of less, high efficacy, so most of the market is fake or inferior, so when buying must carefully check, if you will not identify true and false, you can distinguish according to the above four methods, so you will not buy fake.