
Sharing of management techniques for the four seasons of apple trees

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Apple is one of the most popular fruits among all the fruits. With the promotion of apple planting technology, more and more fruit growers no longer rely on God to harvest fruit, but pay attention to the application of apple tree planting technology.

Apple is one of the most popular fruits among all the fruits. With the promotion of apple planting technology, more and more fruit growers no longer rely on "God" to harvest fruits, but pay attention to the application of apple planting technology. Here are the four seasons management techniques for apple trees.

1. Management techniques of apple trees in spring

1. Pest control is the most important.

In spring, fruit tree rot entered the peak of infection at the beginning of the year, powdery mildew, early deciduous disease, ring disease, anthracnose and other pathogens began to infect for the first time, and shell insects, golden moths, roll leaf moths, aphids, leaf mites and other overwintering insects, eggs and pupae also began to sting. At this time, a good grasp of pest and pest control work plays an important role in depressing the source number of overwintering diseases and insect pests and reducing the pressure of control in the later stage. And in this season, the resistance of all kinds of bacteria and pests to drugs is poor, the leaves do not germinate, there is no shelter, the application is convenient, and the fruit trees will not cause drug damage.

The main results are as follows: (1) the best time for spraying the first clear garden tree is when the fruit tree sprouts, that is, when the bud scale of the fruit tree is loose and dewy green. The focus of the garden cleaning is to prevent and control branch diseases such as rot and dry rot, as well as shell insects, cotton aphids, green leafhoppers, and so on. Stone-sulfur mixture can be used as medicament.

(2) the best time for spraying the second Qingyuan tree is from flower dew red to inflorescence separation. The focus of the garden cleaning is to control powdery mildew, red spiders, aphids, leaf moths and so on.

2. Timely re-cutting before flowering is the key point.

Pre-flowering re-shearing is an effective measure to correct the mistakes of winter shears and to make up for the tree damage caused by climate and mechanical damage. This measure can adjust the proportion of flower buds and leaf buds and coordinate the relationship between growth and fruit. For young trees that have just borne fruit, we should retain more flower buds as far as possible to ease their vegetative growth; for young trees in full fruit stage, we should also retain flower buds to obtain a certain yield; for big trees in full fruit stage, we should strictly control the retention of flower buds according to the ratio of flower buds to leaf buds from 1:3 to 1:2. The unbalanced power of the backbone trees and branches can be adjusted by retaining the different amount of flowers, with more flowers for the strong ones and less flowers for the weak ones.

It should be noted that apple flowering often encounter low temperature, strong wind and late frost harm, affecting the normal pollination fruit setting, should be appropriate to leave more flower buds, wait for fruit after fruit thinning.

3. Taking good care of fertilizer and water is the guarantee

Chemical fertilizer was applied on the basis of sufficient organic fertilizer, which was mixed and buried with Kejie high active humic acid powder at the same time. At this time, the application of Kejiejia high active humic acid can alleviate soil consolidation, increase soil permeability, promote capillary roots, and accelerate root nutrient absorption capacity under low temperature in early spring to meet the nutrient needs of flowering, fruit setting and shoot growth of fruit trees. the amount of topdressing depends on soil, tree potential, tree age and yield.

In addition, from mid-late March to early April, topdressing was used for watering. As the temperature is still low at this time, the amount of irrigation should not be too large, so as not to reduce the ground temperature and affect the root development. Orchards without frozen water should be watered in time to facilitate the sprouting, flowering and fruit setting of fruit trees.

2. Management techniques of apple trees in summer

1. Reasonable topdressing

The topdressing of apple trees should be determined according to the variety, the amount of hanging fruit and the situation of fertilization in the early stage. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied once, with emphasis on potassium fertilizer, and the amount of fertilizer application depends on the tree. American No. 8, Gala and other mid-precocious varieties are topdressing in early July, while Red Fuji apples try their best to fertilize once from mid-July to mid-August. Because July and August is in the rainy season, if the weather is not dry, it can not be watered, so it should be combined with rainfall to fertilize.

2. Foliar fertilizer spraying

Foliar spraying of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron fertilizer in July and August played an important role in increasing fruit sugar content, promoting coloring and reducing fruit physiological diseases. Commonly used fertilizers are calcium superphosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium sulfate, plant ash and ferrous sulfate. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate and calcium chloride are mostly used in production, and the concentration of total salt (the total percentage of soluble fertilizer) is not more than 0.5%.

3. Orchard drainage and weeding

The orchard should not accumulate water for a long time in the rainy season, otherwise it will affect the soil permeability of the orchard and the root growth of apple trees. Drainage should be carried out in time after rainfall to keep the soil moisture in the orchard relatively stable. After watering or raining, hoe in time to remove weeds in the garden.

4. Regulating the tree potential

July and August are suitable for the vegetative growth of apple trees, especially the summer and autumn shoots of young trees and adult trees with few fruits in the early fruit stage are easy to grow vigorously in summer and autumn. if not regulated, it will affect flower bud differentiation, cause nutrient loss, tree shape disorder, and reduce fruit quality. according to tree age, tree potential, fruit and other conditions, appropriate measures should be taken to keep the tree growing healthily. Paclobutrazol with 150-00 times liquid was generally sprayed on prosperous trees in the first and middle of July. For the vigorous and young trees with no fruit or few fruit, the second girdling of the trunk or main branch can be carried out at the beginning of July.

At the same time, in order to do a good job in summer pruning, the key point is to remove the upright strong branches on the back, the long branches of the inner bore, the competitive branches of the branches and the useless branches that affect the light, and twist the slow-release branches in order to control the vigorous growth, improve the light conditions, promote the fruit development and the formation of flower buds.

3. Management techniques of apple trees in autumn

1. Do a good job of autumn scissors

For trees with too many branches, the trees should be thinned, and the objects of thinning are cross branches, parallel branches, overlapping branches and competitive branches.

2. Applying organic fertilizer in autumn

September is the best time to fertilize apple trees and other fruit trees. September is the best time to apply fertilizer, no later than the first ten days of October, and immediately after apple harvest. The fertilizer efficiency of chicken manure and sheep manure is high, so the amount of fertilizer should be reduced appropriately, while the fertilizer efficiency of crop straw is low, which can be appropriately increased and the amount of farm manure can be increased.

3. Mid-ripe fruit harvesting

Late ripening bagging fruit bagging. The fruit is required to grow in the bag for about 100 to 110 days, and the red fruit bag in the double layer should be removed twice. The coloring of fruit at high altitude is fast, and the bag can be removed 15-20 days before normal picking, while in low-altitude area, the bag can be removed 20-25 days before normal picking, the outer bag can be removed first, and then the inner bag can be removed within 3-5 days. When removing bags, it is best to choose cloudy or cloudy weather to remove bags. On sunny days, bagging should be carried out at 9: 12 a.m. and 3: 7 p.m., when removing inner bags, remove the bags in the eastern, northern and branch crowns in the morning, and when removing bags in the afternoon, should be torn into an umbrella from the southern and western half of the crown to cover the fruit, to strictly prevent the removal of bags during high temperature periods to prevent sunburn.

4. Picking leaves and turning fruits

First, cut off the shading and sticking leaves within 15-20 cm around the fruit, and then remove the light-blocking leaves, leaflets, thin leaves, yellow leaves and old leaves around the fruit after 5-6 days, and then remove the leaves of autumn shoots and middle and upper branches that affect light transmission, so as to retain functional leaves as far as possible so as not to affect photosynthetic efficiency. When picking leaves, first remove the middle, lower and inner parts of the crown, and then pick the upper periphery of the crown. In short, leaf picking must retain the petiole, and the number of leaves picked should not exceed about 20% of the whole tree. It is better to turn the fruit within 5-8 days after removing the bag and when the positive color of the fruit reaches about 70%. Gently turn the fruit to turn the shady side to the sunny side, do not force too hard, so as not to twist the fruit, it is better to turn the fruit for 2 to 3 times.

5. Timely spraying to prevent diseases and apply calcium fertilizer

After taking off the bag, the apple peel is tender, which is easy to be infected with red spot disease, stomatal enlargement, resulting in cracks, calcium deficiency, calcium deficiency and other diseases, and small cracks appear on the fruit surface, which reduces the storability and commercial performance of the fruit. Therefore, after removing the bag, the fungicide and calcium fertilizer should be sprayed twice. The fungicide can choose Bensen zinc 600: 700 times or thiophanate methyl 1000: 1500 times. Spraying potassium fertilizer at this time can promote the red Fuji apple to be colored and colored in advance.

6. Lay a reflective film under the tree

At the end of September or the beginning of October, the apple immediately laid a silver reflective film under the tree after removing the bag, which was beneficial to the coloring of the inner chamber and the lower part of the crown fruit. When laying, clean the weeds under the tree, level the land, pick up the hard debris, straighten the film, and compact the edge. After laying, often clean the film surface, keep it clean and increase the reflective effect. Collect the film 1-2 days before harvest, wash and dry, and set aside later.

4. Management techniques of apple trees in winter

1. Clean up the orchard

Apples are usually harvested in autumn, so do a good job of clearing the garden after harvest. The diseased branches and fruits on the fruit trees should be cut off in time, and the weeds, diseased branches and rotten fruits on the ground should also be cleaned up in time and taken out of the orchard for centralized treatment. Because many disease germs and a variety of eggs will lurk in these media to survive the winter and wake up infected fruit trees when the temperature rises in spring. However, the fallen leaves of fruit trees can be buried deep in the orchard soil according to specific conditions, increasing the organic fertilizer in the soil, but the depth should not be less than 60 cm.

2. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

Applying sufficient basal fertilizer is one of the basic measures to help apple trees survive the winter. applying sufficient basal fertilizer can not only help fruit trees survive the winter successfully, but also make the growth of spring shoots and buds more robust in the coming year. When applying base fertilizer, the amount should be controlled according to various factors such as tree potential, soil fertility and harvest. Carried out together with ploughing, it can not only ensure that the soil is fertilized evenly, but also improve soil permeability and root respiration and nutrient absorption. The base fertilizer should be fully mature farm manure, and the depth of the base fertilizer should not be less than 40 cm.

3. Watering overwintering water

Apple trees will enter the dormant period in winter, dormant fruit trees will not absorb nutrition and water, and the nutrients of fruit trees will gradually flow to the roots. Therefore, before the fruit trees enter the winter dormancy period, it is necessary to irrigate the overwintering water in time, which can not only ensure the water demand of fruit trees, but also promote the decomposition of base fertilizer. It is beneficial to the formation of new roots, improve the nutrient absorption of roots, and strengthen the assimilation of nutrients in fruit trees. And it can promote the flower bud differentiation of fruit trees in the following spring. Therefore, when overwintering, it is necessary to ensure that the soil has sufficient water content and improve the flowering and fruiting rate of the second year.

4. Pruning fruit trees

Before the beginning of winter, it is necessary to do a good job in pruning fruit trees, adjust the structure of apple trees, and cut off branches such as overgrowth, overdensity and overlap in time. Enhancing the permeability of the tree is beneficial to improve the nutrient accumulation of the tree and promote the flower bud differentiation of fruit trees. However, when pruning, the pruning method should also be changed according to the tree age. for example, young trees are not recommended to cut off the branches, and the tree potential can be regulated by cultivating the skeleton structure of the tree. The adult genus can properly truncate the branches and concentrate the nutrition. After cutting off the branches, it is necessary to protect the wound and prevent diseases and insect pests caused by infected bacteria.