
Detailed explanation of six key points of Pear Tree Management in Autumn

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Autumn is the most important season for pear flower bud formation, and it is the key period for cultivating fruiting branches and fruiting branches in the second year, so strengthening the autumn management of pear trees plays an important role in pear production. The following is a detailed explanation of the six key points of pear management in autumn for your reference.

Autumn is the most important season for pear flower bud formation, and it is the key period for cultivating fruiting branches and fruiting branches in the second year, so strengthening the autumn management of pear trees plays an important role in pear production. The following is a detailed explanation of the six key points of pear management in autumn for your reference.

Pruning and pruning of pear trees in autumn

1. Pull branches

Branch pulling can make young trees form a crown earlier, promote pear trees to shoot early and shoot more, restrain tree vegetative growth, turn to reproductive growth as soon as possible, and finally achieve the goal of early fruiting and high yield. branch drawing can be carried out after the leaves of pear trees fall in autumn and before sprouting in the spring of the following year. Generally, 2-3-year-old pear trees mainly pull out main branches, main branch extension branches, secondary main branches, etc., while 4-5-year-old trees mainly pull out auxiliary main branches, lateral branches and second-layer main branches. As the autumn branch is soft and not easy to break, set quickly, the branch should be flattened or head down.

2. Hanging branches

The branches of pear trees are soft, and when they bear a large number of fruits in the full fruit period, most of the fruit branches droop and grow, and they are easy to split in the case of excessive fruit. The long rafters can be tied up in the middle trunk, and the fruit branches of the pear tree can be hung on the rafters with a rope to prevent splitting. The fruit branch of the pear can also be propped up in the middle with a long wooden pole with bifurcations to prevent it from splitting due to overweight fruit.

Second, fertilization of pear trees in autumn

The application of base fertilizer to pear trees in autumn is generally appropriate in mid-late September, early rather than late, and completed at the latest before the land is frozen. The selection of fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, which is the basic fertilizer for supplying many kinds of nutrients to pear trees for a long time. Organic fertilizer decomposes slowly and has long fertilizer effect, while pear trees have sparse roots and slow fertilizer effect. It should be properly combined with available nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer, less nitrogen fertilizer and more potash fertilizer.

The fertilizer with water source should be irrigated for 1 to 2 times after fertilization, which can not only make the fertilizer have sufficient water to rot and decompose rapidly, but also prevent autumn drought. Before the soil is frozen after defoliation, the whole garden should be irrigated with overwintering water once to facilitate the tree to survive the winter safely.

Control of diseases and insect pests of pear trees in autumn

Pear bark is the overwintering place of many kinds of diseases and insect pests. Pear heart borer, pear star caterpillar, pear aphid, pear blossom net bug, pear stink bug and pear wood louse often winter in the bark cracks, which become the source of diseases and insect pests in the following year. At the same time, due to the lack of delayed development of the old bark of pear trees, thus restricting the thickening growth of the tree, the old bark should be scraped in autumn to reduce the overwintering base of diseases and insect pests, so as to lay a good foundation for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the coming year. After scraping, the dandruff should be collected and burned in time, and the main branches should be whitened with whitening agent made of quicklime, salt, sulfur powder and water, and Bordeaux liquid should be sprayed in an all-round way to give full play to the scraping effect.

At the same time, according to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times 600 times or 70% methyl thiophanate 800 times solution was sprayed on pear orchards harmed by ring streak, scab and mildew heart disease every 15 to 20 days to control the disease.

After the defoliation, the fallen leaves and dead branches of the orchard should be cleaned in time, weeds should be eradicated and burned centrally, and the hanging branches and top branches should also be burned in time after use. before the soil is frozen, it is best to turn the whole garden deeply at a depth of more than 30 centimeters. to ripen the soil and promote root growth.

Fourth, ploughing the garden of pear trees in autumn

Ploughing the garden after fruit picking can loosen the soil, enhance permeability, and reduce diseases and insect pests. After ploughing, irrigate in time according to soil moisture. By turning deep into the orchard in autumn and winter, the pests hiding in the soil layer under the canopy ready to overwinter can be turned out of the ground and birds can peck or freeze to death. At the same time, deep turning can also bury the diseased leaves and fruits on the ground and pests hiding in withered grass deep in the ground, but they can not be successfully unearthed the following year and be suffocated.

V. Fruit harvesting in batches at the right time

According to the characteristics of pear varieties, time to market, transportation distance and conditions, storage time and other factors, fruit farmers should choose appropriate maturity to harvest in time, and early harvest is prohibited. Picking in stages and batches can improve fruit quality and commercial fruit rate. therefore, when picking fruit, fruit growers should first pick the lower part of the crown and the outer fruit, then pick the upper part of the crown and inner bore fruit, harvest it for 2 to 3 times, and pick it again every 5 days or so.

Sixth, heat preservation and anti-freezing of pear trees in autumn

After falling leaves, fruit trees should pay attention to heat preservation and anti-freezing. Spraying 100-fold liquid of "tree protection general" in the whole garden can not only prevent fruit trees from daily burning and freezing injury, but also eliminate germs and pests that survive the winter on the trunk, and protect the trees safely through the winter.