
The three departments support the agricultural e-commerce to cultivate important influential brands.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Agricultural e-commerce ushered in a series of positive. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the Action Plan for promoting the Development of Agricultural Electronic Commerce (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan") to promote agricultural electronics with agricultural products and agricultural means of production as the main contents.

Agricultural e-commerce ushered in a series of positive.

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued the Action Plan for promoting the Development of Agricultural Electronic Commerce (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan"). To promote the rapid and healthy development of agricultural e-commerce with agricultural products and agricultural means of production as the main contents. The "Plan" defines the overall objectives for the next three years. By 2018, the infrastructure conditions of agricultural e-commerce will be significantly improved, the institutional system and policy environment will be basically sound, and a number of influential agricultural e-commerce enterprises and brands will be cultivated.

Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Daily Economic News that China's agricultural products have many regular circulation channels and high transaction costs. it often brings many problems, such as excessive fluctuations in the agricultural product market and the lack of guarantee of the interests of producers and consumers.

Define the goals for the next 3 years

In fact, the "plan" is an extension of the previous State Council's opinion on vigorously developing e-commerce and speeding up the cultivation of a new driving force for the economy.

According to the Plan, by 2018, the infrastructure conditions of agricultural e-commerce will be significantly improved, the institutional system and policy environment will be basically sound, and a number of influential agricultural e-commerce enterprises and brands will be nurtured. The proportion of e-commerce in the circulation of agricultural products and agricultural means of production has increased significantly. It plays a significant role in improving the market circulation system of agricultural products and agricultural means of production boosting consumer demand and prospering the urban and rural economy.

The growth rate of traditional e-commerce business showed signs of slowing in the first half of this year. In order to seek new development, industrial capital and e-commerce enterprises have turned their attention to the more promising field of agricultural e-commerce.

"the rapid development of e-commerce for agricultural products is related to the outstanding problems in the existing conventional circulation channels of agricultural products in our country." Li Guoxiang told that the regular circulation channels of agricultural products in China generally go through many links, such as the acquisition of rural brokers, the trading of traffickers in wholesale markets, and then to farmers' markets and supermarkets, with high transaction costs. it often brings many problems, such as excessive fluctuations in the agricultural product market and the lack of guarantee of the interests of producers and consumers.

Fresh e-commerce one meter fresh CEO Jiao Yue told the Daily Economic News that the fruit directly picked from the place of origin can be traced back to the growers and the production plots, and after determining the specific picking plots, the fruit will be picked directly in the ground and packed into boxes at the right time; after 24 hours of pre-cooling, the cold chain car will go directly from the producing area to Dacang in the city, and then sub-shipped to each warehouse according to the order, and finally delivered to the users by the distributor.

Assign key tasks in five aspects

According to the forward-looking Industrial Research Institute, the value of agricultural products in circulation in China totaled 224 million yuan in 2010, of which online sales accounted for less than 1%. In 2014, China's rural population was 940 million, of which 178 million were Internet users, accounting for 23.7%. In the future, with the further popularity of smart phones and broadband, the Internet users of rural residents will continue to grow, and agricultural e-commerce will continue to develop rapidly. The Plan points out that priority tasks will be assigned in five areas and 20 specific action plans have been developed. The content includes cultivating the main body of agricultural e-commerce market, constructing agricultural e-commerce public service platform, dredging agricultural e-commerce channels, increasing agricultural e-commerce technological innovation and its application, and speeding up the improvement of agricultural e-commerce policy system.

Analysts of the forward-looking Industrial Research Institute believe that agricultural e-commerce is expected to show the following development trends in the future: under the influence of the Internet, the circulation speed of agricultural products will increase, the agricultural sales model will expand, and farmers' income will increase. Agricultural production has the characteristics of regionality, seasonality, low degree of product standardization and low quality of producers, so promoting farmers' large-scale production and improving product quality will be a major focus of rural e-commerce in the future. the construction of rural logistics network will be accelerated, logistics technology will continue to mature, cold chain logistics will be developed, and will be widely used in the field of rural e-commerce.

Mo Qingfeng, secretary general of the China Fruit Circulation Association, believes that compared with other standardized commodities, the procurement requirements of fresh agricultural products are extremely high, which are greatly affected by the weather, fruit maturity, transportation and distribution conditions and other factors. If fresh O2O platform wants to win in this tide, having a professional purchasing and marketing team is the key.