
How to grow coriander? What are the requirements for soil?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, With tender leaves and strong flavor, parsley is not only suitable for raw food, but also for salinization and winter storage. The market has always been considerable. So how do you grow parsley? What are the requirements for soil? What are the soil requirements for growing parsley? Parsley is not strict on the soil, but the soil structure is good.

With tender leaves and strong flavor, parsley is not only suitable for raw food, but also for salinization and winter storage. The market has always been considerable. So how do you grow parsley? What are the requirements for soil?

What are the soil requirements for growing parsley?

Coriander is not strict on the soil, but the soil structure is good, the soil is fertile, and the content of organic matter is high, which is beneficial to the growth of coriander.

In addition, it requires an interval of 718 years, no nudity during rotation and low flea production. Coriander seeds are actually fruit, round, containing two seeds, ploughing before sowing and leveling the ground after ploughing, requiring no soil clods, no residual roots and branches of crops.

When sowing, it must be rubbed open in order to produce seedlings evenly and neatly. Parsley is suitable for intercropping with all kinds of temperature-loving fruits and vegetables because of its strong cold tolerance.

How to grow coriander?

1. Variety selection

There are large leaf varieties and leaflet varieties. Large leaf varieties have high plant height, large leaves, less and shallow notches, and higher yield; leaflet varieties have shorter plants, small leaves, deep engraving, strong aroma, cold tolerance, strong adaptability, but slightly lower yield. In general, lobular varieties are selected and specially selected heat-resistant varieties are selected.

2. Seed treatment

The shell of parsley seeds is hard, and the emergence of coriander seeds is slow by conventional methods; before sowing, the coriander seeds should be spread on the flat ground and rubbed evenly and slowly with less hard utensils to break the shell; then soak in warm water of 35 ℃ ~ 45 ℃ for 2 to 3 days; generally, seedlings can emerge 12 or 13 days after sowing.

3. Sowing time

It is usually direct seeded from September to October and is irrigated with frozen water before winter to facilitate the seedlings to survive the winter. When the seedlings turn green, ploughing, loosening the soil and weeding are carried out.

4. Water and fertilizer management

Parsley likes to be moist, so it should be watered frequently to keep the border moist. It can also be irrigated in time when the soil is slightly dry (furrow irrigation), but the stagnant water in the field (ditch) should be discharged in time after the soil on the border is moist, so as not to affect the plant growth.

5. Pest control

The main diseases and insect pests of parsley are leaf spot, soft rot and aphids. Prevention and control should be carried out in accordance with the principle of "giving priority to prevention and supplemented by treatment".

(1) Leaf spot

At the initial stage of the disease, 75% chlorothalonil or 50% carbamyl wettable powder was sprayed with 1000 times liquid spray, once every 7 days, for 2 times in a row. Stop using medicine 7 days before harvest.

(2) soft rot

At the initial stage of the disease, 72% agricultural streptomycin soluble powder or 3000 times solution of neophytomycin could be sprayed for 3 times, and the drug should be stopped 3 days before harvest.

(3) aphids

If aphids occur, you can use 1000 dimethoate EC or Emile to control aphids in time.

Note that coriander is generally raw food, fertilization should not use human and animal feces and urine, can be irrigated with urea or sprinkled on rainy days.