
What is the price of hazelnut seedlings? How do you plant it?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Wild hazelnut is recognized as the king of nuts and has a long history of cultivation in China. Planting areas are mostly distributed in Northeast, North China, East China, Northwest and Southwest, so what is the price of hazelnut seedlings? How to plant and manage? What is the price of hazelnut seedlings? Different products

Wild hazelnut is recognized as the "king of nuts" and has a long history of cultivation in China. Planting areas are mostly distributed in Northeast, North China, East China, Northwest and Southwest, so what is the price of hazelnut seedlings? How to plant and manage?

What is the price of hazelnut seedlings?

The prices of different varieties of hazelnut seedlings will be different. Usually between 0.6 and 8 yuan per plant. In general, the price of hazelnut seedlings is relatively stable, but there are also special circumstances in the market, sometimes there will be a sharp rise or drop.

When buying hazelnut seedlings, pure varieties of seedlings should be selected to ensure the consistency of fruit shape, size, color and quality, which is more conducive to future yield and sales.

Second, how to grow hazelnuts?

1. Soil selection

Hazelnut is a perennial sunny tree species, not resistant to waterlogging, can be planted in sandy land, black land, yellow land, sloping land, barren hills, flat land, front and back houses, as long as there is no stagnant water area. The planting site should choose slightly acidic sandy loam soil with sufficient light, fertile soil, high organic matter, good air permeability, soil thickness above 40cm and good drainage condition, and avoid clay weight, low-lying easy waterlogging and heavy saline-alkali soil. The soil conditions can also be improved artificially and base fertilizer can be applied in autumn and winter by turning the topsoil shallowly after spreading fertilizer, or fertilizing with annular shallow ditches or shallow ditches on both sides, a large amount of humus, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and other trace elements can mature the soil and improve soil fertility. It can improve the performance of soil water conservation, fertilizer conservation and air permeability, as well as the ability to regulate soil temperature.

2. Planting density

The planting density should be determined according to the variety shape, the tree posture is upright and suitable for close planting, the tree posture is half open or open for sparse planting, and the soil fertility, flat and fertile land, plant row spacing is slightly wider, slope fertility is poor, plant row spacing is slightly smaller.

Before the hazelnut sprouting, the seedlings with smooth trunk, full bud eyes, well-developed root system and no diseases and insect pests were selected, and the root length 10~15cm and seedling height 80cm were reserved, and the root 30min could be soaked in water before planting. Adopt the method of three steps, two burying and one lifting seedlings, pay attention to watering immediately after planting, and cover with plastic film to keep moisturizing.

3. Shaping and pruning

The hazel tree with upright crown opens at its angle by leaving lateral branches, while those with excessive crown opening should leave upward upright branches to reduce the opening angle. In short, it is appropriate to keep the crown open at an appropriate angle.

For the inner-bore twigs of the crown, except for the weak branches, disease and insect branches and sagging branches that need to be cut off, the other short branches are not cut and remain as fruit-bearing mother branches. In order to increase the number of flower buds and increase the yield, the medium and short branches were not pruned, but only the extended branches of the main and lateral branches were cut short. On the contrary, in order to promote the growth of strong branches, to restore the tree potential, we should re-cut the developing branches and cut short some mediocre branches to reduce the amount of flowering.

Warm hint: hazelnut has the characteristics of light, drought and barren resistance, and has strong adaptability to soil. It can grow in karst mountain areas, hills, valleys and riversides, so most mountain areas can be planted.