
What is the flower language of flowers, trees and cotton in Panzhihua City? Explain the planting methods and matters needing attention in detail!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Kapok, also known as Panzhihua and beacon fire, is the city flower of Panzhihua City, Kaohsiung City, and Guangzhou City. It is deeply loved by people because of its red and small flowers. Many people like to raise one in the courtyard. What is the kapok flower language? What are the planting methods and precautions?

Kapok, also known as Panzhihua and beacon fire, is the city flower of Panzhihua City, Kaohsiung City, and Guangzhou City. It is deeply loved by people because of its red and small flowers. Many people like to raise one in the courtyard. What is the kapok flower language? What are the planting methods and precautions?

What is kapok flower language?

First, cherish the people around you, cherish the happiness in front of you: kapok generally blossoms at 3: 4, and the flowers are red, especially when the wind blows, the branches will dance with the wind, and when the wind stops, it will disappear without a trace, as if saying to cherish the people around you, cherish the happiness in front of you.

Give them happiness and happiness: it is said that April 12 is the time when kapok is in full bloom, when all the green leaves of kapok have fallen, and the whole plant is safflower, giving people fiery passion and bringing happiness and happiness to all people.

What are the planting methods of kapok?

1. Land selection and preparation: which land is suitable for planting?

Kapok is suitable to grow in the environment of deep soil, loose and fertile soil, good drainage and water retention, so when selecting land, try to choose sandy loam with good drainage to plant. After selecting the land, it is necessary to turn the soil deeply and apply an appropriate amount of base fertilizer to smooth the soil.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings: how to sow seeds?

(1) seed collection and treatment: after the kapok is ripe, the fruit will be harvested and exposed to the sun for a few days, and then the seeds can be collected by shaking hard. It is best to disinfect the collected seeds in 0.3% potassium permanganate solution, then rinse them in clean water and dry them.

(2) sowing method: sow the treated seeds on the soil, then cover the soil with 2cm or so, pour proper amount of water, and the seeds will germinate after three or four days, and grow into seedlings in a few days.

3. Planting management technology: how to manage it?

(1) moisture requirements: after successful sowing of kapok seeds, the soil should be kept moist, when two leaves were grown, they should be watered in time, and after successful planting, enough water should be irrigated to ensure sufficient water content of the plant.

(2) Illumination requirements: kapok is not resistant to strong sunlight, so shading measures should be taken at high temperature and strong light to prevent heat damage, sunburn and other bad phenomena.

(3) Fertilizer requirements: kapok fertilizer requirements are not high, generally in about a month after unearthed, fertilizer should be applied in time, to be planted at least three times a year after topdressing, and as far as possible hole application, to prevent fertilizer damage.

(4) pruning and shaping: after kapok grows for a period of time, all kinds of dwarf branches, diseased branches, residual branches and other branches that are not conducive to plant growth will grow. At this time, these useless branches should be cut off according to the tree situation, so as to promote the uniform growth of each branch and maintain a good tree shape.

(5) weeding in ploughing: after kapok is unearthed, many weeds will grow. According to the situation in the garden, we should do a good job in weeding and weeding in order to prevent weeds from grabbing nutrients and affecting the growth of kapok.

(6) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: stem rot, red spiders, aphids, beetles and other diseases and insect pests will occur during the growth of kapok, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance to prevent diseases and insect pests from harming the growth of kapok and reduce planting efficiency. For those who have suffered from insect pests, special agents can be used for targeted control.

Third, what are the points for attention in kapok planting?

1. Rational fertilization: kapok does not have high requirements for fertilizer, and generally the soil with medium fertility and high phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be successfully planted, so during the planting period, a small amount of rotten cake fertilizer or base fertilizer can be applied. Add an appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before and after flowering.

2, should not irrigate too much water: kapok does not require high moisture, generally as long as keep the soil moist, so do not irrigate too much, so as to avoid waterlogging, affecting plant growth.

3. Reasonable pruning: during the growth period of kapok, diseased branches, dense branches, residual branches and dwarf branches should be cut off in time according to the tree potential, so as to promote the growth of new branches.

Generally speaking, kapok has the moral of cherishing the people around you and the happiness in front of you, so it is very suitable for planting at home. Of course, if you want to grow kapok well, you need to do a good job in basic management such as water and fertilizer, pruning, pest control and so on, so that more red flowers will bloom.