
What is the average yield of peanuts per mu? Do you know the time and method of planting?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As an alien species, peanuts are at the top of the list in terms of consumption and planting area in China, so do you know how many jin of peanuts per mu? Do you know the time and method of planting? 1. The basic situation of peanuts. The distribution of peanuts. Peanuts are annual.

As an "alien species", peanuts are at the top of the list in terms of consumption and planting area in China, so do you know how many jin of peanuts per mu? Do you know the time and method of planting?

I. the basic situation of peanuts

1. Distribution of peanut

Peanut refers to the annual herb peanut, also known as ground bean, evergreen fruit, potato (Taiwanese), Tang Rendou or Nanjing bean (Japan), etc., which is native to tropical America and is now widely cultivated all over the world. Washington geese are also cultivated in various parts of China, among which Shandong, eastern Liaoning, Guangdong Leizhou Peninsula, Huang Huai River area and coastal hills and sandy areas along the southeast coast are the main producing areas.

two。 The value of peanuts

Peanuts are rich in energy, vitamins, protein and dietary fiber, which have the effects of invigorating spleen and stomach, promoting growth, anti-aging, hemostasis and hematopoiesis, and the oil yield of peanuts is much higher than that of other oil crops, with an oil production rate as high as 45%, 50%, and the relative content of oleic acid in peanuts is more than 50%. Oleic acid is beneficial to the cardiovascular system and can reduce hyperlipidemia and harmful cholesterol. In addition, peanut oil is used as a lubricant in the textile industry and as a quenchant in the machinery industry.

3. The price of peanuts

At present, Qingdao, Shandong Province, Qingdao, Shandong, Shandong, Qingdao, Shandong, China, Japan, Baisha and Baisha respectively The price of Tangyou 285 mixed rice in Tangshan Luanxian County is about 3.90 yuan / jin, and the price of black peanut is about 4.50 yuan / jin.

Second, how many jin of peanuts per mu?

The yield of peanut is also different under different geographical conditions, varieties and management. the yield of peanut is 800-1000 jin per mu in areas with good management and fertile soil, and 600-800 jin per mu in areas where the land is not very fertile.

Do you know the time and method of planting peanuts?

The time and method of peanut planting is one of the key factors affecting high yield, so if you want to get high yield, you must know it clearly.

(1) planting time of peanuts

Generally speaking, the planting time of peanuts is different in different peanut varieties and planting areas. Usually, peanuts with spring and autumn double cropping in southern China are usually sown from February to mid-March, while the spring and summer peanut growing areas in the Yangtze River Basin are sown from March to late April every year. Large peanut areas and major peanut producing areas in the north are mostly sown from late April to early May.

(2) planting methods of peanuts

1. At first, the peanut seeds that need to be sowed were soaked in medicine solution, and then sowed on the seedbed. 30-40 days after sowing, the seedlings were planted in the plots with deep plough layer, flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation, suitable soil structure and good physical and chemical properties.

two。 For the seedling field, there should be no weeds in the field, and foliar and boron fertilizer should be sprayed 3 times every other week from budding stage to flowering stage. In addition, nitrogen should not be applied too much at seedling stage, and it is best to apply boron and other trace elements according to soil conditions. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and boron can be fertilized outside the root.

3. Although peanuts are drought-tolerant, the water demand is still relatively large, especially in the flowering and pod stage of peanuts, but in the southern region, Rain Water should pay attention to the timely elimination of excess water.

4. Peanut is vulnerable to peanut rust, early spot, brown spot, late spot and root-knot nematode during the growth period, so the majority of growers should take timely control measures and strengthen field management.

These are all the contents introduced by the editor of When planting, it is best to choose peanut varieties with strong disease resistance and suitable for the local area.