
What kind of dish is chicken dish? What is the planting method?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Speaking of chicken feather vegetables, many people may feel strange, because this name is not often heard in life, some have not even heard of this name, but a look at this name, we think it should be a dish, then, chicken feather vegetables is what dish? how to plant

Speaking of chicken feather vegetables, many people may feel strange, because this name is not often heard in life, some have not even heard of this name, but a look at this name, we think it should be a dish, then, chicken feather vegetables is what dish? How to grow?

1. What kind of dish is chicken feather dish?

1. Chicken feather vegetable is a green leafy vegetable. It is a variety of Chinese cabbage of Cruciferae and Brassica genus. It is a common name for tender seedlings of pakchoi (green cabbage). This name is more common in Shanghai area. Its alias is green cabbage, pakchoi, Shanghai green, rape, etc.

2. Chicken feather vegetable is a kind of home-cooked vegetable with leaves about 30 cm long, oval or oblong shape, green color and narrow petiole; native to China, cultivated everywhere, most widely planted in the south, available all year round, but most in spring and summer.

3. Chicken feather vegetable is a kind of cold-loving vegetable, which is resistant to low temperature and high temperature. It can be planted and listed almost all year round, but it is more nutritious in January, February and March. It is soft and delicious to eat, fragrant and delicious, and sweet.

4. Chicken feather vegetable is a kind of popular sparse vegetable, which can be fried, cold mixed or fried with mushrooms, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, or made into vegetable soup. It tastes fragrant and can be eaten by ordinary people; however, it should not be eaten raw, and the cooking time should not be too long. Due to its cool nature, those with deficiency of spleen and stomach and thin stools should not eat more.

5. Chicken feather vegetable is a kind of nutrient-rich vegetable. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, selenium, vitamin B group 6, vitamin C, carotene, pantothenic acid and other substances, which can promote the development of bones, accelerate metabolism, enhance the hematopoietic function of the body and maintain the normal activities of life.

6. Chicken feather vegetable is a vegetable with high medicinal value. It can treat lung heat cough, body heat, thirst, chest distress, upset, constipation, abdominal distension and other diseases. It can also subside urticaria, especially suitable for lung heat cough, constipation, erysipelas, lacquer sores, furuncle and calcium deficiency patients.

II. How to grow chicken feathers?

Chicken feather vegetables can be planted all year round, but the varieties suitable for planting in different seasons are different, the management methods are also different, and the harvest time is also different. Here is a rough introduction to its planting methods.

1. Time: Spring is generally sown in greenhouses from early November to late February, and it is advisable to choose varieties with strong winter; summer is generally sown from April to August, and heat-resistant varieties should be selected; autumn and winter are generally sown from August to November, and heat-resistant or winter-resistant varieties can be selected according to climate.

2. Soil preparation: The growth period of chicken feather vegetables is relatively short. One week before planting, decomposed human excrement should be applied as base fertilizer, and then the ridge should be made. The ridge surface should be finely raked. If it is typhoon, rainstorm, high temperature and drought season in summer, deep groove and high ridge should be built to facilitate irrigation and drainage.

3. Sowing: one day before sowing, water should be poured on the soles of the feet, and then seeds should be sown. The sowing amount is about 2 kg per mu. In summer, the sowing amount should be more. After sowing, the surface of the ridge should be shallowly raked, and then it should be solid or patted. If it is a high temperature season, the sowing should be covered with a sunshade net until it emerges.

4. Management: keep the ridge surface wet before sowing to emergence, water 1-2 times a day, and water lightly; topdressing 2-3 times after emergence, urea 5 kg per mu; to prevent and control diseases and insect pests, diseases mainly include virus disease and downy mildew, and pests mainly include aphids, cabbage caterpillar and diamondback moth.

Harvest: its growth period is relatively short, if it is spring sowing, generally 40-50 days can be harvested; if it is summer sowing, 20-25 days can be harvested; if it is autumn sowing, 25-30 days can be harvested; if it is winter sowing, it can be harvested in about 45 days.

Chicken feather vegetable is also the tender seedling of Chinese cabbage. It tastes soft and glutinous, fresh and delicious. It not only has high nutritional value, but also high medicinal value. It can be low temperature resistance, but also high temperature resistance, can be planted all year round, listed above introduced its planting method, hope to be useful to everyone.