
Planting method of lavender "king of spices"

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Lavender, also known as spirit vanilla and yellow vanilla, is known as the king of spices in nature. it has high medicinal value, beautiful and elegant flower shape and high ornamental value. today, the editor will introduce the planting method of lavender to you. 1. Sow seeds and prepare for fumigation

Lavender, also known as spirit vanilla and yellow vanilla, is known as the "king of spices" in nature. it has high medicinal value, beautiful and elegant flower shape and high ornamental value. today, the editor will introduce the planting method of lavender to you.

1. Preparation for sowing

Lavender has a variety of propagation methods. If lavender is planted in a large area, it is generally used to sow and propagate. The sowing time is from March to June. Before sowing, the seeds should be treated by accelerating germination, and the seeds with uniform size, full particles and glossy surface should be selected. Soak it in warm water of about 40 degrees for 5-10 minutes, then soak for 24 hours after cooling. After soaking, you can remove and dry the seeds, and prepare the seedbed when sowing. Allocation of seedling substrate, seedling bed size depends on the planting scale, the soil must be soft, because lavender seeds are small, arch soil capacity is weak, the soil is strong will lead to seedling emergence failure.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

When the seeds are evenly scattered on the seedbed, pay attention to control the number of seeds. After sowing, sprinkle a layer of fine soil of 3-5 mm and pour a small amount of water to make the soil have a certain degree of moisture, but not too much water, so as to prevent the soil from being too moist and breeding bacteria to destroy the seeds. under normal light conditions, the temperature is controlled at about 22 degrees Celsius and can germinate after about 2-4 weeks, and the seeds should have sufficient light after germination. Generally, the seedlings should be exposed to scattered light for more than 8 hours a day, and the seedlings are vulnerable to diseases and insect pests, so it is necessary to spray a very low concentration of carbendazim at regular intervals, and when the seedlings grow to 4-6 leaves, they can be transplanted.

3. Soil preparation and fertilization

Before transplanting, we should select a piece of land with flat terrain, sufficient light and good drainage, clean up the field, remove the residual plants of weeds, and then turn the soil deeply. Some fertilizers can be applied during ploughing. Lavender has little demand for fertility, so we should pay attention to the amount of fertilization, so we should pay attention to the amount of fertilizer, so as not to cause excessive growth, fertilizer is mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, mix fertilizer and soil evenly, fine leveling in raking, and then ridging. Drainage ditches should be made between ridges to facilitate irrigation and drainage.

4. Transplanting

Before transplanting, lavender should be placed in the outdoor half-shady and half-sunny environment, so that it can adapt to the outdoor environment. When transplanting, we should use tools to remove the soil from the seedlings, and then dig holes in the ridge surface to transplant, so as to improve the survival rate. Digging holes is to loosen the soil in the holes, stretch the roots, cover the soil, transplant the depth of transplanting and seedling depth, transplant reasonably and closely, control the row spacing of plants to 20 × 30cm, and water the roots once after transplanting. Do a good job of fertilizer and water management after transplanting to make it grow healthily.

The above is the planting method of lavender summarized by Xiaobian for you. I hope it can help you!