
Does it make money to grow dragon fruit in 2019? What are the market prospects?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When it comes to fruits with high nutritional value, everyone should think of dragon fruit in recent years. The market demand for dragon fruit is gradually expanding, many friends are not familiar with it before, but now they are found in both fruit stores and large supermarkets. With the species

When it comes to fruits with high nutritional value, everyone should think of dragon fruit in recent years. The market demand for dragon fruit is gradually expanding, many friends are not familiar with it before, but now they are found in both fruit stores and large supermarkets. With the increase in the number of growers, many new friends should want to know about planting problems. For example, will it make money to grow dragon fruit in 2019? What are the market prospects? Let's have a look together!

First, does it make money to grow dragon fruit in 2019?

To plant dragon fruit, we must first know the cultivation conditions of dragon fruit. Unlike other fruits, dragon fruit can not be widely cultivated in any region. Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit, and its growth will be affected if the planting temperature is not reached. So if you want to grow, but not in the tropics, you need to build a greenhouse to create a high-temperature environment for cultivation. Now the market price of dragon fruit is relatively stable, the wholesale price is generally about 6 yuan to 10 yuan per jin, mainly divided into red dragon fruit and white dragon fruit, red heart is more expensive. The retail price varies from 9 yuan to 15 yuan per jin according to different regions. As a whole, it still belongs to the fruit varieties that make more money, and if you can save costs, the benefits can be higher.

Second, what is the market prospect of planting dragon fruit?

According to the current market, the market prospect of dragon fruit is quite good. Although more and more people are planting, this also shows that the market demand is expanding, and the dragon fruit has high nutritional value and long storage time, which has more advantages than other fruits that can be kept fresh for a day or two. In cultivation, if the technology is in place, it is normal to bear fruit seven or eight times a year, so the economic return will be higher. If you have this demand, you are advised to learn the planting techniques of dragon fruit first, so that you can better expand your income and take fewer detours.

What are the varieties of dragon fruit?

At present, there are no more than two common varieties of dragon fruit on the market, red heart and white heart. The wholesale price of white heart dragon fruit is cheaper, generally around 4 yuan to 6 yuan, and the retail price is 8 yuan to 10 yuan. In the north, because of the price relationship, the price may be higher. According to the data survey of the editor, according to the market cost and income per mu of dragon fruit, one mu of land can earn a net profit of about five figures, so it is still quite promising.

These are the issues related to the cultivation of dragon fruit in 2019. summarizes it for you. I hope this article can provide some help to your cultivation.