
What medicine is the best for banana Fusarium wilt? Introduction of prevention and control methods!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Banana wilt is a serious disease of banana, which mainly occurs in Guangdong and Guangxi, because Guangdong and Guangxi are the main producing areas of bananas. After the pathogen is produced, it will survive in the soil for many years, which will greatly reduce the yield of bananas. Then banana wilt is used.

Banana wilt is a serious disease of banana, which mainly occurs in Guangdong and Guangxi, because Guangdong and Guangxi are the main producing areas of bananas. After the pathogen is produced, it will survive in the soil for many years, which will greatly reduce the yield of bananas. So what is the best medicine for banana Fusarium wilt? To introduce the prevention and control methods are as follows!

I. introduction of banana Fusarium wilt

1. What is banana Fusarium wilt called again?

Banana Fusarium wilt is also called banana yellow leaf disease or Panama disease.

two。 What are the symptoms of banana Fusarium wilt?

The old leaves of banana plants yellowed and the vascular bundles of the outer leaf sheath became green. Symptoms of tooth decay, withering of diseased plants and discoloration of vascular bundles; external symptoms, leaf sheaths showing a distinctive yellow; internal symptoms, root woody ducts turn reddish brown.

3. What are the causes of banana Fusarium wilt?

Banana Fusarium wilt is mainly caused by high temperature and rain, soil acidity, sandy loam, low fertility, soil viscosity, poor drainage, poor permeability of subsoil and root damage by tillage and other factors.

4. What are the main breeding methods for resistance to Fusarium wilt in banana?

Bud mutation selection breeding, tissue culture mutant selection breeding, cross breeding, toxin screening breeding, somatic cross breeding, genetic engineering breeding.

What is the best medicine for banana Fusarium wilt?

Once banana Fusarium wilt occurs, it can survive in the soil for 30 years, and no pesticide can eliminate them. although some simple crop rotation or soil improvement is conducive to killing germs, it is only local. it is still necessary to use disease-resistant or disease-tolerant varieties.

The mildly diseased plants of banana wilt were irrigated with 30 jin of water with broad-spectrum fungicide for 3 times at intervals of 3-5 days to promote root growth, strengthen plants and provide disease resistance. Spray 41% poly-pyrimidine 800-1000 times; spray the solution to the back of the base leaf as far as possible. In the middle and later stage of the disease, 41% poly-pyrimidine 800-fold solution was sprayed, and the drug was used once in 3-6 days. Or spray 38% carbendazim 600 times solution to the back of the base leaf. The use of these drugs can treat banana Fusarium wilt. If you want to eliminate it completely, you need to change the land for planting.

Third, the introduction of banana Fusarium wilt prevention and control methods!

1. Implement the quarantine system and strictly restrict the import of banana seedlings and Manila hemp seedlings and their accompanying soil from the disease area.

two。 Select disease-free seedlings, in order to ensure that banana orchards are free of Fusarium wilt, disease-free plantain seedlings should be selected, and the basic method is to introduce them from areas without banana Fusarium wilt.

3. Select disease-resistant varieties and select Fusarium wilt-resistant varieties as far as possible.

4. Blockade banana wilt disease areas to prevent the spread of the disease. If sporadic diseased plants are found in the banana garden, the diseased plants should be immediately uprooted and chopped up, put them in a plastic bag, add lime and seal the mouth of the bag, remove and away from the banana garden to let it rot.

5. Timely treatment of banana Fusarium wilt disease soil is a very important measure in order to eliminate the source of infection and put an end to the opportunity of transmission.

6. Strengthen banana cultivation management, increase fertilizer, open ditches and drainage, enhance plant disease resistance, conditional seriously sick banana garden areas can be flooded for half a year or rotation.

The above 6 points are the introduction of banana Fusarium wilt prevention and control methods, fruit growers must keep in mind.

Conclusion: the above content is about the introduction of drugs and control methods of banana Fusarium wilt, hoping to help the growers in need. This paper is integrated with relevant professional knowledge.