
Where does the tropical mango come from? Detailed explanation potted plant method!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Mango, also known as Mamun, is a tropical fruit originating from India. It is loved by people because of its rich nutrients and delicate flesh. It is known as the king of tropical fruits. Where does mango come from? What are the potted planting methods? 1. Mango Introduction:

Mango, also known as Mameng, is a tropical fruit originally from India. It is very popular because of its rich nutrients and delicate pulp. It is known as the "king of tropical fruit". Where does the mango come from? What are the methods of potted planting?

First, mango introduction:

1. Is mango a hot or cool fruit?

Mango is a cool fruit, so it is not appropriate to eat more, because eating more will not get angry, but there may be allergies, especially patients with acute nephritis and chronic nephritis had better not eat.

2. What kinds of mangoes do you have?

Daffodils, apple, olecranon, Kate, Australian, ivory, egg.

Where does the mango come from?

Mango is mainly produced, and it is distributed at home and abroad. The specific distribution is as follows:

1. Distribution of foreign origin: mainly distributed in India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Myanmar, Zaire, Tanzania, Brazil, Mexico, Hawaii, Bangladesh, Indochina Peninsula and other places, of which India is the origin.

2. Domestic distribution: mainly from Hainan, Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places, including Guangdong Zhanjiang, Gaozhou, Xinyi; Guangxi Nanning, Longzhou, Yongning, Pingnan, Bobai; Yunnan Honghe, Wenshan, Zhaotong, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Lijiang; Hainan Sanya, Ledong, Lingshui and other counties and cities are the main producing areas, most of which are sold to all parts of our country.

Third, what are the methods of potted mango planting?

1. Selection of potted soil and flowerpot: what kind of soil is suitable for planting?

Mango is suitable to grow in a slightly acidic environment with deep, fertile soil and good drainage, so try to choose slightly acidic sandy loam or loam for planting. When selecting a basin, try to choose a deeper basin to facilitate the growth of mango roots.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings: how to sow seeds?

(1) seed selection and seed treatment: wash the finished mango kernels, then put them in a backlit and ventilated environment to dry, finally cut the mango kernels with scissors, remove the seeds, peel off the film on the surface, and finally soak them in water for three or four days to let them germinate slowly.

(2) sowing method: sow the germinated seeds in a flowerpot containing sandy loam or loam, then pour a small amount of water, put it in a warm, humid and sunny place to let it grow freely, and then grow seedlings after two or three days.

3. Planting management technology: what are the requirements for lighting?

(1) temperature requirements: potted mangoes generally grow best at 25-30 degrees, and stop if they grow below 10 degrees, so it is necessary to take good measures to keep warm.

(2) Light requirements: potted mangoes like light but are not resistant to strong light, so they should be given certain light in winter and shaded properly in summer in order to promote flower bud differentiation and improve fruit setting rate. If the light is not enough, pruning and shaping can be used to improve the permeability among trees, so as to improve the lighting conditions in the garden and trees.

(3) Water requirements: potted mangoes do not have high requirements for water, generally as long as they keep the basin soil moist, so they should be watered more in summer, and the rest of the time, the amount of water should be determined according to the dry humidity of the basin soil. However, in the rainy season in autumn, drainage measures should be taken to avoid waterlogging leading to rotten flowers, flowers and fruits.

(4) pest control: diseases and insect pests such as leafhopper, nocturnal moth and Tainiu are easy to occur during the growth of potted mango, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance. For those who have caused insect pests, trichlorfon, dichlorvos and other agents can be used to control them in time.

Generally speaking, mango is produced both at home and abroad, and India is the country of origin, and has been planted in Fujian, Hainan, Yunnan, Guangdong and Guangxi, so the yield is still very high. In addition, if you want to grow your own mangoes, you can clean the seeds and plant them in the flowerpot, strengthen the basic conditions such as moisture, light, temperature and so on.