
Ministry of Agriculture: carry out collective interviews as a warning to continuously correct the "four winds"

Published: 2024-07-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/20, Recently, the discipline inspection team of the Ministry of Agriculture summoned more than 60 principal responsible comrades from various departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Agriculture and units directly under the Ministry of Agriculture to inform them of the six disciplinary violations recently investigated and dealt with, and carried out collective interviews. Song Jianchao, head of the discipline inspection team of the Ministry of Agriculture, stressed during the interview that all units must take the case as the case.

Recently, the discipline inspection team of the Ministry of Agriculture summoned more than 60 principal responsible comrades from various departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Agriculture and units directly under the Ministry of Agriculture to inform them of the six disciplinary violations recently investigated and dealt with, and carried out collective interviews. Song Jianchao, head of the discipline inspection team stationed in the Ministry of Agriculture, stressed during the interview that all units must learn from the case, constantly strengthen their sense of discipline, strictly abide by the party's discipline and regulations, and ensure that they are honest and thrifty.

The six violations of discipline in this report involve ineffective performance of the main responsibility and supervision responsibility for the building of the party's work style and clean government, violation of the party's political discipline, and violation of the regulations on honesty and self-discipline, and a total of two cadres at the department and bureau level and two cadres at the department level were given party discipline punishments. two department-level cadres and one worker were given exhortation talks and circulars and criticisms.

At the meeting, an in-depth analysis of the six issues was carried out to remind and say hello to warn everyone not to repeat the same mistake. The subject responsibility must be put into practice, and problems must be borne. The party organizations of all units, especially the "top leaders," should earnestly shoulder their responsibilities, embody the responsibility of managing the party and governing the party in their daily management and supervision, remind them when they find signs, and deal with violations of discipline in a timely manner. The discipline inspection commissions of all units should dare to supervise and be accountable. You should always ask yourself: have you assumed and fulfilled the supervisory responsibilities entrusted to you by the Party Constitution? Those who neither report nor deal with dereliction of duty or dereliction of duty must be seriously investigated for responsibility.

Public institutions must strengthen management, and leading cadres of public institutions should enhance their awareness of discipline and rules, especially abandon the "special theory." there is absolutely nothing special in front of party discipline and regulations, and there is no special zone for grasping the building of party style and clean government. The "top leader" of the unit should have responsibility, be responsible for the organization and comrades, dare to manage, and dare to set rules.

Party members and cadres must have high standards and strict requirements, must not engage in specialization, and departmental leaders should exercise power prudently. We should follow the rules and regulations of various systems by exemplary means, clear our minds and strictly demand ourselves in the face of undeserved treatment and undeserved benefits. It is necessary to use the power in accordance with the law, to be in awe of the law and discipline, and not to use the power at will, let alone abuse it. In order to use power fairly and fairly, we should not give up procedures or make modifications at will and make no precedent for the sake of so-called reasons and special needs.

Party members should have a sense of organization, and party discipline should be oriented to all party members. Party members and cadres must be politically wise, control their mouths and hands in their daily work and life, and the key is to control their brains. It is necessary to be a regular person in the organization, strengthen the concept of the party, and be absolutely loyal to the party organization. The implementation of the party's political rules must be carried out in the mind, the strings must be drawn in the head, and the habit of abiding by party discipline and rules must be formed. Discipline inspection departments will find, investigate and deal with violations of political discipline and political rules together, and will not tolerate them, so as to ensure rigid discipline and restraint. (discipline Inspection team Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture)