
How much does a jin of water chestnuts cost now? Explain the planting method in detail!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Water chestnut, also known as horseshoe, black taro and chestnut, is a common fruit and vegetable plant in paddy fields in China. It is deeply loved by people because of its sweet taste, not only can be eaten raw, but also can be fried and stewed. At present, it is sold in the market, and the price is close to the people. Now one jin of water chestnut is big.

Water chestnut, also known as horseshoe, black taro and chestnut, is a common fruit and vegetable plant in China's paddy fields. It is deeply loved by people because of its sweet taste, not only can be eaten raw, but also can be fried and stewed. At present, it is sold on the market, and the price is close to the people. how much does a jin of water chestnuts cost now? What are the planting methods?

1. Introduction of water chestnuts:

1. What are the producing areas of water chestnuts?

Most of the water chestnuts are produced, and they are distributed both at home and abroad. Among them, China is mainly produced from Guangdong, Guangxi, Anhui, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places, among which the water chestnut produced in Baihu Town, Lujiang County, Anhui Province is of high quality and is the largest "hometown of water chestnuts" in China. At the same time, water chestnuts produced in Qingshan Town, Lipu County, Guilin City, Guangxi are also recognized by the state as the "hometown of horseshoes" and have been sold all over the country.

2. Is water chestnut a vegetable or a fruit?

Water chestnut is not only a vegetable, but also a fruit, which can be eaten not only raw, but also stewed and fried with other foods. it can be described as eating in a variety of ways, with the effect of diuresis, clearing lung and resolving phlegm and treating diabetes. so it is very suitable for people with diabetes, children and chronic tracheitis.

How much does a jin of water chestnuts cost now?

The market price of water chestnut varies, generally about 4 yuan per jin, but due to the variety, market, quality and selling time, the price will be different. For example, in Jiangsu Lingjiatang Agricultural products Wholesale Market, the price is about 2.5 yuan per jin, in Suzhou Nanhuanqiao Agricultural products Wholesale Market, about 2 yuan per jin, in Anhui Hefei Zhougudi Agricultural products Wholesale Market, about 2.8 yuan per jin, in Guangdong Shantou Agricultural products Wholesale Center, the price is about 5.7 yuan per jin, so the specific price should go to the local market to see.

What are the planting methods of water chestnut?

1. Land selection and preparation: which land is suitable for planting?

Water chestnut is suitable to grow in the environment of loose and fertile soil, sufficient water source and good drainage, so try to plant it in a place similar to paddy field when selecting land. After selecting the land, turn the soil deeply, apply an appropriate amount of calcium or potassium fertilizer, and flatten it for planting.

2. Seed selection and sowing: what kind of seed should be chosen?

The main results are as follows: (1) seed selection: water chestnut with large head, smooth epidermis, no damage, strong bud head and plump as a whole is selected as seed.

(2) seed treatment: soak the selected seeds in sterilization agents for 10 hours for 24 hours, then remove them and dry them.

(3) sowing method: water chestnuts often use bulbs to propagate, so the buds can be inserted upwards into the mud, then covered with straw and sprinkled with proper amount of water to allow them to germinate. Do not water too much or too quickly, so as not to wash away the soil from the bulb.

3. Timely planting: when will it be customized?

(1) planting time: it can be planted when the seedling age is about 45-70 days.

(2) planting method: the seedlings should be planted in the soil according to the distance between 30cm and 60cm, and the planting depth should be 12~15cm, which should not be too deep or too shallow, so that it is not easy to harvest and too low to be blown down by the wind. If the seedlings are too high, cut off part of the tip so as not to be broken or lodged by the wind.

(3) planting density: generally planting 2500 to 2600 clumps per mu is the best.

4. Field management technology: how to manage it?

(1) Water requirement: water chestnut is an aquatic plant, which has a high demand for water. Generally, the whole growing period is inseparable from water, and the water level in the field is kept at about 5~6cm. When it grows to the fruiting stage, the water level increases slowly, but it should not exceed 20cm. When harvesting, the water can be discharged one week in advance and dry the field.

(2) Fertilizer requirements: water chestnuts do not have high requirements for fertilizer, so they can generally apply sufficient basic fertilizer, and the specific amount of fertilizer can be determined according to the degree of soil fertility, usually enough organic fertilizer can be applied at the bud and seedling stage, and 2000,000kg of soil fertilizer and 25kg of calcium fertilizer can be applied per mu. In the peak period, 10 kg of calcium fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, magnesium fertilizer or 25 kg potassium chloride fertilizer should be applied to each mu of land. When it comes to the bulb expansion period, 10 kg of potash fertilizer or 20 kg of compound fertilizer should be applied per mu.

(3) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: rust, stem blight, stem blight, white grain borer and other diseases and insect pests are easy to occur during the growth of water chestnut, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance.

5. Timely harvest: when will the harvest be ready?

Water chestnuts can be harvested in the middle of November. Before harvest, try to wait for the water in the field to dry before harvest, and after harvest, the water chestnuts with a single fruit weight of more than 18g, no damage on the surface and the whole round water chestnuts can be used as seeds for next planting.

The above is a detailed introduction of the latest market price and planting methods of water chestnut. I hope it will be helpful to you.