
What is Trichosanthes? Explain the planting method in detail!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Trichosanthes, also known as Trichosanthes kirilowii and Trichosanthes kirilowii, is a common perennial herb in deep mountain forests and thorny cliffs. It is widely used as medicine because its rhizome, pericarp, fruit and kernel have high medicinal value. At present, it can be found in pharmacies.

Trichosanthes, also known as Trichosanthes kirilowii and Trichosanthes kirilowii, is a common perennial herb in deep mountain forests and thorny cliffs. It is widely used as medicine because its rhizome, pericarp, fruit and kernel have high medicinal value. At present, it can be seen in drugstores, what is Trichosanthes? What are the planting methods?

First, what is Trichosanthes?

1. Trichosanthes is a perennial climbing herb of the gourd family Trichosanthes. The stem is stout and multi-branched, with white flesh hairs, thick roots, yellowish cylindrical shape, long leaves showing a broad ovate heart-shaped, 3 or 5 shallowly or deeply split above, white flowers, a lot of silk above, and stout hairless, the fruit is oval to spherical, and the flesh inside is orange, and the seeds are flat ellipse.

2. Trichosanthes is a perennial herbaceous vine, which likes to grow in the shade of hillside, grass or field edge at an altitude of about 200,1800m. At present, it is distributed in Liaoning, Shaanxi, Gansu, East China, North China, Central South, Southwest and other places in China, and is widely used as medicine.

3. Trichosanthes is a kind of medicinal material with high medicinal value, which has the effects of moistening lung, resolving phlegm, antibacterial, anticancer and anti-aging. It can remove phlegm, treat chronic ulcer, pain heart disease and other diseases. At present, many people will use it to stir-fry and eat or boil water.

Second, what are the planting techniques of Trichosanthes?

1. Land selection and preparation: Sandy loam is the best.

Trichosanthes is suitable to grow in the environment of deep soil, loose and fertile soil and good drainage, so when selecting land, try to choose deep sandy loam for planting. After selecting the land, it is necessary to dig the soil deeply and apply about 5000 kilograms of mature farm manure per mu, and then dig a ditch with a width of 30cm and a depth of 0.5m every 1.7m for later planting.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings: sowing from March to April is the best.

The main results are as follows: (1) Seedling selection and treatment: 2-3-year-old tubers with no damage, no disease and white cross section are selected, then cut into small sections and coated with a little plant ash at the cut.

(2) sowing time: March to April.

(3) sowing method: the treated seedlings were planted in the ditch according to the distance of 1 meter between plants and 1.2 meters between rows, then covered with soil and watered with a small amount of water.

3. Field management techniques: rational watering and fertilization

The main results are as follows: (1) Water requirement: Trichosanthes does not have high requirement for water. In general, in the case of drought, a trench should be opened around the root 12cm to pour a small amount of water.

(2) Fertilizer requirements: Trichosanthes has a higher requirement for fertilizer. Generally, organic fertilizer can be applied once in the first year after planting, and once in the second year, when the seedling height is about 30cm or during flowering.

(3) ploughing and loosening the soil: after Trichosanthes was planted for half a month, it could be ploughed and loosened according to the germination condition to facilitate the emergence of seedlings.

(4) set up frame to introduce seedlings: when Trichosanthes grows to 30cm, the remaining vines can be removed, and a shelf can be built every two or three rows, with a stick inserted next to each melon to guide it to climb and grow.

(5) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: during the growth of Trichosanthes, diseases and insect pests such as silk borer, yellow melon and aphids will be caused, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance. Lvjiada or dichlorvos and other pesticides can be used to control insect pests.

The above is the introduction of Trichosanthes and the detailed introduction of planting technology, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.