
What medicine is good for plant anthracnose? How to prevent it?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, When planting various cash crops, many diseases and insect pests are often encountered, among which plant anthracnose is the most common one. It belongs to infectious disease. Once infected, the whole plant will die. It is also one of the diseases that farmers hate most.

When planting all kinds of economic crops, we often encounter a lot of diseases and insect pests, among which plant anthracnose is the most common one. It is an infectious disease. Once infected, the whole plant will die, and it is also one of the diseases that farmers hate most. So what kind of medicine should I use for plant anthrax? How to prevent and cure it?

I. introduction of anthrax

1. What are the symptoms of anthrax?

Anthracnose is a common plant disease. the symptoms of leaf spot are brown to grayish brown, round or oval to irregular, and gray-white mildew layer on the surface of the disease when the humidity is high.

two。 Where is the site of anthrax?

The parts of plants attacked by anthrax include leaves, flowers, branches and fruits.

3. Under what conditions will anthrax occur?

Anthrax is easy to occur in the humid season, and it is also more popular.

What kind of medicine should be used for plant anthrax?

1. What kind of medicine is good for anthrax in vegetables?

For the prevention and control of vegetable anthracnose, we can choose Sim Chemical-anthrax special use, which is a new type of high-efficiency compound fungicide. When using Sim Chemical-anthrax for economic crops and vegetable anthracnose prevention and control, the product is sprayed with 1500 times dilution liquid at the initial stage of the disease, and it is sprayed three times in a row when the disease is serious, with an interval of about 7 days each time. It can also be mixed with other pesticides.

two。 What medicine is good for anthrax of fruit?

Fruit anthracnose can choose anthrax without fresh bromocyanide, it has super permeability, can reach the source of the disease, and can eliminate the pathogen in 5 seconds. It is very effective for crop dwarfing, arbuscular branches, deformities, ulcers and other symptoms caused by anthracnose (grape, watermelon, citrus, strawberry anthracnose, etc.).

3. What medicine is good for anthracnose of flowers and trees?

Anthracnose of flowers and trees can be selected as Carboli source-anthracnose, and its efficacy is 1/5 higher than that of traditional agents, and it also has three major effects of internal absorption, protection and treatment. the effect is very remarkable.

Third, how to prevent and cure plant anthracnose?

1. In the early stage of the disease, cut off the diseased leaves, the withered branches and leaves in the green space should be burned in time to prevent expansion; planting should not be too dense or indoor flowers should not be placed too densely, and indoor flowers should not be drenched from the top of the plant, and should always be ventilated and illuminated. Clean the countryside in winter and burn the sick and disabled bodies in time.

two。 Adopt scientific fertilization formula and technology, apply sufficient rotten organic fertilizer and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to improve the disease resistance of garden plants.

3. Timely removal of diseased flowers and fruits in the garden, keep clean and hygienic; strengthen fertilizer and water management, pay attention to banana garden drainage, reduce humidity.

4. Harvest in time. 75% maturity is the best, and sunny days are chosen when harvesting.

The above four points are the introduction of plant anthracnose prevention and control methods.

Summary: the above content is about the use of plant anthrax drugs and the introduction of prevention and treatment, hoping to help small partners in need. This paper is integrated with relevant professional knowledge.