
How much does a jin of pistachios cost now? Explain the planting technology in detail!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Human pistachio, also known as red iron fruit, is a common tropical fruit in Guangxi, Fujian and other places. It gets its name because the fruit looks like a human heart and has the effect of preventing cancer and moisturizing the lungs. How much does it cost to have a kilogram of pistachio now? What are the planting techniques? I. Human pistachio

Human pistachio, also known as red iron fruit, is a common tropical fruit in Guangxi, Fujian and other places. It gets its name because the fruit looks like a human heart and has the effect of preventing cancer and moisturizing the lungs. How much does it cost to have a kilogram of pistachio now? What are the planting techniques?

First, the introduction of Renxin fruit:

1. What are the producing areas of pistachios?

Most of the pistachios are produced at home and abroad, including India, Mexico, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Florida, the Caribbean and other places, and Yucatan, Mexico and Central America are the origin. China is mainly produced from Taiwan, Fujian, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places.

2. Is the pistachio hot or cool fruit?

Pistachio is neither hot nor cool fruit, it is a kind of flat fruit, which can strengthen spleen and stomach, aid digestion and so on. Generally, people with any constitution can eat it, but it is not suitable to eat too much.

How much does a jin of pistachios cost now?

Pistachio is a precious tropical fruit, and can only be found in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, so the market price fluctuates, generally cheap at about 10 to 20 yuan per jin, expensive when hundreds of yuan per jin, coupled with different markets and places of origin, there will be some differences in prices. For example, recently, the price of Yongfa fruit seedling plantation in Wuli Town, Lingshan County, Guangxi is about 8 yuan per jin. In Fangchenggang area, the market price of imported Thai pistachios is about 20 yuan per jin. In Haikou area, the market price of fresh pistachios is about 12 yuan per jin. In Guangzhou, the market price of Hainan pistachios is about 20 yuan per jin. If you buy it in the place of origin, it is about 8 yuan per jin, if you buy it wholesale in the place of origin. The market price is about 5 yuan per jin, so the specific price still needs to go to the local market to check.

Third, what are the planting techniques of pistachios?

1. Land selection and preparation: which land is suitable for planting?

The pistachio is suitable to grow in the high terrain of deep fertile soil, good drainage and leeward to the sun, so when selecting the land, try to plant it in slopes, hills or mountains without stagnant water. After selecting the land, it is necessary to dig the soil deeply and apply an appropriate amount of farm organic fertilizer to flatten it for subsequent planting.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings: how to sow seeds?

The main results are as follows: (1) Propagation methods: pistachio can be propagated by seed sowing, cutting, grafting and striping, in which the combination of seed and grafting is one of the most commonly used methods, which not only has a high survival rate, but also ensures its quality and yield. The specific method is to cultivate grafted seedlings and human fruit seedlings, and then can be grafted after germination, the grafting method is similar to that of other seedlings, so we will not introduce them one by one here.

(2) sowing time: April to May.

(3) sowing method: the seeds were planted in the cave at a distance of 1.5 meters between plants and 2 meters between rows, and then covered with soil and poured with a small amount of water, which would germinate after 20-30 days.

(4) planting density: generally planting 200,300 seedlings per mu.

3. Field management technology: what are the requirements for water and fertilizer?

The main results are as follows: (1) Water and fertilizer requirements: human pistachio does not have high requirements for fertilizer, generally apply fertilizer once in spring, autumn, shooting, fruiting period and after harvest, and apply organic fertilizer as far as possible in the fruiting period, potash fertilizer as far as possible after harvest, and watering secondary water at the same time of fertilization to ensure sufficient water and fertilizer. It is best to apply fertilizer in the way of ditching, and drainage measures should be taken in the rainy season to avoid rotting roots.

(2) Flower and fruit thinning: during the flowering period, the flowers and fruits that are too dense and poorly growing should be removed to prevent the late falling flowers and fruits from falling and affecting the fruit setting rate.

(3) artificial pollination: after flowering, artificial pollination should be carried out to improve the fruit rate. Generally, there are two kinds of artificial pollination: artificial point pollination and spray pollination, and artificial point pollination is to smear the pollen one by one, so it is more time-consuming, but the result rate is high. The pollination method is to spray the collected pollen on the female flowers with tools, although the efficiency is high, but the fruit rate is not very high, so if the planting scale is small, it is recommended to use the artificial point method.

(4) pruning and shaping: weak branches, dwarf branches and diseased branches will grow during the growth of pistachios, so these branches should be cut off in time to improve the permeability of the branches.

(5) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: aphids, anthracnose, leaf spot and other diseases and insect pests will appear during the growth period of human pistachios, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance, and methyl Tob or pine mixture can be used to control the pests.

The above is a detailed introduction of the market price and planting technology of pistachio. I hope it will be helpful to you.