
Propagation method of durian "king of fruits"

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Durian has always been famous for its smelly, but for people who like to eat durian, durian is fragrant, and durian has high nutritional value, so what are the breeding methods of durian? Let's get to know it together. 1. Bud grafting except Monocotyledon and some cambium

Durian has always been famous for its smelly, but for people who like to eat durian, durian is fragrant, and durian has high nutritional value, so what are the breeding methods of durian? Let's get to know it together.

1. Budding

With the exception of monocotyledons and some plants with irregular cambium, almost all dicotyledonous woody plants can sprout and reproduce, the size of the rootstock is the size of a pencil, where the stem of the rootstock leaves the soil, cut two 0.7cm widths and 3-4cm slits from top to bottom, cut flat at the top of the two slits, pull up the skin, and the length coincides with the bud, leaving a little opened skin at the lower end of the incision to support the bud. The process of obtaining bud slices is the same as that of cutting and peeling with anvil water. after mosaic, fasten it with 1cm wide plastic film tape, and the graft interface had better not come into contact with Rain Water within two days.

It should be noted that the buds of other fruit trees can be completely wrapped by bud grafting, with the exception of durian, because the buds on the buds are easy to fall off, so we can know whether they survive or not after two weeks. After survival, cut off at the top of the rootstock at the place where the buds are about 30cm to stimulate the rapid growth of the bud eyes. In the future, the rootstocks will breed a lot of rootbranches, which can not be removed completely. One or two branches must be turned off to help the buds absorb nutrients. However, the remaining rootstocks should not be allowed to grow too much and should be pruned frequently so as not to hinder the growth of buds.

2. Splicing

Seedlings before sprouting leaves or woody seeds are best used as rootstocks, cut flat away from 6-7cm, and cut straight down in the middle of a flat rootstock, about 1cm into a "V" shape. Take the branch tip with two or three buds equal to the diameter of the anvil pile as the scion, about 8-10cm, cut off the leaves 3 to 4, cut the lower end of the scion into a wedge, insert it into the slit of the anvil pile, fasten it with film belt, and then wrap the whole seedling in a transparent plastic bag to prevent the moisture of the scion from evaporating. After about two or three weeks in a cool place, if the leaves of the scion will not fall off, it will be successful.

3. Docking

Grafting is only suitable for a small amount of reproduction, but it is not recommended if you need to breed more than one durian. Seedlings planted in plastic bags can be used as rootstocks when they are about six or seven months old. The shoot size of the scion is equal to that of the rootstock. The most ideal is upright vegetative branches, which are used for grafting.

4. Cuttage

The branches used for cutting are about 15cm long and as large as chopsticks in diameter. There should be several leaves and buds, each of which needs to be cut off 2/3 to prevent water evaporation. One end of the branch tip should be cut obliquely or 1 cm from bottom to top, coated with a layer of hormone rooting agent, inserted into a wet sand cup, placed in a greenhouse with weak light, watered, and if the leaves will not fall off after seven or eight weeks, the young roots will grow. It can be transplanted into a plastic bag.

5. Ventral grafting of branches

The rootstock can be of any size, as long as it has grown into wood, the cortex is easy to peel off, the cutting process is similar to budding, the long 10cm has not yet opened leaves, and the strong and tender shoots that are not yet of technical quality are selected as scions, the oblique cutting length of the scion is slightly shorter than that of the rootstock incision, insert the rootstock incision, tie it with plastic tape, wrap it in transparent plastic paper and place it in a cool place, cut off the adhesive paper after two weeks, but do not remove the tape. Until the top of the branch grows.

6. Air crimping

The aerial pressing of durian is not seasonal. Choose a branch with a larger pencil and peel about 3cm at the 40cm from the end. After peeling, you need to cut off the cambium at the cut with the back of a knife, otherwise the incision cortex will recover and will not take root. Wrap a mass of wet soil at the incision, wrap it with plastic paper and tie it up at both ends. After about three months of new root growth, you can cut off the matrix and cut the plastic paper. Planted in a black plastic bag and placed in a cool place, it can be transplanted after about a month or two. this method is rarely used to breed durian because of its low survival rate.

The above is the breeding method of durian arranged by Xiaobian for you. I hope it can help you!