
Analysis of China's Agricultural Policy Rural Poor Hollow Agricultural Modernization

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, There is no arable land in the world. In order to survive, human beings constantly reclaim the land and obtain agricultural products on the water surface. The land that can achieve high yield through land consolidation and irrigation is called available land, and the land with high reclamation cost is called difficult to use land. Crops have been planted.

There is no arable land in the world. In order to survive, human beings constantly reclaim land and obtain agricultural products on the surface of the water. The land that can achieve high yield through land consolidation and irrigation is called usable land, and the land with high reclamation cost is called difficult to use land. The average yield of cultivated crops has reached the world average, and the ratio of used land to available land is called farmland utilization. It reflects the land use and reserve potential of a country. Tourism agriculture, factory assembly line agriculture or artificial synthesis, high scientific and technological content and little dependence on land, many countries are classified as industries. The following is an analysis of some government mantras in agriculture.

A government's excuse: more land, less arable land in the northwest.

More construction land and less reserve arable land

China has used 33.7 million hectares of land for the construction of industrial, agricultural, commercial and mining housing, accounting for 3.47 percent of the land area, occupying 130 million mu of high-quality fertile land in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other river valleys. Ecological land (alpine desert glacier + river + Shishan + natural forest + protected area) accounts for 25.53% of the total land area. Available land accounts for 63.3 per cent of the total land area of 9 billion mu. 66% of China's arable land is distributed in mountains, hills and plateaus; 61 per cent is distributed in arid and extremely arid areas in the north. In the south, the multiple cropping index is as high as 180% to 250 with more water and less water and heat conditions, and all cultivated land is used with super intensity. The cultivated land in the northern part of the Yellow Sea plain accounts for 41.8% of the country, but the amount of water is less than 5.7% of the whole country. The total area of cultivated land in China is 1.82 billion mu per capita, which is only the third from the bottom of 1.4mu per capita in the world. Non-high-standard farmland accounts for 70%, low-quality cultivated land costs, high yield, low farmers abandoned nearly 200 million mu, the government strictly controls the supply of land to protect arable land, resulting in high land prices and high housing prices. Agriculture strives for high-standard fertile land and science and technology, and there is little potential for science and technology to increase production. In the era of advanced machinery and equipment and construction technology and strong financial resources, only occupy not transform, do not replenish high-standard fertile land sorry for the dead and still alive with sweat and primitive tools of the pioneers, the North China Plain has been exhausted, the Northwest needs to divert water from the south to the north to solve irrigation, otherwise the great development of ecological pressure will be a disaster. Before the reform and opening up, due to the limitations of mechanical equipment and construction technology, river valleys and plains in the southern hilly areas accounted for about 8% of the available agricultural land, far lower than 50% of India at the same latitude and 30% of the world. According to the minimum standard, the south can replenish at least 500 million mu of high-standard farmland, and the annual development cost per unit output is equal to that of the northwest to build an irrigation system, and the land area of southern China is larger than that of India. It has always been that three crops of grain a year are available for the whole country in the south. Land occupation and replenishment are not carried out at the same time because they are afraid of spending money and not wanting to replenish arable land, which makes the main grain producing area become the main grain selling area. The cost of reclaiming 100 mu of high-standard farmland in the south is 1 million yuan. In the south, the whole village can be reclaimed, and the cultivated land in one village will be increased by 90%. Please look at what kind of farmland the government is replenishing.

Occupation-compensation balance

Industrial, agricultural, commercial and mining transportation needs construction in order to produce production in order to develop the economy. the per capita construction land is counted down in the world, as long as it is used to produce beneficial construction land, the better, but how much good land occupied by farmers should be replenished to the local farmers who have lost land, and in places with good water and thermal conditions, the first is to collect compensation, the second is development costs, and the third is urban construction. Fourth, agricultural land development, accounting for one to make up one. The transfer fee is used by the local government to sell the national land, enrich the local finance and urban construction, sell the land to make money and sell the house, the more it sells, the faster it develops. Since the reform and opening up, 130 million mu of farmland has been disappeared. farmers over 50 years old used primitive tools to reclaim farmland with sweat and life, and the government faked it with modern equipment. on the left below is the fertile land being replenished and on the right is the fertile land replenished a few years ago. this is by no means an isolated case. Isn't that heartless?

Take up the farmland to mend the steps, and the steps are bigger.

My dear government, the south occupies the northeast and northwest, and the paddy field becomes dry land after three crops a year. Fertile land in the south to fill steps, is this arable land? the supplementary arable land in the southern hilly region should be flattened at least more than 200 mu, build machine ploughing roads, build ridges, backfill planting soil, irrigate rivers or build reservoirs at high places to irrigate, and build high-standard continuous farmland. At present, under the circumstances of advanced machinery and equipment, land transfer fees are not low, and financial resources are sufficient. If we do not replenish arable land by plundering agricultural resources, developing cities to support finance, resulting in a food crisis that makes agriculture difficult to sustain, how can we treat the citizens who can afford to buy houses and the people who have lost their land? how can we stand up to future generations? don't government departments at all levels know what to add? where is the credibility of the government, where is the ruling philosophy, and what people are watching?

Per capita cultivated area of population and labor

In the early Ming Dynasty, 850 million cultivated land has a population of 66 million, with an average cultivated area of 35 mu, which is three times that of Japan, the United States and Europe. In 2013, China's population was 1.389 billion, and the average cultivated area of 680 million rural people was 7.05mu, which was 30% of that of Japan and South Korea, 40 of that of the European Union and 400 of that of the United States. Historically, China's agricultural production efficiency is much higher than that of Japan, Europe and the United States, and it is recognized as a powerful agricultural civilization in the world. from now on, we are far behind Japan and Europe, and we are recognized as backward agricultural countries in the world, mainly because of a serious shortage of land investment. the population increases to eat the old capital.

There are many excuses for agricultural backwardness.

Accounting for 6% of the world's water resources and 7.2% of the world's land area, a lot of water resources have uneven rainfall, waterlogging in the south and drought in the north, drought in the north and northwest is seriously short of water, less rain forms 750 million mu of desert and desertified land, and the northeast and north China is short of water. The hills and mountainous areas of our country account for 62% of the land area, which is mainly distributed in the tropical and subtropical areas where water and heat is superior. The average cost of reclamation is 5000 yuan per mu for the construction of water conservancy machine tillage roads with a unit of 100mu. The cost of water conservancy construction in the northern arid plain of the Loess Plateau is high, in a word, there are more useless land, more useful land and less land resentment. In the 30 years after liberation, land reclamation made a mistake, resulting in poor quality of land without matching of water and heat, and blaming history. In 2014, 4000 villages had no electricity, with an average educational background of seven years and an average of 6000 yuan in working capital per capita. In a word, it is resentful. 500 million people starved to death in rural collective economic cooperatives. In 2013, domestic prices were 66.88% for rice, 21.14% for wheat, 58.14% for corn, 98.35% for pork, 15.79% for soybeans, 108.72% for sugar and 38.31% for cotton. In 2014, China imported 114 million tons of genetically modified grain and oil, and more than 2 million tons of meat, eggs and milk, an increase of 40 percent. Price ceiling cost floor rise, blame small-scale peasant economy. Just like the agricultural backward countries in the early days of the founding of the United States, Japan and Europe, the government explained to the people that the sky was not good and the people could not inherit many bad disasters. There is even more arable land, there is only so much cement on the ground and there is no growing grain, and other fallacies and heresies divert people's dissatisfaction with agriculture. There is no arable land and water conservancy in the world, and they are all built by human beings in order to feed their stomachs. In order to protect the environment, it is good to have a high yield, because agricultural products are worthless, and it is impossible to develop the economy by relying on agriculture, but agriculture is the foundation of the country. The rest is bullshit. The people blame the government, and the reform and opening up has done nothing to the development of agricultural land and water conservancy construction, widening the gap between agriculture and developed countries.

If you want to be poor and go to farming, you want to waste land quickly: 2014 farmland profit: high-quality fragrant rice 627 yuan / mu, common rice 56.6 yuan / mu, high-quality wheat 478 yuan / mu, common wheat 68 yuan / mu, sweet corn 678 yuan / mu, common corn 77.52 yuan / mu, sugarcane 961 yuan / mu, common sugarcane 116.81 yuan / mu, green pea 523 yuan / mu, soybean-438 yuan / mu, natural forage 28 yuan / mu, artificial forage 1200 yuan / mu. Vegetable 400 yuan per mu, fruit 500,3246 yuan per mu, aquatic products 700,2825 yuan per mu, beef cattle 1200 yuan and live pigs 103.91 yuan per head. The medicinal material is 1200 yuan per mu. In 2015, the Ministry of Finance imposed a 17% value-added tax on fertilizers and pesticides, which will drive down agricultural profits. Rural residents 680 million, farming 260 million, per capita monthly income 924 yuan, scale farming 200mu monthly per capita income 3100 yuan, vegetable farmers around the city average monthly income 3600 yuan, herdsmen average monthly income 4800 yuan, specialty farming average monthly income 6000 yuan; if you want to be poor, go to farming. In 2011, excluding more than one million income people in rural areas, such as those engaged in real estate development, mining, business, and village industrialization, there is a 10-fold difference between 20% of the highest-income people and 20% of the lowest-income people, and more than 90% of the high-income people work. 90% of low-income people work in agriculture, and if you want money to waste land and engage in non-agricultural work.

Second, the government has many worries: rural poverty, hollow agriculture and agricultural modernization.

1 the root causes of poverty and backwardness in rural areas

Poor environment, inferior land, weak industry and prisoner policy are the root causes of poverty and backwardness in China's rural areas.

Poor environment: scattered living, poor living and production areas, poor access to employment information from cities, poor sales information, poor access to professional knowledge, science and technology, poor rural education and training resources, poor healthy growth of left-behind children, heavy labor is easy to lead to intergenerational poverty, poor transportation, poor power supply, poor logistics, poor water supply, most of the heating direct drinking all kinds of stones, high incidence of cancer. There are many life-threatening factors, and the poor environment is difficult to train talents, it is difficult to have the opportunity to get rich, it is difficult to enter the upper class, it is difficult to have their own policy voice.

Inferior land: 66% of the cultivated land is distributed in mountains, hills and plateaus; 61% of the cultivated land in the north is lack of irrigation, with small operating area, fine and scattered land, low production efficiency and low income. Infrastructure transformation is difficult, food security is difficult, agro-ecological sustainability is difficult.

Weak industries: the industrial revolution led to the unprecedented development of human productive forces, and when agriculture could not go down, it became the outcast of capitalists. The profits of the same investment in farms were far lower than those of industrial and commercial enterprises. 95% of agricultural products are homogenized in the mainland. Cost, marketing, safety, forecasting supply and demand, supply is less than demand, unsalable immediately return to poverty. No country has the richest 2000 capitalists who run farms. Thousands of years of feudal history in China proved that there was no agricultural capitalist. It cannot arouse the interest of farmers in an open market economy society. If not, reform, the countryside is always a testing ground for politicians. Marx only saw the slums and exploitation of capitalist modern agriculture and did not see the dictatorship and political exploitation of public ownership. China's socialism realized the rural collective economy, 37 million people starved to death, and great social changes took place in other countries in the same period. Deng Xiaoping saw the self-saving distribution of land to households in the small-scale peasant economy. China solved the food crisis in 1993. Ten years later, there was a food shortage, and the land circulation came again. A camellia oil production enterprise rented 20, 000 mu of barren mountains at 5 yuan per mu and asked for an increase in rent to 100 yuan per mu. To mediate "the interests of farmers of 5 yuan / mu have been damaged, the rent should be increased", mediation will not lead to the failure of the project. If you want to be poor, the residual value of investment in agriculture is zero. Most of the grain-producing areas are the poorest, while Guangdong and Jiangsu, which do not pay attention to agriculture, are the richest. After the development of state-owned land, the national interests are damaged and not shared. It is a big joke to support farmers to share the profits and wealth of agricultural small capitalists through rent. In developed countries, the subsidy for modern agriculture is 40%, and China has to pay 50% rent. I hope to have the pillars of such a country with operational genius.

Prisoner policy: successive rulers imprisoned farmers on the land, provided soldiers with food, valued agriculture over commerce, and China was no exception after liberation. Taking villages as units, no mobility, no business, no transfer of land, unified purchase and marketing, sending workers and prisons without walls, after reform and opening up, villages were still not allowed to move and land was not allowed to be transferred. The use of agricultural land cut off any non-agricultural income of farmers on the land, prisoners without walls did not give food, and everything they bought contributed to tax revenue. Agricultural middleman farmers' market slaughterhouse poached 90% of the profits, and 5 mu of farmland only supplied the fuel consumption tax of 1 mu of farmland. Farmers are poor! If you want to get away from the wasteland quickly, I'm sorry to "divorce from the countryside", the land and real estate in the countryside cannot be taken away, the high housing prices behind you are waiting for farmers, professional workers compete with you, and industrial and commercial capital competes with you. Capable people have become white-collar workers, the whole family has settled in the city or set up enterprises to really break through the cage, otherwise they will dedicate their youth to the city. In old age, he returned to the cage and left the land for the farmers to give full play to. There is also a brainwashing advertisement: "Land is the lifeblood of farmers: farmers' land types: land rights: urbanized farmers go to cities (the cities they enter are by no means north to Guangzhou)."... " The more seductive Huaxi village farmers get rich, is the village urbanization, there are several farmers living in the city.

Open all the shackles around the necks of farmers, so that they can sell assets and land from poor environments to buy land in rich rural areas or to buy houses in rich rural areas or wade freely from cities, and trees move dead people. Transform or increase high-standard arable land according to the plan to improve the production efficiency of farmers, separate production from living areas, concentrate living areas or go to the nearest city so that future generations can have better education so that farmers can have a better quality of life, and production facilities will be built in production areas.