
What month is strawberry fruit? There are four ways to solve the rotten fruit problem!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to strawberries, everyone must be familiar with it. It not only tastes sweet, but also has high nutritional value. The most important thing is that it can be used in a variety of ways, and it can be used for beauty and beauty, so it is very popular with women. What month is strawberry fruit?. What's wrong with the rotten fruit? Strawberries

When it comes to strawberries, everyone must be familiar with it. It not only tastes sweet, but also has high nutritional value. The most important thing is that it can be used in a variety of ways, and it can be used for beauty and beauty, so it is very popular with women. What month is strawberry fruit?. What's wrong with the rotten fruit?

First, strawberry introduction:

1. Is strawberry acidic or alkaline fruit?

Strawberries are alkaline fruits. Because strawberries are rich in mineral elements, they will be metabolized into alkaline foods after digestion, providing the necessary mineral elements for the human body.

2. What are the calories of strawberries?

Strawberries are low in calories, with an average of 30 calories per 100g, equivalent to walking for 9 minutes, so they are not high in calories, so you don't have to worry about getting fat after eating.

What month is strawberry fruit?

1. Under normal circumstances, strawberries are fruits from June to July, but due to varieties, planting methods and other reasons, strawberries are ripe almost all the year round. For example, strawberries grown in greenhouses can be on the market from December to January of the following year, just during the Spring Festival. So a lot of people will plant it during this time.

2. As there are also early-maturing varieties of strawberries, some of them will be on the market from March to April, but some will accelerate their ripening in order to be listed in advance, so you should pay attention to them when you buy them. Personal advice is to buy strawberries in June and July, so that you won't get hormone strawberries.

Third, what's wrong with the rotten fruit of strawberries?

Although strawberries taste sweet and sour, they are difficult to grow, especially when they are rotten and moldy before they are picked, which is a headache. The specific reasons are as follows:

First, improper fertilization: strawberries have higher requirements for fertilizer, in addition to adequate base fertilizer, but also appropriate supplement of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, but if too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the plant will grow too much, resulting in a decline in resistance and the invasion of diseases, resulting in rotten fruit.

Solution: remove rotten fruit, and timely supplement calcium fertilizer, at the same time can be mixed with some trace element foliar fertilizer, so that plant nutrients are uniform, after a period of time, there will not be the phenomenon of rotten fruit.

Second, poor soil conditions: strawberries are suitable to grow in a loose and fertile neutral or slightly acidic environment, and the fruit will rot if the soil is sticky, poor air permeability and insufficient fertility.

Solution: remove rotten fruit, diseased branches and diseased leaves, and then loosen the soil to increase the air permeability of the soil, while intercropping other crops to improve soil fertility, so that strawberries will not rot.

Third, the occurrence of diseases: strawberry growth period, due to temperature and humidity and other factors such as powdery mildew, Phytophthora fruit rot, anthracnose, gray mold and other diseases, so it is necessary to control indoor temperature, humidity, and ensure indoor ventilation.

Solution: remove the rotten fruit and control the indoor temperature and humidity. Ventilation should be needed when ventilation is needed and medication should be used when medication is needed. For gray mold, powdery mildew, etc., can be fumigated with sulfur fumigator to prevent. At the same time, drainage measures should be taken in cloudy and rainy days, and weeds, diseased branches and diseased leaves in the garden should be removed in time to reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Fourth, the strong light was killed by the sun: strawberries are light-loving plants but not resistant to strong light, if the light is too strong, the plant will be killed in the sun, resulting in rotten fruit.

Solution: remove the rotten fruit and shade it properly to avoid the sun burning strawberries. If it is winter, in the midday bright light, it is necessary to cover a layer of black film, so that strawberries are not easily scalded. If it is ripe strawberries, they should be removed as soon as possible.

Generally speaking, strawberries are generally fruits from June to July, but they are almost ripe all the year round due to varieties, planting methods and other reasons. Ripe strawberries, if the soil conditions are poor, the light is too strong or the occurrence of diseases, will make the fruit rot, so we must do a good job in various management techniques during planting.