
How much is a kilo of black sesame now? The difference between white sesame and white sesame!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Black sesame, also known as fat sesame, is the black seed of sesame of the family Sesamaceae. it is deeply loved by people because of its effects of invigorating stomach, black hair, protecting liver and moistening intestines, especially the ground sesame paste is widely used as breakfast. How much is a jin of black sesame now?

Black sesame, also known as fat sesame, is the black seed of sesame of the family Sesamaceae. it is deeply loved by people because of its effects of invigorating stomach, black hair, protecting liver and moistening intestines, especially the ground sesame paste is widely used as breakfast. How much is a jin of black sesame now? What's the difference between white sesame and white sesame?

First, black sesame introduction:

1. What are the producing areas of black sesame?

Black sesame is mainly produced in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places in China, among which Anhui, Jiangsu and Yunnan have the largest output of black sesame, which are sold to all parts of our country.

2. Can black sesame seed grow hair?

Black sesame can not grow hair, but it can nourish hair and make hair darker, because black sesame is rich in protein, vitamins, linoleic acid and mineral elements, which can supplement hair nutrition.

How much is a jin of black sesame now?

The market price of black sesame is not expensive, generally cooked is about 15 yuan per jin, raw about 7-8 yuan per jin, but due to the difference between the market and the time of sale, the price will be different. For example, in Henan Wanbang International Agricultural products Logistics Co., Ltd., the market price of a jin of raw sesame is about 19.2 yuan. In Beijing Dayang Road Agricultural products Wholesale Market, the market price of a jin of raw black sesame is about 16 yuan. If you go to the supermarket to buy, one jin of raw black sesame is about 10 yuan per jin, and one jin of cooked black sesame is about 18 yuan per jin, so the specific price still needs to go to the local market to check.

What's the difference between black sesame and white sesame?

Black sesame and white sesame are both sesame, but there are some differences in color and price between them.

First, the color is different: black sesame is black; white sesame is white.

Second, the price is different: the market price of raw black sesame is about 7 yuan per jin, the market price of cooked black sesame is about 15 yuan per jin, the market price of raw white sesame is about 5 yuan per jin, and the market price of cooked white sesame is about 12 yuan and 13 yuan per jin, so the market price of black sesame is higher than that of white sesame.

Difference 3, different uses: black sesame can be used for health care, generally can be ground into powder with red jujube, Chinese wolfberry or other grains and washed into sesame paste to drink in the morning; white sesame is mostly used for cooking to increase flavor, squeeze oil, etc., generally used for cold dishes.

Difference 4, different nutritional value: black sesame is rich in vitamin E, protein, fat, dietary fiber, etc., in which every 100g contains 50mg vitamin E, 28g dietary fiber; white sesame is rich in protein, fat, vitamin B1, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc and other elements, including 38mg vitamin E per 100g, 30g dietary fiber, and sodium and carbohydrates are higher than black sesame.

Distinction 5, the efficacy is different: black sesame flat taste sweet, with moistening intestines, tonifying liver, nourishing blood effect, often edible without black hair, nourishing the five internal organs, etc.; white sesame flat taste sweet, with qi, moistening intestines, swelling, laxative effect, often eating can benefit urination, intestines and stomach, and so on.

The above is a detailed introduction of the market price of black sesame and the difference between black sesame and white sesame. I hope it will be helpful to you.