
Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences holds "Belt and Road Initiative" Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Belt and Road Initiative Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Forum and the National Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Network International Cooperation Professional Committee Establishment meeting was held in the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences. From Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Water Sciences

On September 29th, the "Belt and Road Initiative" Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Forum and the establishment meeting of the Professional Committee for International Cooperation of the National Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Network was held in the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences. From the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Water Sciences, the Hainan Provincial Department of Agriculture, the Department of Science and Technology, and the Agricultural Sciences and Land Reclamation system of nine provinces (regions) in South China, nearly 100 representatives from 11 countries, including Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Cuba and Liberia, gathered with the theme of "giving full play to the scientific and technological advantages of tropical agriculture to promote the agricultural development of Belt and Road Initiative" countries. To explore how to better carry out scientific and technological cooperation in tropical agriculture with "Belt and Road Initiative" countries.


Sign a letter of intent with the Ministry of Agriculture of Liberia

The forum conducted full exchanges and discussions on how to seize the opportunity, actively integrate into the "Belt and Road Initiative" strategy, and promote international cooperation. The representatives of Liberia Ethiopia and Vanuatu introduced the needs of their respective countries for scientific and technological cooperation in agriculture. Through vivid cases and detailed analysis, experts from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of nine provinces (regions) in hot areas have put forward insights for better carrying out "Belt and Road Initiative" agricultural science and technology cooperation.

At the forum, Vice President Liu Guodao of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences and Thomas Kibok, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture of Liberia, signed a letter of intent for scientific and technological cooperation. Under the partnership of South-South cooperation, extensive cooperation will be carried out in animal and plant breeding and genetics, agronomy, pest control, postharvest processing technology, biotechnology, agricultural extension, agricultural mechanization, water and agricultural waste management, aquaculture, bioenergy and personnel training.

On the same day, the Professional Committee for International Cooperation of the National Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Network was officially established. The committee, jointly established by the nine provinces (regions) of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences and relevant land reclamation enterprises, will give full play to the advantages of all parties and build a platform for deepening exchanges and mutual learning. We will achieve efficient allocation and sharing of resources, information and technology, and promote the development of tropical agricultural science and technology in countries along the "Belt and Road Initiative" route.

Li Shanglan, secretary of the party group of the Chinese Academy of Thermal Sciences, said that the "Belt and Road Initiative" region, especially the Maritime Silk Road in the 21st century, is mainly tropical developing countries, and the technical level of tropical agriculture and the development of tropical crop industry in this region are relatively backward. Advanced tropical agricultural production technology is urgently needed. As a national scientific research institution engaged in tropical agricultural research and development in China, the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences has accumulated a large number of scientific and technological achievements and practical technologies in tropical agriculture after more than 60 years of development. and has carried out extensive cooperation and exchanges with countries in the "Belt and Road Initiative" region. The convening of this forum has further condensed the strength and wisdom of China's nine agricultural provinces (regions) in hot areas, and built a platform for exchange with the "Belt and Road Initiative" country, which will further promote the technology transfer of China's tropical agriculture in the "Belt and Road Initiative" region. expand agricultural cooperation and exchanges with "Belt and Road Initiative" countries.