
How much is the price of the Nine Death Returning Soul Grass (Selaginella)? The difference between this grass and Green Cloud Grass!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Nine Death Revival Grass is also called Selaginella. It is a perennial herb fern that integrates greening and medicinal purposes. It is widely used to treat various bleeding diseases because of its hemostatic effect. Now many pharmacies sell it, and the price is close to the people. The price of Nine Death Revival Grass is probably more.

It is a kind of perennial herbaceous fern that integrates greening and medicinal use. it is widely used to treat all kinds of hemorrhagic disease because of its hemostatic effect. now it is sold in many pharmacies, and the price is close to the people. how much is the price of the nine dead grass? What's the difference between Cuiyun grass and Cuiyun grass?

First, the introduction of the grass that revives the dead:

1. What is the grass that revives the dead?

Selaginella, Selaginella, Selaginella,

2. Will the grass blossom?

The reviving grass is a fern, and all ferns will not blossom, so it will not blossom either.

Second, how much is the price of reviving grass?

The market price of Nine Dead returning Soul Grass is not expensive, about 10-12 yuan per jin, but due to the difference in origin, market and sale time, the price will be different. For example, the price of Bozhou Leishuo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is about 18 yuan per jin, in Chengdu lotus pond Chinese medicine professional market is about 12 yuan per jin, in Qichun County Huinong Chinese medicine professional cooperative price is about 20 yuan per jin, if you go wholesale purchase, it may be about 10 yuan per jin, if you go to a large drugstore to buy, it may be about 15 yuan per jin So the specific price still needs to go to the local exclusive drugstore to inquire.

Third, what's the difference between reviving grass and Cuiyun grass?

Difference one, different families and genera: Selaginella, perennial erect evergreen herbaceous ferns, native or lithophytic resuscitation plants; Cuiyun grass is Selaginella, Selaginaceae, Selaginella perennial herbaceous medium-sized Vodi ferns.

Difference 2, different appearance: the grass root is small, connected with stems and branches, and can be separated from the soil by itself. if it encounters dry weather, it will curl up into a ball, and the climate may expand naturally when there is Rain Water; Cuiyun grass is soft, the main stem is slender, brown and yellow, there are many branches, and there are many adventitious roots at the branches, and the long leaflets are turquoise oval, and will emit a sapphire-like luster.

Third, the distribution range is different: the grass is distributed in all parts of the Korean Peninsula, India, Japan, the Philippines and China, and is mostly born on sunny hillside rocks or in dry crevices. Cuiyun grass is planted in Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang, Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places. It grows in humus soil or in weeds by streams. Of course, it also grows in caves, crevices or wet stones.

Difference four, different efficacy: in addition to doing medicine to stop bleeding, it can also burn the whole plant into ashes, take orally to treat all kinds of hemorrhagic blood, or apply externally to treat all kinds of wounds; Cuiyuncao whole plant can also be used as medicinal materials, and has the effect of relieving cough, clearing heat and dampness, it can effectively treat enteritis, rheumatic joint pain, dysentery and other diseases, in addition, it can also be externally applied to treat scald, burn, fall injury and so on.

The above is a detailed introduction of the market price of Nine Dead returning Grass and the difference between it and Cuiyun grass. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.