
What is cumin? The five differences between fennel and fennel!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fennel, also known as corn fennel and spicy vegetable, is a common seasoning in life. Many people add some to barbecue, beef or fried food to increase their flavor. What is cumin? What's the difference between fennel and cumin? What is cumin?

Fennel, also known as corn fennel and spicy vegetable, is a common seasoning in life. Many people add some to barbecue, beef or fried food to increase their flavor. What is cumin? What's the difference between fennel and cumin?

What is cumin?

The main results are as follows: 1. Cumin is the dry mature fruit of fennel of Umbelliferae. The fruit is 4~8mm long, yellowish green or yellowish cylindrical, slightly pointed at both ends, with a small pedicel at the base, five longitudinal edges above, and a pentagonal cross section, which smells special aroma.

2. Fennel, also known as spicy vegetable, has a special aroma and can remove the stench from the meat, so it is a common condiment and is often used in barbecue, pancakes or seafood. Among them, the thin leaves or petioles can be shredded and added to the seasoning, or they can be fried with all kinds of meat. The fruit can be directly sprinkled on the food or ground into powder to increase the taste.

3. Cumin is a kind of medicine with warm taste, which has the effect of dispelling cold, warming kidney, nourishing stomach and warming stomach. It has a good effect on low back cold pain, hernia, loss of appetite, cold vomiting and kidney deficiency caused by cold and dampness and qi stagnation. It can be mixed with incense, cinnamon, ginger and so on.

What's the difference between cumin and fennel?

Distinction one, different families and genera: cumin is the dry mature fruit of fennel of Umbelliferae, which can be picked when it is ripe in autumn, and then dried to lay down the fruit; fennel is a plant of star anise family of Ranunculaceae.

Second, the shape is different: cumin is slender, yellowish green or yellowish cylindrical, slightly pointed at both ends, with five longitudinal edges above; fennel has an octagonal appearance, thick petals, straight sharp corners and dark brown.

Third, the taste is different: cumin smells fragrant, has a camphor-like taste, tastes a little sweet, and has a burning sensation on the tongue; fennel smells of mint and fruit and gives off a fragrant smell when chewed.

Fourth, the efficacy is different: fennel has the effect of relieving cold and relieving pain, warming the kidney, nourishing the stomach and warming the stomach, and has a good effect on low back cold pain, hernia, loss of appetite, stomach cold vomiting and kidney deficiency caused by cold and dampness and qi stagnation. Fennel has the effect of warming yang, analgesia, regulating qi and relieving pain, and has a certain therapeutic effect on neurasthenia and indigestion.

Distinction 5, different ways to eat: cumin is generally used for barbecue, beef or seafood, but the heat should be small when fried, so as not to blacken the dishes too much, affecting their appearance; fennel is mostly used for cooking soup, cooking cakes, baking food, etc., which can be heated for a long time, but do not produce burnt smell.

Generally speaking, cumin is a kind of spicy vegetable, which is commonly used in barbecue and seafood in life. although it sounds like the same kind of fennel, there are some differences in family, genus, appearance, taste and efficacy between them. So it's easy to distinguish when you buy it.