
The planting technology of carambola is made public, so that it can be planted with high yield.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Carambola must be known to everyone. Let's talk about carambola today. As the price of fruit has risen sharply in recent years, many people have begun to plant carambola. Then let the editor take you to understand the planting techniques of carambola! I. colonization

Carambola must be known to everyone. Let's talk about carambola today. As the price of fruit has risen sharply in recent years, many people have begun to plant carambola. Then let the editor take you to understand the planting techniques of carambola trees!

I. planting and establishing a garden

1. Planting environment

In the choice of land, we should build a tree garden with open terrain, flat and sunny land, fertile soil, deep soil layer and good drainage and irrigation capacity.

2. Planting time

Planting is usually chosen in spring and autumn, because the temperature of these two seasons is suitable for the growth and development of seedlings.

3. Planting density

The density of planting carambola trees is about 25-30 trees per mu. In the method of planting carambola trees, we choose to dig holes to plant carambola trees, dig soil holes of length and width 90cm, sprinkle base fertilizer inside, put seedlings into soil holes, and then fill and compact the surface soil mixed with lime powder. When planting, the soil should be 25-30cm higher than the soil layer. After planting, carambola trees should be watered.

II. Fertilizer and water management

1. Fertilization

When the seedlings are planted and survived, we should carry out topdressing to promote the seedlings to grow more effectively. Light fertilizer prevails. In the next two months, farm manure and compound organic fertilizer can be added appropriately, which can provide nutrients for plant growth and avoid the phenomenon of dwarf and malnutrition of seedlings in the growth process.

At the beginning of winter, we have to stop fertilizing in November, spread winter fertilizer in December, let the carambola tree survive the winter safely, and apply organic fertilizer to improve the soil fertility in the spring of the following year.

2. Watering

Water the soil properly according to the moisture of the soil. If there is enough rainfall on a rainy day, there is no need to water it. If it is an arid area, artificial watering can be adopted. In addition, we can also pour some water after fertilization, put fertilizer better infiltration, so that carambola better absorb nutrients.

Third, shaping and pruning

When the seedlings reach 60-70cm, we have to prune the branches and cut off the top of the carambola tree. Leave 3-4 buds as the main branch, and when the branch grows to 50cm, it should be coring, which can promote the sprouting of plant branches. It is usually pruned 2-3 times a year. After the fruit is picked in spring for the first time, pruning will cut off the overgrown branches, weak branches and withered branches to prevent nutrients from being absorbed by the twigs.

All right, let's finish talking about the planting technology of carambola. If there's anything you don't understand, you can pay attention to the soil flow net. I'll see you next time.