
Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on winning the battle against poverty

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, To ensure that the rural poor can be lifted out of poverty by 2020 is the most arduous task of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. The following decisions are made to win the battle against poverty. First, enhance the sense of mission to win the battle against poverty, eradicate poverty, improve people's livelihood, and achieve step by step.

To ensure that the rural poor can be lifted out of poverty by 2020 is the most arduous task of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. The following decisions are made to win the battle against poverty.

First, enhance the sense of mission and urgency to win the battle against poverty

Eliminating poverty, improving people's livelihood and gradually realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism and the important mission of our party. Since reform and opening up, we have carried out large-scale poverty alleviation and development, lifted 700 million rural poor out of poverty, made great achievements that attracted worldwide attention, and wrote a brilliant chapter in the history of human anti-poverty. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have incorporated poverty alleviation and development into the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, placed it in a more prominent position as a key work to achieve the first centenary goal, vigorously implemented accurate poverty alleviation, continuously enriched and expanded the path of poverty alleviation with Chinese characteristics, and constantly created a new situation in the cause of poverty alleviation and development.

China's poverty alleviation and development has entered a sprint period of gnawing hard bones and attacking fortified villages. The number of poor people in some provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) in the central and western regions is still relatively large, and the remaining poor people have a deeper degree of poverty, the cost of poverty reduction is higher, and it is more difficult to get rid of poverty. To achieve the set goal of lifting more than 70 million rural poor people out of poverty by 2020 is a very urgent and arduous task. We must constantly innovate ideas and methods for poverty alleviation and development on the existing basis, and resolutely win this battle.

Poverty alleviation and development is related to building a well-off society in an all-round way, to the well-being of the people, to the consolidation of the party's ruling foundation, to the long-term stability of the country, and to the international image of our country. Winning the battle against poverty is a major measure to promote all the people to share the fruits of reform and development and achieve common prosperity, and an important symbol of the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. It is also an important way to expand domestic demand and promote economic growth under the new normal of economic development. Party committees and governments at all levels must regard poverty alleviation and development as a major political task, earnestly enhance their sense of responsibility, mission and urgency, and earnestly solve outstanding problems such as inadequate ideological understanding, imperfect systems and mechanisms, and non-implementation of work measures. live up to the mission, dare to shoulder the responsibility, seize the hour, do solid work, and speed up to make up for this outstanding deficiency in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Never let a region or a nation be left behind to achieve the goal of getting rid of poverty set in the proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the Thirteenth five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development.

II. General requirements for winning the battle against poverty

(1) guiding ideology

Fully implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the second, third, fourth and Fifth Plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the scientific concept of development as the guidance, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, and firmly establish and earnestly implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing around the strategic layout of the "four comprehensive". Give full play to political and institutional advantages, take accurate poverty alleviation and accurate poverty alleviation as the basic strategy, adhere to the mutual promotion of poverty alleviation through development and economic and social development, and closely integrate accurate assistance with the development of a series of areas with special difficulties. We should attach equal importance to poverty alleviation and ecological protection, adhere to the effective connection between poverty alleviation and development and social security, refuse to relax after holding on to Castle Peak, take unconventional measures, and come up with excellent measures. With the efforts of the whole party and society, we will resolutely win the battle against poverty.

(II) overall objectives

By 2020, it will be stable to ensure that the poor in rural areas are not worried about food and clothing, and that compulsory education, basic medical care and housing are guaranteed. The growth rate of per capita disposable income of farmers in poverty-stricken areas is higher than the national average, and the indicators in the main areas of basic public services are close to the national average. To ensure that under China's current standards, the rural poor can be lifted out of poverty, and all the poor counties will take off their hats to solve the overall regional poverty.

(3) basic principles

-- adhere to the leadership of the Party and consolidate the organizational foundation. We should give full play to the leading core role of party committees at all levels in taking charge of the overall situation and coordinating all parties, strictly implement the system of first-in-command responsibility for poverty alleviation, and work together with the five-level secretaries of provinces, cities, counties and villages. We will earnestly strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations in rural areas in poverty-stricken areas and make them a strong fighting fortress for leading the masses to shake off poverty and become rich.

-- adhere to the leadership of the government and enhance the joint efforts of society. We will strengthen government responsibility, lead the coordinated efforts of the market and society, encourage the rich first to help the rich later, and build a large poverty alleviation pattern in which special poverty alleviation, industrial poverty alleviation and social poverty alleviation complement each other.

-- adhere to accurate poverty alleviation and improve the effectiveness of poverty alleviation. The importance of poverty alleviation and development lies in precision, and we must solve the problem of who to support, who to help, and how to help, so that we can really help the poor, help the poor, lift them out of poverty, earnestly improve the sustainability of the results of poverty alleviation, and give the poor a greater sense of achievement.

-- persisting in protecting the ecology and realizing green development. Firmly establish the concept that green water and green mountains is Jinshan and Silver Mountain, and give priority to ecological protection. Poverty alleviation and development should not explore new ways to get rid of poverty at the expense of ecology, so that the poor can get more benefits from ecological construction and restoration.

-- adhere to the main body of the masses and stimulate endogenous motivation. We will continue to promote poverty alleviation through development, properly handle the relationship between state and social assistance and our own efforts, carry forward the spirit of self-reliance, hard struggle and hard work to become rich, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of cadres and masses in poverty-stricken areas, and pay attention to poverty alleviation and intellectual support first. we will enhance the ability of the poor to develop themselves.

-- persisting in adjusting measures to local conditions and innovating systems and mechanisms. Highlight the problem-oriented, innovate the path of poverty alleviation and development, change from "flood flooding irrigation" to "precision drip irrigation"; innovate the use of poverty alleviation resources from multiple dispersion to overall concentration; innovate the mode of poverty alleviation and development, from focusing on "blood transfusion" to focusing on "hematopoiesis"; innovate the evaluation system of poverty alleviation, and focus on assessing the effectiveness of poverty alleviation from the gross domestic product of the region.

Third, implement the precise poverty alleviation strategy and speed up the accurate poverty alleviation of the poor

(4) to improve the working mechanism of accurate poverty alleviation. We should do a good job in the key link of accurate identification and filing, so as to lay a good foundation for winning the battle against poverty, and create conditions for promoting the integration of urban and rural development and gradually realizing the equalization of basic public services. In accordance with the requirements of accurate support targets, accurate project arrangements, accurate use of funds, accurate measures to households, accurate personnel sent to villages, and accurate results in poverty alleviation, about 50 million of the poor people in the establishment of archival cards have been lifted out of poverty through industrial support, job transfer, relocation, education support, medical assistance and other measures, while the rest of the poor who have completely or partially lost their ability to work have been lifted out of poverty through social security policies. Carry out regular and comprehensive verification of poor villages, poor households and poor people in the establishment of archives, set up accurate poverty alleviation accounts, and implement dynamic management with both income and output. We will provide classified support to the poor according to the causes of poverty and the needs of getting rid of poverty.

We will establish an identification mechanism for poverty alleviation of poor households, and let farmers who have been lifted out of poverty continue to enjoy poverty alleviation policies within a certain period of time, so as to avoid the phenomenon of getting rid of poverty and returning to poverty at the same time. We will step up efforts to formulate strict, standardized and transparent withdrawal standards, procedures and verification methods for key counties in poverty alleviation and development. The withdrawal of key counties shall be submitted by the county, the first examination of the city (prefecture), and the examination and approval at the provincial level, which shall be submitted to the leading Group of Poverty Alleviation and Development under the State Council for the record. After the withdrawal of key counties, the state's original poverty alleviation policy will remain unchanged during the critical period, and we will step up efforts to formulate national assistance policies after the critical period. We will strengthen social supervision over the performance of poverty alleviation work, carry out surveys on people's satisfaction with poverty alleviation in poverty-stricken areas, and establish a third-party evaluation mechanism for the implementation and effectiveness of poverty alleviation policies. To evaluate the effectiveness of accurate poverty alleviation, we should look not only at the quantity of poverty reduction, but also at the quality of poverty alleviation, not to mention unrealistic indicators, and to seriously investigate the responsibility of those who practice fraud and engage in "digital poverty alleviation."

(5) to develop characteristic industries to get rid of poverty. To formulate plans for the development of characteristic industries in poverty-stricken areas. We will introduce special policies, make overall use of agriculture-related funds, and focus on supporting poor villages and poor households to develop farming and traditional handicrafts in line with local conditions. We will implement the industrial promotion action of "one village, one product" in poor villages and support the construction of a number of characteristic agricultural bases with high participation of the poor. We will strengthen the cultivation of farmers' cooperatives and leading enterprises in poverty-stricken areas, give full play to their role in organizing and driving the poor, and strengthen the mechanism for linking their interests with poor households. We will support the development of agricultural products processing industries in poor areas, speed up the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and allow poor households to share more of the value-added benefits of the whole agricultural industry chain and value chain. We will increase support for the promotion and marketing of agricultural products in poor areas. Relying on the unique natural and human resources of poverty-stricken areas, we will deeply implement the poverty alleviation project of rural tourism. We will scientifically, rationally and orderly develop hydropower, coal, oil and gas and other resources in poverty-stricken areas, and adjust and improve policies for the distribution of income from resource development. The benefit sharing mechanism of hydropower will be explored, and the funds extracted from power generation will be given priority to reservoir resettlement and the follow-up development of the reservoir area. Guide central enterprises and private enterprises to set up industrial investment funds in poverty-stricken areas respectively and adopt a market-oriented mode of operation, which is mainly used to attract enterprises to poor areas to engage in resource development, industrial park construction, new urbanization development, and so on.

(6) to guide the export of labor services out of poverty. Increase investment in labor export training, make overall use of all kinds of training resources, be employment-oriented, and improve the pertinence and effectiveness of training. We will step up the implementation of vocational skills upgrading programs and education and training programs for poor households, guide the integration of poverty alleviation by enterprises with vocational education, encourage vocational colleges and technical schools to recruit children from poor families, and ensure that the labor force of poor families master at least one skill to get rich, so as to extricate them out of poverty through skills. We will further increase the transfer of special funds for employment to poor areas. We will support the construction of county and township grass-roots employment and social security service platforms in poverty-stricken areas, guide and support employing enterprises to set up labor training bases in poverty-stricken areas, carry out order-oriented training, and establish and improve the mechanism for docking labor services between export and import areas. Local governments are encouraged to provide transport subsidies to the rural poor who work across provinces. We will vigorously support the development of industries such as domestic service, logistics and distribution, and pension services, and expand the employment space for workers in poor areas. We will increase policy support for migrant workers in poverty-stricken areas to return home to start businesses. For the poor rural population who have worked and lived in cities and towns for more than one year, the governments of the importing areas shall bear the corresponding responsibility of providing assistance and give priority to the provision of basic public services, so as to promote the orderly citizenization of the rural poor who are capable of stable employment and life in cities and towns.

(7) to move to other places to get rid of poverty. For rural poor people living in areas with poor living conditions, fragile ecological environment and frequent natural disasters, we will speed up the implementation of the project of poverty alleviation and relocation in different places. Adhere to the principle that the masses are voluntary, active and prudent, choose relocation and resettlement methods according to local conditions, reasonably determine housing construction standards, improve follow-up support policies for relocation, and ensure that relocation targets can be employed and relieved of poverty stably, so that they can move out, live steadily, and become rich. It is necessary to work closely with the promotion of a new type of urbanization, formulate and implement plans for poverty alleviation and relocation in different places, and support places with conditions to rely on small towns and industrial parks to relocate people, so as to help them transfer employment as soon as possible, and enjoy the same basic public services as the local people. We will increase investment in the central budget and local governments at all levels, innovate investment and financing mechanisms, broaden sources of funds, and raise subsidies. We will actively integrate funds and social funds for supporting agriculture, such as transportation construction, irrigation and water conservancy, land renovation, prevention and control of geological disasters, and forestry ecology, and support the construction of supporting public facilities in resettlement areas and the ecological restoration of relocation areas. The policy of linking the increase and decrease of urban and rural construction land will be used to support the poverty alleviation and relocation of the changed land. To provide discounted interest loan support for housing construction, production and entrepreneurship for eligible relocation households. Support the relocation of resettlement sites to develop the property economy and increase the property income of relocated households. We will explore the use of rural vacant houses and land resettlement and relocation of farmers who voluntarily withdraw after settling in cities.

(8) to get rid of poverty by combining ecological protection. Major ecological projects implemented by the state, such as returning farmland to forests and grasslands, protection of natural forests, construction of shelterbelts, control of rocky desertification, prevention and control of desertification, protection and restoration of wetlands, comprehensive renovation of sloping farmland, returning grazing to grasslands, and water and ecological management, in terms of projects and funding arrangements, we will further tilt towards poverty-stricken areas and improve the participation and benefit level of the poor population. We will increase the intensity of ecological protection and restoration in poor areas and increase transfer payments in key ecological functional areas. In combination with the establishment of a national park system, we should innovate the use of ecological funds, and use ecological compensation and ecological protection project funds to turn some of the local poor people who have the ability to work into ecological protection personnel such as forest rangers. We will rationally adjust the indicators for the retention of basic farmland in poor areas and increase the intensity of returning farmland to forests and grasslands in poverty-stricken areas. We will carry out pilot projects of comprehensive ecological compensation in poverty-stricken areas, improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism of compensation standards for public welfare forests, improve the subsidy and incentive policy for grassland ecological protection, and promote the establishment of a horizontal ecological compensation system among regions.

(9) efforts should be made to strengthen education to get rid of poverty. We will speed up the implementation of the poverty alleviation project through education so that all children of poor families can receive fair and quality education and block the intergenerational transmission of poverty. National education funds are skewed towards poverty-stricken areas and basic education. We will improve the funding system for preschool education and help children from poor rural families receive preschool education. We will steadily promote the nutrition improvement plan for students at the stage of compulsory education in rural areas in poor areas. We will increase support for the construction of rural teachers, tilt the special post plan and national training plan to the grass-roots level in poverty-stricken areas, and provide targeted training of specialized and versatile teachers for rural schools in poor areas. we will formulate measures for the recruitment and introduction of teachers in line with the reality at the grass-roots level, establish a supplementary mechanism for the overall planning of rural teachers at the provincial level, and promote the rational flow of urban and rural teachers and counterpart support. We will fully implement the living subsidy policy for rural teachers in poverty-stricken areas and establish an honorary system for rural teachers. We will rationally distribute primary and secondary schools in rural areas in poor areas, improve basic school-running conditions, speed up the construction of standardization, strengthen the construction of boarding schools, and increase the consolidation rate of compulsory education. Popularize high school education, take the lead in waiving tuition and fees in ordinary high schools and secondary vocational education for students with financial difficulties from families with financial difficulties, so that junior high school graduates who have not been promoted to ordinary senior high schools can receive secondary vocational education. We will strengthen the construction of secondary vocational schools with professional characteristics and meet the needs of the market, and raise the standard of state financial aid for secondary vocational education. We will strive to do a good job in special education and distance education in poverty-stricken areas. We will establish a long-term mechanism to ensure that students in rural and poor areas go to key colleges and universities, and increase assistance to college students from poor families. Provide employment support to college graduates from poor families who are not employed. We will implement an action plan to help the poor through education.

(10) to carry out medical insurance and medical assistance to get rid of poverty. We will implement health poverty alleviation projects, ensure that poor people have access to basic medical and health services, and strive to prevent poverty caused by illness and return to poverty due to illness. The financial subsidy shall be given to the individual contributions of the poor to participate in the new rural cooperative medical system. The new rural cooperative medical system and the serious illness insurance system are biased towards the poor, and the overall outpatient service takes the lead in covering all poor areas, reducing the actual expenditure of the poor on serious illness. if it is still difficult to pay for the new rural cooperative medical system and serious illness insurance, we should increase assistance such as medical assistance, temporary assistance and charitable assistance, and bring all the poor into the scope of assistance for major and serious diseases. So that the treatment of serious diseases of the poor can be effectively guaranteed. We will increase rehabilitation services and medical assistance for the poor and disabled in rural areas, and expand medical rehabilitation programs for the disabled that are covered by basic medical insurance. Establish a health card for the poor. The settlement mechanism of classified treatment and payment after diagnosis and treatment will be implemented for the serious diseases of the poor. To establish a stable and sustained one-to-one relationship between national tertiary hospitals (including military and armed police hospitals) and counties in poverty-stricken areas and county-level hospitals in key counties of the country's poverty alleviation and development work. We will complete the standardization of the three-level medical and health service network in counties, townships and villages in poverty-stricken areas, and actively promote the extension of telemedicine diagnosis and treatment and health care consultation services to poor areas. We will train medical undergraduates for free for county and township medical and health institutions in poverty-stricken areas, support the implementation of special post plans for general practitioners and specialists in poverty-stricken areas, and formulate measures for recruiting and introducing talents in line with the reality at the grass-roots level. Support and guide qualified rural doctors in poverty-stricken areas to participate in the basic old-age insurance for urban workers in accordance with the regulations. Take targeted measures to strengthen the prevention and control of infectious diseases, endemic and chronic diseases in poverty-stricken areas. We will comprehensively implement major public health projects such as nutrition improvement for children in poverty-stricken areas, free screening for neonatal diseases, free screening for "two cancers" for women, and free pre-pregnancy health examinations. Strengthen the management of family planning services in poverty-stricken areas.

(11) implement the minimum living security system in rural areas to get rid of poverty. We will improve the minimum living security system in rural areas and provide policy support for families who cannot rely on industrial support and employment to help lift them out of poverty. We will strengthen the overall planning of the minimum living standard at the provincial level in rural areas, and areas with lower minimum living standards should gradually meet the national poverty alleviation standards. We will formulate an implementation plan to effectively link up the rural minimum living security system with the poverty alleviation and development policy as soon as possible. We will further strengthen the verification of the financial situation of families applying for minimum security in rural areas, and include all eligible poor families in the scope of minimum security. We will strengthen the implementation of the temporary assistance system in poor areas. We will raise the level of support for people living in poverty in rural areas and improve the conditions of support. We will step up efforts to establish an information platform for data exchange and resource sharing between rural minimum security and poverty alleviation and development, so as to achieve the effective convergence of dynamic monitoring and management and working mechanisms. We will speed up the improvement of the basic old-age insurance system for urban and rural residents, timely raise the basic pension standards, guide the poor in rural areas to actively participate in the renewal of insurance, and gradually raise the level of security. "using grain to help the poor" can be implemented in areas with conditions and demand.

(12) to explore asset income to help the poor. Without changing its use, financial special poverty alleviation funds and other agriculture-related funds will be invested in the assets formed by facilities agriculture, aquaculture, photovoltaic, hydropower, rural tourism and other projects, and the eligible shares can be quantified to poor villages and poor households, especially those who lose their ability to work. Assets may be uniformly managed by village collectives, cooperatives or other business entities. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and management, clarify the responsibility of asset operators for maintaining and increasing the value of assets formed by financial funds, establish and improve the income distribution mechanism, and ensure that asset income is returned to poor shareholders in a timely manner. We will support farmers' cooperatives and other business entities to increase the income of poor households by means of land trusteeship, livestock care and the absorption of farmers' land management rights into shares. The development of hydropower, mineral resources and other resources in poor areas will give collective equity to villages whose land is occupied, so that the poor can share the benefits of resource development.

(13) improve the care service system for left-behind children, left-behind women, left-behind elderly people and disabled people. We will conduct a comprehensive survey of the "three left-behind" personnel and the disabled in rural areas, and establish a detailed, complete and dynamically updated information management system. We will strengthen the construction of service facilities and teams, such as children's welfare homes, relief and protection institutions, support institutions for people living in poverty, rehabilitation and care institutions for the disabled, and community children's homes, and constantly improve the level of management and services. We will establish a network of care services for left-behind children connected by families, schools, grass-roots organizations, the government and social forces. Strengthen the guardianship of minors. We will improve the welfare security system for children in difficulties such as orphans, virtually unsupported children, and children in low-income families who are seriously ill and crippled. We will improve the mechanisms for finding reports, emergency response, assistance and intervention, and help special poor families solve their practical difficulties. We will increase the implementation of rehabilitation projects, special education, skills training and child care services for the poor and disabled. In view of the special difficulties of persons with disabilities, we will comprehensively establish a system of living subsidies for persons with difficulties and nursing subsidies for persons with severe disabilities. We will improve the level of assistance and ensure basic living standards for key relief objects such as the elderly, minors and severely disabled people in families with minimum living standards. To guide and encourage social forces to participate in the care and service of special groups.