
What season do you have in Allium macrostemon? Such a high yield!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Allium macrostemon, also known as small root garlic, is a common wild vegetable in rural areas. it not only has high nutritional value, but also can treat dysentery, cardiovascular disease, lowering blood lipids and other diseases that are easy to occur in the elderly, so many people will pick some and stir-fry them to eat. in what season does Allium macrostemon have? How

Allium macrostemon, also known as small root garlic, is a common wild vegetable in rural areas. it not only has high nutritional value, but also can treat dysentery, cardiovascular disease, lowering blood lipids and other diseases that are easy to occur in the elderly, so many people will pick some and stir-fry them to eat. what season is that white? How to grow high yield?

1. Introduction of Allium macrostemon:

Is Allium macrostemon a single-headed garlic?

Lianbai is not single-headed garlic, shaped like scallions, the bulb is nearly spherical, the base has many small bulbs, the size of the little finger, the long stems and leaves are small, the whole is light green, can be fried meat to eat, but also can be used as medicine.

2. Where does Allium macrostemon grow?

Allium macrostemon has strong survivability, whether it is barren mountains, wasteland, grasslands, valleys, or hillsides, hills, fields and other places to grow. At present, it is also found on hillsides with an elevation of 3000 meters, which can be said to be everywhere, so it is a kind of wild vegetable that is easy to grow and manage.

What season do you have in Allium macrostemon?

Allium macrostemon can be seen in hillsides, grasslands, hills, valleys and other places from May to July (late summer and early autumn). Generally, as long as there are one or two trees, there will be many nearby, so it is easy to manage. at present, artificial planting has been carried out on a large scale in many areas.

Third, how to grow high yield of Allium macrostemon?

1. Land selection and preparation: which land is suitable for planting?

Allium macrostemon is suitable to grow in the environment of loose and fertile soil, good drainage and rich humus, so it is a good place to plant in humus-rich loam or sandy loam, such as fields, grasslands, hillsides and so on. After selecting the land, dig the soil deeply, apply enough base fertilizer, and then water it for later planting.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings: when to sow seeds?

(1) sowing time: around August.

(2) seed treatment: select the seeds with a glossy appearance, no damage and no disease, and then soak them in hot water of about 50 degrees for 4 hours. After 4 hours, remove and drain the water and let them germinate at 20 degrees Celsius. You can sow seeds when the germination rate reaches 50%.

(3) sowing method: Allium macrostemon can be propagated by seed or split-plant propagation, in which seed propagation is relatively simple. It is only necessary to spread the germinated seeds into the soil according to the distance between rows 20cm and 10cm, then spread the soil and cover with plastic film. On the other hand, ramet reproduction has fast growth rate and high survival rate, but it is only suitable for small area planting.

3. Field management technology: how to manage it?

(1) replenishing seedlings: after the seedlings of Allium macrostemon grow well, the dead seedlings and dense seedlings should be replenished or transplanted in time according to the growth situation, so as to ensure the uniform growth of each seedling.

(2) watering requirements: Bai Bai does not have high requirements for moisture, as long as the soil is moist, generally irrigate a small amount of water during seedling emergence, slowly plant seedlings, and then increase the amount of water when growing to the peak period. however, the specific situation should be determined according to the dry humidity of the basin soil.

(3) Fertilizer requirements: Bai Bai does not have high requirements for fertilizer, generally, in the case of sufficient base fertilizer, there is no need to topdressing in the later stage, but if the seedlings are withered and yellow, it is necessary to apply appropriate amount of fecal and urine water or high-efficiency nitrogen fertilizer. The specific amount of fertilizer application is determined according to the soil fertility.

(4) ploughing and loosening the soil: after planting Allium macrostemon, it is necessary to loosen the soil before overwintering, so as to improve the soil permeability and ensure its safe overwintering. At that time, the surrounding weeds can be pulled out to prevent nutrients from being absorbed.

(5) Disease control: anthracnose, downy mildew, thrips and other diseases and insect pests occasionally occur during the growth of Allium macrostemon, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance. Imidacloprid or manganese zinc can be used to control the insect pests.

The above is a detailed introduction of the season and high-yield planting techniques of Allium macrostemon. I hope it will be helpful to you.