
What's the nickname of Saxifraga? Explain the method of reproduction in detail!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Primrose is a kind of weed, is an annual erect herb of Salvia of Labiatae, is a traditional Chinese medicine with certain medicinal value, its root and whole grass can be used as medicine, some people want to plant this. So, what's the nickname for primrose? What is the method of reproduction?

Primrose is a kind of weed, is an annual erect herb of Salvia of Labiatae, is a traditional Chinese medicine with certain medicinal value, its root and whole grass can be used as medicine, some people want to plant this. So, what's the nickname for primrose? What is the method of reproduction?

What's the nickname of Saxifraga?

1. The nicknames of snow grass are litchi grass, wrinkle grass, toad grass, toad grass

2. Primrose is high 12~19cm, much branched; stem square, sparsely pubescent; leaf blade long elliptic to lanceolate, with obvious deep wrinkles; flowering in May, bracts lanceolate, calyx campanulate, Corolla lip-shaped, lavender to blue-purple; fruit period from May to June, nutlets Obovate, brown.

3. With the exception of Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai and Xizang, Saussurea is distributed all over the country. It is generally born on hillsides, roadsides, wasteland and riverside wetlands. Root and whole grass can be used as medicine, which can promote blood circulation, eliminate carbuncle swelling, stop vomiting and bleeding, and treat sores.

2. Propagation methods of Rabdosia mandshurica

There are three main propagation methods of Rabdosia sibirica, including sowing propagation, cutting propagation and striping propagation. Here are some introductions for you.

1. Sowing and reproduction

(1) seed selection: seeds harvested in the same year should be selected, seeds that are full, free from defects or deformities, and free from diseases and insect pests should be selected.

(2) Disinfection: seed disinfection is generally soaked in hot water for about 60 ℃ for a quarter of an hour, and sowing matrix disinfection is generally put into a pot to stir-fry.

(3) sprouting: use warm hot water to germinate for 12 hours until the seeds absorb water and expand.

(4) sowing: put the seeds into the seedbed, do a good job in temperature control, water and fertilizer management, diseases and insect pests and other work, waiting for the seeds to emerge.

(5) transplanting: when the seedlings grow to 8-12 cm and 2-4 true leaves, they can be transplanted.

2. Cuttage propagation

(1) Matrix: can use some river sand, can also use pastoral soil, and then disinfect the matrix to prevent carrying bacteria.

(2) cuttings: in spring and autumn, select strong disease-and insect-free branches, select strong branches, reduce the length to about 10 cm, each section should have 3 leaf nodes, and then disinfect.

(3) insert: the cut on the ground should be cut flat, and the underground should be cut obliquely to ensure that the incision is smooth and prevent incision infection. Finally, it is vertically inserted into the matrix. After insertion, the temperature is controlled at about 25 degrees and the humidity is about 80%. Just wait for the cuttings to take root and sprout.

3. Striping propagation

(1) branches: select some stout, disease-and insect-free branches with no wound on the surface, cut a layer of bark from about 20-25 cm below the top tip, and cut off the epidermis of the branch.

(2) Film: put an appropriate amount of moist pastoral soil on the film, wrap the ring to cut the part, and tie the two ends tightly, about a month or so, the wrapped part will gradually take root, and after confirming the rooting, cut off the whole branch.

(3) planting: when cutting off the branches, you should be careful not to hurt the new roots and the original plant, and the cut is a new plant, which can be planted properly.

The above is the introduction of the alias and breeding methods of Rabdosia oleifera. I hope it will be useful to you.