
Which country's national flower is Phoenix tail orchid? Its breeding method is introduced!

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Cymbidium is an evergreen shrub of Aspartaceae with a height of 50-150cm. Its leaves are as hard as swords and spread radially. Each inflorescence has 200 to 400 flowers, white flowers, drooping bell-like flowers, long-lasting florescence and pleasant fragrance. So, which country's national flower is Phoenix tail orchid? Breeding prescription

Cymbidium is an evergreen shrub of Aspartaceae with a height of 50-150cm. Its leaves are as hard as swords and spread radially. Each inflorescence has 200 to 400 flowers, white flowers, drooping bell-like flowers, long-lasting florescence and pleasant fragrance. So, which country's national flower is Phoenix tail orchid? What is the method of breeding?

Which country's national flower is Phoenix tail orchid?

1. Phoenix-tailed orchid, also known as pineapple, thick-leaf magnolia and Phoenix-tailed magnolia, is the national flower of the Republic of Seychelles. The Republic of Seychelles, an archipelago country located in the Indian Ocean in eastern Africa, declared its independence on June 29th, 1976. the capital is Victoria, with a land area of 455.8 square kilometers. Half of the territory is a nature reserve, enjoying the reputation of "tourist paradise".

2. The leaves of Phoenix tail orchid are as hard as a sword and spread radially. If people don't pay attention, their hands will be punctured, and the wound will be swollen, purple and painful. But don't worry, it's just a bacterial infection that causes the wound to become inflamed. Wash the wound with warm water and wipe the iodine.

3. The flower language of Phoenix tail orchid is: hope in full bloom.

Second, how to cultivate Phoenix tail orchids?

1. Propagation: sowing, cutting, ramet.

Cymbidium can be propagated by sowing, cutting and dividing plants, and sowing can only be achieved by artificial pollination. After the seeds are mature, they can be sown in late September or in spring, and the seedlings can emerge in about a month, with a seedling rate of more than 40%. Cuttings are generally carried out in spring or early summer and germinate 20-30 days after cutting; the stems with leaves should be dug and planted directly in spring and autumn every year.

2. Soil: sandy loam with good drainage is better.

Phoenix tail orchid is not strict to the soil, but the sandy loam with good drainage is better, and the barren and stony waste land can also adapt to a wide range of acidity and alkalinity, and can grow except saline-alkali soil.

3. Planting: bare root or lodging soil can be used.

The leaves of Phoenix tail orchid are dense and broad, and the top is sharp, which can be tied up before digging, bare root or with lodging soil; apply sufficient base fertilizer before planting, pour water after planting, release the binding and release the leaves.

Environment: like warm, moist and sunny environment.

Phoenix-tailed orchid likes warm, moist and sunny environment, strong, barren, cold, shade, drought and moisture-resistant; it does not have high requirements for fertilizer, so it can apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer once or twice in spring and autumn, but not in winter and summer; it is not necessary to keep it dry or wet, but it is necessary to water enough in summer, foliar spraying every day, and water control in winter.

5. Maintenance: extremely simple.

The maintenance of Cymbidium is very simple, as long as the dead branches and leaves are trimmed and the pedicels are cut off in time after flowering; its diseases are leaf spot and leaf spot, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of methyl topiramine wettable powder; its pests include scale insects, whitefly and night moth, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of omethoate EC.

The above is the introduction of the breeding method of Cymbidium. As long as it is properly maintained, it can blossom in three or four years, generally from June to October. If it does not blossom, it may be due to the temperature. If the temperature is too low, it will lead to the dormant period. If the dormant period is too long, it will not be able to accumulate enough nutrients. Naturally, it will be difficult to bloom, and the temperature can be raised.