
The planting method of "tears of Moonlight" Sapphire Grape

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sapphire grapes, also known as moonlight tears, full particles, pure flavor, our country has been introduced in recent years, but has not yet formed a large scale, today the editor will share with you the planting method of sapphire grapes. 1. Prepare Lambao for planting

Sapphire grapes, also known as moonlight tears, full particles, pure flavor, our country has been introduced in recent years, but has not yet formed a large scale, today the editor will share with you the planting method of sapphire grapes.

1. Planting preparation

Sapphire has the characteristics of high yield and easy cultivation, it has strong adaptability to soil, and can be planted in general soil, but the soil rich in organic matter is the best, first of all, soil preparation is divided into deep turning of the whole garden and trenching along the road. during soil preparation, sufficient organic fertilizer should be applied as base fertilizer, and organic fertilizer should be mixed well with mature soil.

2. Cultivation methods

The best time for sapphire planting is in spring, and we can use direct seeding and grafted seedlings, but if it is a grafted seedling, we need to erase the rootstock bud and remove the film before planting, and then we can plant it. When planting, we usually plant along the line, and the distance of each plant is about 70 centimeters. After planting, we need to pour water, then continue to fill the soil, and finally cover a layer of rice straw. Then cover with a layer of plastic film.

3. Soil, fertilizer and water management

After planting, in order to promote the growth of sapphire grape seedlings, we need to water every other week or so. Every time we water, we need to apply an appropriate amount of compound fertilizer, and we can spray foliar fertilizer every half a month or so. We can spread a layer of grass in the field all the year round. When the dead grass decays, nitrogen is produced, which is absorbed by the soil and used to promote plant growth.

4. Build a frame to prune

When the sapphire grape seedlings grow to about one meter, we need to start building the scaffolding and pulling the grape seedlings to the scaffolding to let them crawl on the scaffoldings. secondly, the pruning technique of sapphire seedlings is also very important. first, we need to cultivate two main vines, and then promote the growth of lateral vines, which can increase the yield of sapphires, and secondly, we need winter pruning to make it grow into big ears. This is what we often call the little dragon pruning technique.

5. Flower and fruit management

The management of flowering and fruit stage is mainly to promote flower bud, flower and fruit protection, flower and fruit thinning. In order to have many and strong spikes and form full flower buds, we need to fertilize and water before flowering, reasonably regulate foliar fertilizer, promote the growth of prepared branches, and pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Secondly, in order to protect flowers and fruits, we should balance fertilization, cooperate with the use of micro-fertilizer, and carry out artificial auxiliary pollination and temperature control. Reasonable in the flowering period will be too dense and more fragile flowers for dredging, about 20 days after fruit setting, reasonable fruit thinning, and the use of bagging technology to control diseases and insect pests.

The above is the planting method of the sapphire grape arranged by Xiaobian. I hope it will be helpful to you.