
How much is Lianwu per jin now? Explain the five selection methods in detail!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lianwu, also known as Yangpu peach, is a tropical fruit, which is deeply loved by people because of its calming, diuresis, heat-clearing and detoxifying effects, especially in summer, many people will buy some to relieve the summer heat, so how much is it now? How do you choose? one

Lianwu, also known as Yangpu peach, is a tropical fruit, which is deeply loved by people because of its calming, diuresis, heat-clearing and detoxifying effects, especially in summer, many people will buy some to relieve the summer heat, so how much is it now? How do you choose?

1. Introduction of Lianwu:

1. Is the lotus fog delicious?

Lotus fog is delicious, it has a faint fragrance, especially the red one, it is very sweet, although it has no special smell, it is very attractive, especially from the appearance, it is very attractive.

2. Can the core in the middle of the lotus mist be eaten?

The core in the middle of the lotus mist can be eaten, and the taste is similar to the pulp, so you can eat it with the pulp.

2. How much is Lianwu per jin now?

The market price of lotus fog is small and expensive, generally about 15-60 yuan per jin, but due to different varieties, producing areas and markets, there will be some differences in price. For example, the price in Wuxi Xicheng Fruit Wholesale Market is about 1057 yuan per jin, and in Henan Wanbang International Agricultural products Logistics Co., Ltd., the price is about 48 yuan per jin. In Xi'an Beilin District, the price of a jin of black diamond lotus fog is about 20 yuan. If it is bought in Hainan and Taiwan, the price will be cheaper, and the taste is very good. Generally, you can buy a jin for more than 20 yuan. If it is purchased from other places, it may cost about 30,60 yuan per catty, and if it is imported lotus fog, the price may be more expensive, so the specific price still needs to be checked in the local market.

Third, how to choose Lianwu?

Method one, look at the pericarp color: in general, the redder the peel, the sweeter it tastes, especially the red and black ones, it is sweeter and tastes better, but in summer, the color of the mature lotus fog is mostly purplish red, and the lotus fog in winter is mostly purple, so pay attention to the color when buying. In addition, if the texture on the pericarp is obvious, it means it tastes good and can be purchased.

Method 2, look at the size: in general, the bigger the lotus fog is, the higher the maturity is, the more moisture is, and the taste is good, but if it is about the same size, you can weigh it in your hand, and if it is heavier, it means that you have enough water. It tastes crisp and sweet.

Method 3, look at the pedicel: press the pedicel with your hand. If the pedicel is very hard, it can be purchased. If the pressure is very soft, it means it has been put for a long time and should not be purchased. Secondly, you can look at the bottom. If the bottom is wide open, it means it is mature and can be purchased.

Method 4. Taste: if you are allowed to try it, you can taste it. The sweeter the taste, the better. Of course, it is impossible to taste it. After all, a lotus mist costs several yuan, and if you taste a little, you can't taste anything.

Method 5. Look at the pulp: if you don't know how it tastes, you can first buy a cut to see the pulp inside. If the cut pulp is thicker, the peel is more broad and less spongy, then you can buy it.

The above is a detailed introduction of the market price and selection method of Lianwu. I hope it will be helpful to you.