
How do you grow artichokes, a perennial herb? Attached control methods of diseases and insect pests

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Growing vegetables, we will generally choose common varieties of vegetables to grow on a large scale, this one is for convenience, but also more convenient for sales. This kind of plant that the editor is going to introduce to you today is not common, and very few people grow it, but the market demand is very great.

Growing vegetables, we will generally choose common varieties of vegetables to grow on a large scale, this one is for convenience, but also more convenient for sales. This kind of plant that the editor wants to introduce to you today is not common, and there are few people who plant it, but the market demand is very great. Is this plant artichoke familiar to everyone? This is a perennial herb with both medicinal and edible value, so how do you grow artichokes? Let's have a look together!

How do you grow artichokes?

1. Land selection and preparation

Artichokes are different from other plants in that they have higher requirements for their growing environment. Suitable for living in a relatively mild environment, if the environment temperature is too hot or too dry, it will show symptoms of water shortage. When choosing a planting site, we usually choose loam or clay with loose soil and good drainage. Sand and heavy clay are not suitable for growing artichokes.

2. Planting method

According to the farmers who grow artichoke all the year round, we basically adopt the method of seed reproduction, and ramet propagation and rhizome propagation will deviate from the survival rate of artichoke. The best temperature for seed germination of artichoke is 20 degrees, and the best temperature for plant growth is about 15 degrees. In addition, the skin of the seeds is relatively hard and thick, so it is necessary to soak seeds in warm water before planting. Wait until the seeds sprout white, you can sow, sowing time to control the density of sowing, generally, the distance between each plant should be maintained at about one meter. After the above work is completed, cover it with soil, then cover it with a thin film, and wait for time to mature and they slowly emerge.

3. Field management

The management of the field was carried out after the emergence of artichokes was completed. During this period of time, the most critical task is to check the emergence of seedlings, make up each hole in time, and the problem of watering at the seedling stage can not be ignored. In addition, it is necessary to control the temperature in the field. In general, the highest temperature should not exceed 34 degrees, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 4 degrees, otherwise artichokes stop growing, affecting yield and quality. During the management period, we should take into account the problem of topdressing, wait until the whole artichoke seedlings grow to a certain stage, timely topdressing, which can promote bud growth. Of course, we also need to pay attention to the reasonable watering after each topdressing, and timely drainage when there is too much water, so as not to cause unnecessary losses.

4. Pest control

The disease and pest control of artichoke is mainly aimed at root rot, which should have been found in the planting process of other plants, which will occur during the rainy season. The more rainy it is, the more we should pay attention to the control of water level and avoid this kind of diseases and insect pests as far as possible. If it can not be avoided, it is recommended that we use agricultural streptomycin sulfate to control, if the local purchase is not convenient, you can also use dimethoate instead.

The planting technology of artichoke is summarized here today by Now the prospect of planting artichoke is very considerable. The market is like a gap. There is no one to fill it, but there is a demand all the time. Interested friends can consider it.