
What is Artemisia annua? Explain the planting technology in detail!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Artemisia annua, also known as raspberry mother, Artemisia argyi, is a common herb in hillsides, grasslands, beaches and woodlands in October. It is used for medicinal purposes because of its high medicinal value. Of course, it can also be used to make Artemisia wheat rice and make tea. What is Artemisia annua? What are the planting techniques?

Artemisia annua, also known as raspberry mother, Artemisia argyi, is a common herb in hillsides, grasslands, beaches and woodlands in October. It is used for medicinal purposes because of its high medicinal value. Of course, it can also be used to make Artemisia wheat rice and make tea. What is Artemisia annua? What are the planting techniques?

What is Artemisia annua?

1. Artemisia annua is a biennial herb of Platycodon grandiflorum, Compositae, Tubular subfamily, Chunhuang Chrysanthemum and Artemisia. It has 50~150cm height, erect stem, a main root, obvious longitudinal edges under the stem, many branches above, white fleshy hairs, pinnate leaves on the branches, and small false stipules on the base, which usually begin to grow rapidly from March to April, and will bloom in the middle of August. White hemispherical or nearly spherical, with small bracteoles at the base, oblong achenes grow in September and full fruits in October.

2. Artemisia annua L. is a kind of herb with high medicinal value, which has the effects of clearing heat and dampness, stopping bleeding, protecting liver and promoting gallbladder, and can effectively treat jaundice, adverse urination, typhoid, rheumatism and other diseases. In addition, its tender stems and leaves can be used to make Artemisia wheat rice, or to dry and drink tea, which have good application value.

Second, what are the planting techniques of Artemisia annua?

1. Land selection and preparation: which land is suitable for planting?

Artemisia annua L. is suitable to grow in the environment of loose soil, fertile soil and good drainage, so it is a good choice to choose sandy loam as far as possible, such as riverside and grassland. After selecting the land, it is necessary to deeply dig the soil 25cm, and apply about 1750 kilograms of mature farm manure per mu, then flatten it, and dig a ditch for later drainage and irrigation.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings: when is a good time to sow seeds?

(1) seed selection: select some seeds with glossy appearance, no damage and no disease.

(2) sowing time: February to March.

(3) sowing method: Artemisia annua can be propagated by seed or split plant, of which sowing propagation is the most common and easiest, just dig some holes in the field border, then sow the seeds inside, finally cover the soil, and pour a small amount of water.

3. Transplanting: when is a good time to transplant?

(1) transplanting time: when the seedlings grew to about 10~15cm.

(2) transplanting method: dig out the seedlings with roots in the soil, then transplant them to the soil according to the distance between 20cm and 25cm, and then pour a little water.

4. Management technology in the later stage of transplanting: how to manage it?

The main results are as follows: (1) Seedling replenishment: after Artemisia annua seedlings are planted for a week, the growth of seedlings should be checked in time, weak and withered seedlings should be pulled out in time, and dense seedlings should be transplanted into sparse loam soil in time to ensure uniform growth of seedlings.

(2) Intertillage weeding: after successful intercropping, weeding should be done in time to prevent nutrients from being absorbed and to ensure good soil permeability. Do not hurt the roots when loosening the soil. for those with more weeds, they can be pulled out manually.

(3) requirement of water and fertilizer: when loosening the soil, base fertilizer can be properly applied to ensure sufficient nutrients of the plant. When fertilizing, do not apply thick fertilizer, so as not to burn the roots.

(4) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: during the growth of Artemisia annua, diseases and insect pests such as root rot, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, aphids and ground tigers will occur, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance. Special pesticides such as chlorothalonil, Bordeaux solution, trichlorfon and dichlorvos should be sprayed in time to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

The above is a detailed introduction of what Artemisia annua is and its planting technology. I hope it will be helpful to you.