
Key points of planting techniques of Snake Fruit (Red Marshal)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Snake fruit is native to California in the United States, also known as the Red Marshal. China is mainly grown in the high-altitude areas of Tianshui, Gansu Province, with rich nutritional value. Today, the editor will introduce to you the key points of snake fruit planting techniques. Let's get to know it together. 1. When?

Snake fruit is native to California in the United States, also known as the Red Marshal. China is mainly grown in the high-altitude areas of Tianshui, Gansu Province, with rich nutritional value. Today, the editor will introduce to you the key points of snake fruit planting techniques. Let's get to know it together.

1. When to plant

Snake fruit is generally planted around March every spring, generally can bear fruit in the second year of planting in that year, and can be fruitful in the third year, and the planting time had better be before summer, because of the high temperature in summer, it is not easy to plant saplings in winter, and it is also the same in winter. low temperature is not easy to survive, remember to do a good job in anti-freezing measures in the winter after planting, so as to avoid freezing damage to the seedlings, resulting in unnecessary losses.

2. High density planting

In general, the planting of fruit trees should be sparse, keep the row spacing, or the planting method of dense branches and sparse branches, pruning its branches and leaves during planting to increase the permeability between plants, but the snake fruit is different, it can be planted in high density, and it is also conducive to the increase of yield. in order to ensure high yield and high yield, the tree growth is generally promoted in the first two years of planting, so that the individual development is good, and the third year is the transition period to inhibit individual growth and control the population. Make the tree have the transformation from long branch to short branch, from long tree to fruit.

3. Fertilizer and water management

Dig holes before planting, apply farm manure 7-8kg to each hole, water thoroughly after planting, cover soil with plastic film to keep warm and moisturize, continue to apply compound fertilizer in the second year, combined with watering to make it have multiple branches and long branches, as the plant grows slowly, the amount of fertilizer should be gradually increased. Organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer are generally applied in autumn, while nitrogen fertilizer can be combined with watering. In order to avoid fertility loss, the amount of fertilizer should not be too much each time. As long as sufficient fertilizer and water supply is ensured, the tree will grow very fast and have a large number of fruits, which creates good conditions for high yield and high yield.

4. Pest control

The prevention and control of diseases and insect pests is mainly outstanding, and it is early. The main diseases of snake fruit are leaf spot, anthracnose and ring streak, which are mainly harmful to leaves and flowering. Spraying 50% mancozeb about a week after flowering can control these diseases, while the main insect pests are red spiders and aphids, which can be controlled as long as 2-3 months by spraying 2000-3000 times of mite death in flowering. It can be sprayed with basic copper sulfate and insecticides to control diseases and insect pests.

Snake fruit is rich in nutritional value, as well as the effects of reducing blood lipids, lowering blood pressure and preventing cancer. It is a healthy fruit for the middle-aged and elderly, and the economic prospect is good.

If you want to grow high-yield and high-quality snake fruit, you need to know more about planting techniques. I hope this article of the editor can help you!