
How much is the water shield now? Explain the planting method in detail!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Water shield, also known as lake vegetables and green vegetables, is a common aquatic plant in ponds and lakes. Its tender leaves are edible and have the effects of heat-clearing, detoxification and diuresis, so they are planted in many places. How much is the water shield now? What are the planting methods? 1. Ulva

Water shield, also known as lake vegetables and green vegetables, is a common aquatic plant in ponds and lakes. Its tender leaves are edible and have the effects of heat-clearing, detoxification and diuresis, so they are planted in many places. How much is the water shield now? What are the planting methods?

1. Introduction of water shield:

1. Where does water shield grow?

Water shield grows widely and is commonly found in lakes and ponds. at present, it is planted in Jiangsu, Hubei, Hangzhou and Chongqing, and the water shield in Fubao Mountain in Lichuan City, Hubei Province is mainly exported to Japan, South Korea and other places. Water shield produced in Hangzhou West Lake, Lichuan City, Hubei Province and Huangshui Town, Shizhu County, Chongqing are also famous all over the world.

2. Can I eat water shield?

Water shield can be eaten, although the tender leaves themselves have no taste, but when cooked, they are very slippery and tender. At present, they can be used to make water shield soup, water shield fish fillet soup, water shield chicken soup, cold water shield and so on.

How much is the water shield now?

The market price of water shield is not expensive, about 2-3 yuan per jin, but due to the difference in market, origin, sales mode and time, the price will be different. For example, on a treasure, the price of 900g fresh package in Bodoke food franchise store is about 32.9 yuan, in Hangzhou area, the price of 275g fresh water shield in Chunye West Lake is about 6.5 yuan, in Chongqing, the price of Chongqing Shizhu yellow water 400g fresh water shield is 8.8 yuan, if it is purchased during the non-picking period, it may be about ten yuan per jin, so the specific price still needs to go to the local market to check. In addition, if you want to buy it, you can buy it directly online, which is not only convenient and fast, but also inexpensive.

Third, what are the planting methods of water shield?

1. Land selection and preparation: which land is suitable for planting?

Water shield is suitable for growing in sunny, acid-free water quality, so it is a good choice to culture in areas with sufficient light and no pollution, such as paddy fields and ponds. After selecting the land, the soil 30cm should be turned deeply, and the ridge of the field should be heightened and strengthened to ensure that the height of the silt is about 20cm. Finally, about 2500 kg of mature manure or 300kg of mature stable manure should be sprinkled per mu, and finally turned deeply into the soil and placed in shallow water for later planting.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings: when is a good time to sow seeds?

The main results are as follows: (1) sowing method: water shield is divided into two kinds: seed sowing or cutting propagation, but the germination rate of seed sowing is low, so cutting propagation is used in most cases.

(2) the time of raising seedlings is spring or autumn, but it is the best from March to April.

(3) Seedling raising method: before planting, dig some stout white underground stems, water stems or dormant buds during the growing period, and then insert them vertically into the soil according to the distance between rows and 50cm.

(4) Seedling density: generally planting seedlings of 50kg and 100kg per mu.

Water shield can be planted in both spring and autumn, but the best sowing time is in March and April in spring, followed by August and September in autumn.

3. Field management technology: how to manage it?

(1) Water requirement: water shield requires high water content. Generally, it is best to control the water depth around 15cm in spring, and then increase the water level to about 25~35cm after emergence, and then adjust the water level to about 70~8cm in summer, and then control the water level around 30cm in winter, so that water shield can grow well.

(2) Fertilizer requirements: water shield does not have high requirements for fertilizer. In general, when the leaves turn yellow or grow slowly in the field, some phosphate fertilizer can be applied properly. The specific amount and time of fertilizer application are determined according to the growth of water shield.

(3) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: during the growth of water shield, diseases and insect pests such as Fusarium wilt, leaf rot, stem borer and green insects will occur, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance. Bordeaux solution, dimethoate milk or other special agents can be used to control insect pests.

The above is a detailed introduction of the latest prices and planting methods in the water shield market. I hope it will be helpful to you.