
The annual green yield-increasing and efficiency-increasing technical model of wheat and corn has realized "one and a half tons".

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The annual green yield-increasing and efficiency-increasing technical model of wheat and corn realized 657.2 kilograms of wheat and 860.3 kilograms of corn, with an annual income of 1200 yuan. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in conjunction with Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dezhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences and other wheat-corn families

The annual green yield-increasing and efficiency-increasing technical model of wheat and corn realizes "ton and half grain"

657.2 kilograms of wheat and 860.3 kilograms of corn, with an annual increase of 1200 yuan

On September 26, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, together with members of the wheat-corn scientific and technological innovation alliance, such as Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Dezhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, jointly held a wheat-corn annual green yield-increasing technology model research and demonstration on-site observation activities in Wucheng County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province. Observed the corn demonstration site of 100000 mu demonstration area, listened to the introduction of experts on the application effect of technology integration, and discussed the next work plan. Chen Mengshan, secretary of the party group of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wan Jianmin, vice president, Yang Lisheng, deputy inspector of the Department of Science and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ma Shuping, deputy director of the seed Administration, and Liu Xin, deputy secretary of the National Agricultural Technology extension Center, attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Vice President Wang Hanzhong.


Chen Mengshan, on behalf of the host unit, announced the complete success of the first landing project of the National Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Alliance-- "Research and demonstration of the Annual Green Technology Model for increasing production and efficiency of Wheat and Maize". The annual yield of 100000 mu of wheat-corn core demonstration fields is 1517.5 kg, including 657.2 kg of wheat and 860.3 kg of corn, exceeding the target of "one and a half tons of grain." the annual income of wheat-corn has increased by more than 1200 yuan, achieving a green increase in production and efficiency.

Chen Mengshan pointed out that this year's wheat-corn annual green production and efficiency technology model research and demonstration work has achieved new breakthroughs, the overall results are obvious, the results are exciting, showing a very good prospect. First, the intensity of technology integration in the demonstration process is large, which changes the situation of unmatched technology and non-integration of technology, and achieves a good effect of technology transformation, achieving the combination of technology and experts, technology and projects. what is important is that farmers say it works; second, the effect of cost-saving and efficiency is obvious, the realistic demonstration effect is ideal, and the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers is reduced. Third, the demonstration effect in a large area is good, which shows that the technology is mature and stable, the landing is solid, and it can be popularized and copied in a large area.


Chen Mengshan stressed that the realization of the goal of "one and a half tons of grain" to increase green production is the result of taking into account both green ecological and economic benefits, and strengthens the confidence of scientific and technological innovation to support the transformation and upgrading of agriculture. it strengthens the confidence of revitalizing agricultural science and technology by using the mechanism of the national scientific and technological innovation alliance, and effectively explains how scientific and technological work "stands tall" and how to solve the major needs of national industrial development. It is of great significance to enhance the comprehensive grain production capacity, international competitiveness and sustainable development ability of our country.

Chen Mengshan demanded: next year, the research work on the green mode of increasing production and increasing efficiency should further improve the goal, further expand the demonstration model of "half a ton of grain," and achieve the goal of "one control, two reductions and three basic principles" in the mode of development while realizing the output of "one ton and half grain." at the same time, it is necessary to achieve "innovation" in three aspects. First, we will continue to promote technological integration and innovation. We will further improve the green integrated innovation of technology, continue to integrate the new products and technologies of our relevant research institutes and domestic and international brothers, and enhance the advanced and international nature of the technology. focus on strengthening the integrated innovation of "Internet + agriculture" technology, agricultural product processing technology and straw resource utilization technology, research and development of integrated light simplification technology, so that farmers can learn and use it. Second, continue to promote innovation in the work organization. To promote the "Texas model" through organizational innovation, we should pay close attention to the development needs of the country's major industries, do a good job in the top-level design, further clarify the work objectives, and constantly improve and give full play to the role of the hospital-land cooperation office and the innovation alliance. promote the participation of cooperatives and new business entities, and provide reference and experience for the green yield-increasing and efficiency-increasing model of other crops. Third, continue to promote promotion, transformation and innovation. It is necessary to transform to government departments and become policy suggestions for their decision-making, so as to better serve the transformation and development of the country's agriculture; to transform to farmers, to simplify complex technologies, to serve them well, and to make them understand and use them; to transform to scientific research institutions, to bring real production problems to scientific research institutions for scientists to answer, and constantly improve the discipline structure.


It has been learned that the "Research and demonstration of the Annual Green Technology Model for increasing production and efficiency of Wheat and Maize" is a concrete action taken by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences to implement the Ministry of Agriculture's development goal of "one control, two reductions and three basic" and to implement the overall goal of adjusting the structure and transformation of agricultural production in the new period. it is also the first landing project of the National Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Alliance. At the beginning of this year, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Dezhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences signed an agreement on the cooperation group of the wheat-corn scientific and technological innovation alliance in Beijing, which set the goal of tackling the key problem of "one and a half tons of grain per mu" and formulated a feasible implementation plan. to carry out coordinated efforts to tackle key problems. On June 3, the demonstration of the technical model of green yield-increasing and efficiency-increasing technology of wheat was observed on the spot, integrating eight key core technologies, such as high-quality coated seeds of fine varieties, straw returning to the field, no-tillage and wide precision sowing of deep pine, scientific fertilization, universal watering and overwintering water, green prevention and control, whole-process mechanization and whole-process informationization. The technical model of "agricultural machinery agronomy eight matching, scientific fertilization four precision, green prevention and control four combination" was constructed. It has achieved a good green effect of increasing production and increasing efficiency. According to the yield measured by experts, the yield per mu in the core area of 1000 mu reached 728kg, and the average yield per mu in the demonstration area of 100000 mu was 657.2 kg, which was more than 100kg higher than the average yield of 553.4 kg per mu in the whole county. Through the whole process of mechanization, five workers per mu are saved, and the cost is about 400 yuan. Through green prevention and control, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests is effectively controlled, and the frequency and dosage of pesticides are reduced.

The green technology model for increasing production and increasing efficiency of maize integrates eight key technologies, such as high quality coated seeds, scientific sowing, green prevention and control, chemical control and stress resistance, timely and late harvest, storage and loss reduction, whole process mechanization and whole process informationization. The technical model of "agricultural machinery agronomy eight matching, scientific sowing six fusion, green prevention and control four combination" was constructed, and the yield was increased by more than 10%. The expected goals of saving more than 10% of costs, increasing efficiency by more than 10%, and reducing the application of pesticides and chemical fertilizers by more than 10%.