
What's the difference between burdock and yam?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Burdock, also known as Dalizi, evil, and so on, was widely planted in China after it was introduced from Japan, and its roots can also be made into tea, which is similar in appearance to yam. So, what's the difference between burdock and yam? Let's get to know it together. 1. Different families and genera of burdock are

Burdock is also called Dali Zi, Evil Fruit and so on. After being introduced from Japan, it is widely planted in China. Its roots can also be made into tea. Its appearance is similar to yam. So, what's the difference between burdock and yam? Let's find out together!

1. Different families

Burdock is a compositae burdock type plant, it has a long history of cultivation in China, but its popularity in China is not high, it is very popular in Japan, but also in more than a thousand years ago introduced from Japan varieties, there is also a name called Dongyangshen, because of its nutritional value can be compared with ginseng, roots and seeds can be used as medicine, and yam we are very familiar with, it is a kind of yam plants, native to China, cultivation is older than burdock.

2. Appearance difference

Burdock is a biennial herb, it can generally be as high as 1-2 meters, and a bit similar to the roots, straight and long, rarely bifurcated, rough surface, yam rhizome thick, straight growth, generally about 1 meter in length, smooth surface, very brittle, gently broken, thick section, put them together, you will find burdock more slender than yam.

3, edible part of the difference

The edible part of yam is underground rhizome, many people think that burdock is also a low rhizome part, in fact, burdock does not have straight underground rhizome, most of us eat is burdock fat fleshy root, burdock is an edible vegetable, burdock root can also be made into burdock tea, and yam edible part is underground stem, so they are still different.

4. Differences in nutritional efficacy

Burdock and yam are rich in nutrients, both have medicinal value, but there are differences in nutrition and efficacy between them. Burdock contains inulin, protein and a variety of trace elements and vitamins, and is also rich in amino acids. Its carotene is 150 times that of carrots. The nutrients of yam are relatively simple. It contains a lot of starch and protein. The nutrition is not the same level. Burdock has detoxification, swelling, wind and heat dissipation, and can treat colds, dizziness and wind-heat. Throat swelling, cough and other symptoms, but yam only tonify spleen and stomach, salivation benefit lung effect, for spleen and stomach weakness, diarrhea has a certain effect, of course yam also contains a large number of amino acids, with anti-tumor, anti-virus and anti-aging effect.

The above is the difference between burdock and yam sorted out by the earth flow network. Through the above points, burdock and yam can be well distinguished. Do you know all about it?