
What are the planting prospects of asparagus in 2019? Here are three practical planting suggestions for you!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Asparagus is the seedling of asparagus, is a high nutritional value of green vegetables, taste crisp, enjoy the laudatory name of the king of vegetables. So what are the prospects for asparagus cultivation in 2019? The editor gives you three practical planting suggestions! I. planting prospects of asparagus in 2019

Asparagus is the seedling of asparagus, is a high nutritional value of green vegetables, taste crisp, enjoy the laudatory name of "king of vegetables". So what are the prospects for asparagus cultivation in 2019? The editor gives you three practical planting suggestions!

I. planting prospects of asparagus in 2019

1. Asparagus is also called asparagus. Asparagus is one of the ten most valuable vegetables in the world. Its nutritional value is extremely high. Long-term eating asparagus has the function of preventing cancer, fighting cancer and alleviating cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it has a high value in health products and is sought after by many people who are in good health.

2. China is the country with the highest annual export volume of asparagus, and almost most of the asparagus in the world is exported by China every year. In recent years, due to the destruction of the domestic environment and frequent natural disasters, the output of asparagus has dropped sharply. The global asparagus supply is insufficient, and with the economic development of our country, people's living standards have also improved a lot. More and more people have realized the benefits and nutritional value of eating asparagus, which has promoted people's consumption. Asparagus sales in places such as domestic first-and second-tier cities are very good, and the price is very high, and its profit is very considerable. It's a feasible project to get rich.

3. The planting benefit of asparagus is also very considerable, and there are many varieties of asparagus. No matter planting white asparagus or green asparagus, their planting benefits are about the same. Their normal annual output is between 1000 and 1500 kilograms per 667m2. According to the current domestic price of 4-6 yuan per kilogram, the profit is about 5, 000 yuan, which is still relatively high. If it is planted well, it may exceed this number.

Second, planting suggestions

1. In essence, the exclusion is for one's own consumption, because asparagus is mainly exported to other countries, while domestic sales are secondary. High-grade vegetables such as asparagus should be planted in the direction of sales, so that planting is meaningful.

2. for example, white asparagus is mostly used for processing and canning because of its bitter taste, so if you want to grow white asparagus, it is best to find purchasers and corresponding processing enterprises in advance, so as to ensure that the planting is carried out smoothly. otherwise, don't plant directly, or it will be troublesome if you can't find a purchaser at the time of harvest.

3. Green asparagus is the best. It tastes fragrant, tastes good, can be eaten directly, and can be sold to both domestic and foreign markets. At home, it can be divided into urban, urban and rural areas for sale, and planting bases are set up in various places. Slowly expand, slowly there will be buyers to come, and then it will become bigger and bigger. Shandong Province is the largest asparagus base in the world. You can consider developing in this place, and it is best to find buyers in other places in advance.

The above are the planting prospects and planting suggestions of asparagus arranged by Xiaobian. I hope I can help you!