
What are cashew nuts? The four differences between Lianwu and Lotus Wow!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cashew, also known as chicken cashew, is the mature fruit of cashew trees, which is very popular because of its high nutritional value, but because it is a tropical fruit tree with a small planting range, many people do not know how cashews grow. What is that cashew? What do you have with lotus fog?

Cashew, also known as chicken cashew, is the mature fruit of cashew trees, which is very popular because of its high nutritional value, but because it is a tropical fruit tree with a small planting range, many people do not know how cashews grow. What is that cashew? What's the difference between lotus fog and lotus fog?

What is a cashew nut?

The main results are as follows: 1. Cashew nuts are disease-free suborder, suborder Laccaceae, cashew family, evergreen trees or small shrubs of cashew family, evergreen trees or small shrubs, the stem is erect, the plant is 4-10 meters high, the long branchlets are yellow-brown, almost glabrous above, the long leaves are Obovate, the apex is round, the base is broadly cuneate, the flowers are yellow, the inflorescence is broad, there are many branches, arranged into corymbose, the calyx is pilose outside, the petals are linear-lanceolate, with stamens and pistils. There are oval anthers and Obovate ovary, the fruit is kidney-shaped, flat on both sides, there are pear-shaped false fruit at the base, purplish red when ripe, and kidney-shaped seeds grow below, that is, the cashew nuts we eat in life.

2. Cashew is a kind of nut and mature fruit of cashew tree, which is rich in protein, fat, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium and other trace elements, among which the content of protein is twice that of ordinary cereal. the content of iron is 2 times that of beef, which can effectively protect the heart, strengthen the kidney, beauty, prevent aging, prevent arterial cirrhosis and so on, so it is very suitable for the elderly or pregnant women. But because fat is rich and sexual heat, so suffer from enteritis, bronchitis asthma, liver function is bad, obese person had better not eat.

3. Cashew is a kind of tropical fruit, which is cultivated in Taiwan, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Yunnan. Of course, it is also planted in Vietnam, India, Brazil, Tanzania and other places abroad, and the planting area is wide. At present, the cashew nuts eaten on the market are ripe cashews after high temperature treatment, so raw cashew nuts can also be eaten, but if the raw cashew nuts are treated at high temperature, do not eat them, so as not to cause poisoning.

What's the difference between cashew nuts and lotus fog?

Distinction one, different families and genera: cashew is a disease-free order, suborder lacquer tree family, cashew family, cashew evergreen trees or shrubs; lotus flower is a myrtle, myrtle family, peach tree plant.

Difference 2, appearance is different: cashew is the mature fruit of cashew tree, is the kernel growing on the top of false fruit, the shell is generally bluish gray, shaped like a kidney; lotus fog is like a red bell hanging on a tree, generally placed on the ground like lotus terrace, the fruit is red or pink when ripe.

Third, the nutritional value is different: cashew nuts are rich in protein, fat, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium and other trace elements, of which the protein content is twice that of ordinary grains and the iron content is 2 times that of beef. Lotus fog is rich in plant protein, vitamins, carotene, mineral elements and so on.

Fourth, the efficacy is different: cashew nuts have the effects of strengthening the kidney, beauty, anti-aging, preventing arterial cirrhosis, etc., and are very suitable for people suffering from heart disease, arterial cirrhosis and body deficiency; Lotus mist has the effects of clearing away heat and fire, moistening the lung and relieving cough, diuresis and moistening the intestines, which is very suitable for patients with indigestion, stomachache, stomachache, lung heat cough or diabetes.

The above is a detailed introduction of what cashew is and the difference between cashew and lotus fog. I hope it will be helpful to you.