
What is arugula? Explain the planting method in detail!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Arugula, also known as stinky vegetable, is a common wild vegetable in Heilongjiang, Liaoning and other places. It is deeply loved by northeastern people because of its high nutritional value and unique taste of buds. Now it can be regarded as a characteristic delicious vegetable. What is arugula? What are the planting methods?

Arugula, also known as smelly vegetable, is a common wild vegetable in Heilongjiang, Liaoning and other places. It is deeply loved by Northeast people because of its high nutritional value and unique taste of buds. Now it can be regarded as a characteristic delicious vegetable. What kind of vegetable is arugula? What are the planting methods?

1. What dish is arugula?

1. Arugula is an annual herb belonging to Papaverales, White Cauliflower, Cruciferae, Brassica, and Arugula. Its stem is upright, its plant height is about 20~90cm, its long leaves are pinnate or undivided, its top is round or short oval, with fine teeth, its lateral edges are triangular or oval, its flowers are yellow obovate, with four petals, spreading around, with purple stripes, its fruit is cylindrical, its fruit petals are glabrous, and its top has a fruit stalk of 2~3mm. Fruit petals have ovoid or subglobose brown seeds, angular, generally flowering in May to June, July to August fruit.

2, arugula is a green leafy plant, tender leaves and seedlings can be eaten, and eat when there is a strong sesame flavor, very tender and smooth. The seeds are high in oil content, so they can be used for oil extraction and so on. In addition, sesame is resistant to preservation. Generally, the root can be preserved for one or two days by putting it in water or wrapping it with wet tissue, but it is best to eat it as soon as possible so as not to affect the taste.

3. Arugula is a kind of highly nutritious vegetable, rich in glutamic acid, alanine, glycine, leucine and other amino acids, as well as calcium, sodium, potassium and other elements needed by the human body. It has the effects of strengthening stomach, diminishing inflammation and diuresis, and can effectively treat kidney deficiency, constipation, chronic cough and other diseases.

II. What are the cultivation methods of arugula?

1. Land selection and preparation: what land is suitable for planting?

Arugula suitable for loose soil, fertile, drainage of good growth environment, so when selecting land, try to choose fertile soil sandy loam planting. After selecting the land, the soil should be deeply ploughed, and appropriate amount of farm manure should be applied. A ditch should be dug according to the distance of 20cm and 15cm between plants for later planting.

2. Sowing seedlings: When is it good to sow?

(1)Sowing time: around April.

(2)Sowing method: arugula can be sown by direct seeding, drilling and sowing. When sowing, sow evenly to the soil, then cover the soil gently and pour a small amount of water. After four or five days, the seeds will germinate.

3. Transplanting: When is it good to transplant?

(1)Transplanting time: When arugula grows two or three true leaves.

(2)Transplanting method: dig out the seedlings with roots, then dig a hole with a width of 8cm and a depth of 10cm according to the distance of 25cm between plants and 20cm between rows, and then plant the seedlings into the hole.

Field management techniques: how to manage?

(1)Thinning seedlings: after successful seedling transplantation, weak seedlings and dead seedlings should be removed in time, and then dense seedlings should be transplanted to the place where there are no seedlings to ensure that seedlings are neat.

(2)Intertillage weeding: seedlings grow Qi, to regularly remove weeds in the field, and shallow soil, in order to promote seedling growth.

(3)Water requirements: arugula growth period, to ensure adequate water, plum season, to do a good job of drainage measures to prevent waterlogging.

(4)Fertilizer requirements: arugula growth period, every other week to apply the right amount of nitrogen fertilizer, compound fertilizer, to be harvested a week before, stop fertilization can be.

(5)Pest control: During the growth period of arugula, there will be leaf spot disease, sclerotium disease, diamondback moth and other pests, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance. Special chemicals can be used for prevention and control of diseases and insect pests that have occurred.

The above is a detailed introduction to what arugula is and how to grow it. I hope it will help everyone.